August 7, 2016
St. Stephen Parish
27519 Monroe Rd. 533
Monroe City, MO 63456
Holy Rosary Rectory
Very Rev. Michael W. Penn, V.F.
Deacon Mike Long
Current and past bulletins
may be viewed at
St. Stephen's website:
Scripture Readings for August 14, 2016
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10: The princes were eager to kill Jeremiah because he constantly challenged them to follow God’s law. The king allowed them to throw Jeremiah into a cistern. A friend interceded with the king and rescued Jeremiah.
Psalm 40:2, 3, 4, 18: "Lord, come to my aid!"
Hebrews 12: 1- 4: Let us repent of our sin and fix our eyes on the Lord. Jesus gave us an example of endurance and courage in the midst of struggle. In that way He inspires and perfects our faith.
Luke 12:49-53: Jesus announced to His disciples that He came to bring a hard message indeed, and some have not listed to it. That is why friends and families divide.
The English translation of the Psalm Response from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. 2) Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the diocese of the United States of America, copyright 1998, 1970, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc. Washington, and DC. Used with permission. All rights reserved. No part of the Lectionary for Mass may be reproduced by any means without permission in writing from the copyright owner
Prayer for Priests program: We are asked to include these priests in our daily prayer intentions:
Date Priest Assignment
08/07 Rev. Msgr. Gregory Higley Hermann, Rhineland
08/08 Rev. Paul Hartley Vandalia, Laddonia
08/09 Rev. David Means Chamois, Morrison
08/10 Rev. Michael Coleman Columbia, Lady of Lourdes, Fr. Tolton H.S.
08/11 Rev. Alexius Ekka Palmyra
08/12 Rev. Robert Fields Brunswick, Indian Grove, Hurricane Branch
08/13 Rev. Patrick Dowling Columbia, Prison Min., Hispanic Masses
July 31st Offertory ~ $2,163.00
· There will be NO 8:00 AM Mass on Sunday, August 21st because of the dedication of the new Holy Rosary School building. Mass WILL be celebrated at St. Stephen on Saturday evening, August 20th at 5:30 PM
· The next regular Pastoral Council meeting will be Thursday, September 29th at 7:00 PM in the gym.
· The next KC meeting will be Thursday, September 1st at 7:00 PM.
· Thanks to the great crew of workers who came to move items from the old school to the new school last Saturday. They also unloaded two trucks of needed furniture. They did a wonderful job!!
· First Day of School will be Thursday, August 18th, beginning at 8:05. All students and teachers are asked to gather in the circle drive of the new facility. Fr. Penn will offer an opening prayer and everyone will enter the building and begin this school year.
· School Registration will be held on Thursday, August 11th, from 4:00 until 7:00 at the NEW Holy Rosary School. Openings are available in all grade levels. All students of the area are invited to attend Holy Rosary School. Anyone needing information may call Sr. Sue Walker – 735-2422, 735-2685, 573-822-9056.
· Dedication of the NEW school will be held on Sunday, August 21st. A meal will be served in the Knights of Columbus Hall after the 9:30 Mass. Donations will be accepted for the meal. Please remember to return the card with your reservation.
Day Time Intention
Mon. Scripture Service 7:30 AM Leader-John Kendrick
Tues. Mass @ The Manor 9:30 AM Fr. Pat Pierceall
Wed. 7:30 AM Liv.+Dec'd JD & Lucille
Thomas Family
Thurs. 7:30 AM Purgatorial Society
Fri. 7:30 AM Richard Adam
Sat. Holy Rosary 5:30 PM Lynn Carmean
Sun. St. Stephen 8:00 AM Families of St. Stephen and
Holy Rosary
Holy Rosary 9:30 AM Liv.+Dec'd Ernest & Lucy
Mudd Family
Ordinary Reconciliation Schedule:
Saturday 4:30 – 5:00 PM at Holy Rosary
Sunday 7:30–7:55 AM at St. Stephen
(Or by appointment. Call Holy Rosary Rectory at 735-4718)
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Always be prepared for the return of the Lord. This message is not reserved solely for the Advent Season, but should always be before us every day of our lives as we are stewards of God’s many graces and benefits. Our lives are to be lived in the manner God created us for. Our very existence, which comes from God, must be found pleasing to Him, at all times. As we have been entrusted with much, much is expected of us. When Christ comes again, will the Lord find us prepared and ready or lazy and ill-suited for the Kingdom?
