Jesus replied,“Don’t let anyone mislead you,for many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah.’ They will deceive many.And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately. Mark 13:5-7 (NLT)
A Message From Pastor Milton
“Are you a Christian?” is a question that will be a test for Jesus’ followers. In the gospel reading from Mark 13:1-13, Jesus has left the temple for the last time. Jesus is speaking about future events. These future events include the destruction of the temple (which happened in 70 AD). Jesus warns his disciples that they will face difficult times in the future as they proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to all nations.
He warns them that as they stand before the councils, before governors and kings, if they answer the above question with: “I am a Christian!” …they will be hated by all because of my name (Mark 13:13). We know from the book of Acts that Jesus followers did stand before the religious council, they did stand before rulers, they were imprisoned and beaten because they all said “yes” to the question: “Are you a Christian?”
Have you ever been asked that question or a similar question? How did you respond? If you said “yes” by the power of the Holy Spirit, how was your answer received?
We are all called to be living, breathing witnesses to Jesus Christ here on this earth. The world today needs to see God’s people standing up for their faith in Christ. God will provide us with plenty of opportunities to share our faith with others. Like the early Christians, the Holy Spirit will help us to way the right words. May God help each one of us to boldly say “Yes” to the question, “Are you a Christian.
Pr Milton
Worship This Week
Bethany / 9am / Service with Holy CommunionChildren’s Ministry
Grace / 10am / Service with Holy Communion
St Johns / 8am / Service with Holy Communion – LHS page 6
Readings 1 Samuel 1: 4-20, Psalm- 1 Sam 2: 1-10 Heb 10:11-14(15-18) 19-25, Mark 13: 1-8
Hymns 140 LH, TIS – Be Thou my Vision, 331 LH,
386 LH
9.30am / Contemporary Service without Holy Communion
Sunday School
St Marks / 8.30am / Service with Holy Communion
9.30am / Sunday School
Upcoming Dates for Your Calendar
This Week
Mon 16/11 / 6.45pm / Bethany School Council Meeting7.00pm / Faith Chest Ministry
Tue 17/11 / 9.30am / Parish Office Staff Meeting
7.00pm / Bethany Worship Team Meeting
Wed 18/11 / 2.30pm / Ipswich Lutheran Bargain Centre AGM (St John’s meeting room)
6.40pm / St John’s Teams Meeting Night
6.45pm / Bethany Ministry Team