Monday, August 15th, is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. This year there is no obligation to attend Mass on this day. However, I will celebrate Mass in Holy Rosary Church at 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 18th, the faculty, staff and students will begin their new academic year in the new Holy Rosary School building, a facility that has come about through the generosity of so many of you. A Prayer Service of Blessing for the teachers, students and the academic year will take place in front of the school at 8:15 a.m. on this day. Everyone is welcome to attend this service.
I also remind you of the Blessing and Dedication of the school building that will take place on Sunday, August 21st. Bishop John R. Gaydos will celebrate the 9:30 a.m. Mass at Holy Rosary Church and after the Mass, he will bless and dedicate the new building. Following the blessing and dedication a meal will be served in the Knights of Columbus Hall and an open house of the new school will follow throughout the day until 4:00 p.m. I welcome and encourage everyone to join in the celebration of this most historic day for the parishes of Holy Rosary and St. Stephen. Through your prayers and generous support, this building has been constructed and a new chapter of our parishes’ ministry to our children begins.
Be attentive to the special schedule of Masses that will be held for that weekend only: Saturday, August 20th: Mass at 5:30 p.m. at St. Stephen Church; Sunday, August 21st: Mass at 9:30 a.m. at Holy Rosary Church.
We welcome this morning Bryce Hamilton Purol, son of Michael and Carrie Purol who will be baptized immediately after Mass. His godparents are Dane and Katie Foster. May his life in Christ be filled with Our Lord's blessings.
Troy Ritter, Jim Hunt, Jeremy Smith, Alfred Timbrook,
J.D. Underhill, Rosemary Evans, Sue Gilbert, Trevor Lagle, Jerry Botkins, Fr. Donald Antweiler, Deanna Buckman,
Dave Painter, Natalee Amos, Kyndal Underwood,
Kimberly Spalding, Nick Hays, Anna Pennewell, Ed Vidonic
For all who are ill, especially those who are awaiting surgery or seriously ill, and for their care-takers,
we pray to the Lord.
If a family member is ill, injured or disabled please call and let us know so that we may put them on our sick list for prayers. We don’t know unless you call, and we cannot put a name on the sick list without your permission. Names will remain in the bulletin for two weeks, unless otherwise notified. The power of prayer is very strong and healing.
Sick, homebound or nursing home? If you hear of or know of someone who falls into these categories please have an immediate family member contact us at Holy Rosary's rectory office, 735-4718, so we can minister to their spiritual needs
· Help needed with CCD classes: Please contact Dc. Mike Long if you could help with the Pre-K children during 9:30 AM Mass at Holy Rosary. Also, help is needed with religious education classes at the grade and high school level. Please call Dc. Mike at Holy Rosary's rectory weekdays from 8:00 AM – noon at 573.735.4718. All help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!
· CCD registration: We will be having CCD Registration on the weekends of August 6-7 and August 13-14 before and after St. Stephen and Holy Rosary weekend Masses.
Do you know someone who might be interested in joining the Catholic Church? RCIA classes will be starting in September. We will have an informational meeting on September 6th in the new Holy Rosary School. Please encourage anyone who might be interested to attend this meeting or give Deacon Mike a call at 573-735-4718 for more information.
The next meeting of the D of I will be Thursday, August 11th. The Social committee is: Chair- Kathy Dean, Marie Little, Ellie Couch, Marie Purol, JoAnn Franklin, and Regina Miskell. Please plan on attending this important meeting as we prepare to host the state wide workshop September 23-25th. We hope all our members will be in attendance that weekend.
Prayer and the Interior Life
The Catholic Man Night will be held on Thursday, August 18th at St. Stephen Church at Indian Creek. Adoration and benediction will begin at 6:45 PM and the presentation will begin at 7:00 PM. Snacks and beverages will be provided afterwards. Also, the opportunity for confession will be available after the presentation is over. All adult Catholic men are invited.
Father William Korte will follow up on his last talk by delving deeper into the topic of prayer. He will discuss the development of an interior life and the dangers of sin and tepidness. Fr. Korte has worked in the ministry of exorcism; he gives Catholic advice on-air during a weekly radio program, and is well known for his work as a spiritual director.
Adoration Chapel Hours available: Sunday 4-5 PM; Tuesday 3-4 AM, 6-7 AM Wednesday 7-8 PM; Thursday 4-5 AM, Friday 9-10 AM (until Student Masses resume), 5-6 PM; Saturday noon-1 PM; 3-4 PM
Studies show that one in four females, and one in six males, will be a victim of sexual abuse by the time they reach the age of 18. You can help prevent this from happening. The Diocese of Jefferson City will hold a VIRTUS® Protecting God’s Children class on Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 6:30 pm at Holy Rosary Church, Monroe City. The class will be held in the Knights of Columbus hall, which is behind the church. Participants are encouraged to register in advance at Please arrive early so that the class may begin on time. Due to the nature of the subject, children are discouraged from attending. This program is one component of the overall effort to protect God’s children and vulnerable adults. All employees and volunteers with ongoing and unsupervised contact with children and youth are required to attend a Protecting God’s Children session. All parents, grandparents and other adults in the parish community are encouraged to attend. To view valuable resources regarding the protection of children and vulnerable adults, please go to or the USCCB’s website at
*Liturgy Appointments
August 7 – Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rosary Kaye Spalding
Greeter Mark & Rose McNally
Music Peggy Spalding & Debby Quinn
Song Leader Julienne Burns
Servers Blake Hays & Kyle Hays
Lector Bill Smith
Offertory Matt & Jennifer Hays
Communion Ministers Beth Whelan, Lee & Kathy Anderson,
Henri Hays, Sally Lemongelli
Counters Jeff Gares, Shane Spalding
August 14 – Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rosary Katie Underhill
Greeter Tyson & Laura Mulvaney
Music Beth Whelan & Julienne Burns
Song Leader Lee Anderson
Servers Bailey Hays & Maddie Gares
Lector Amanda Spalding
Offertory Nick & Henri Hays
Communion Ministers Rose McNally, Laura Mulvaney, Marie Purol,
Debby Quinn, Peggy Spalding
Counters Jeff Gares, Kathy Spurgeon
August 20 – Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time – SATURDAY @ 5:30 PM
Rosary Madeline Williams
Greeter Veronica O'Connor
Music Debby Quinn
Song Leader Kathy Anderson
Servers Tyler Hays & Ben Lemongelli
Lector Kaye Spalding
Offertory Pat & Margie Hays
Communion Ministers Mary Sims, Dennis & Kaye Spalding,
P.A. & Kay Turnbull
Counters Jeff Gares, Mary Lou Dawson
Ushers for August
Bill Smith, Sam Smith, Dennis Spalding, Matt Spalding
* All Liturgy appointees for the Mass, please check with the Sacristan 15 minutes before Mass so all Eucharistic ministries are covered.
Pastoral Council Members: Chair., David Hays; V. Chair., Jeff Gares; Sec'y, Darin Underhill; Glenn Bichsel, Dane Foster and Amanda Spalding.
Finance Committee: Tom Hagan, Debbie Kendrick, Monica Otto-Lloyd
K of C’s: Grand Knight, Matt Hays; Deputy Grand Knight, Eric Keller; Recording Secretary, Tyson Mulvaney; Financial Secretary, Shane Spalding
Altar Society Officers: Pres., Amanda Spalding; V. Pres., Katie Underhill, Treas., Kaye Spalding
Picnic Committee: Coordinators, Matt & Jenn Hays; Treas., Shane Spalding
Cemetery Committee: Pres., Joe Purol; V. Pres., Bill Smith, Treas., Marie Purol, Nick Hays,
Dwayne Williams, Matt Hays
Cemetery Clean-Up Dates: Second Saturday of March, beginning at 9:00 AM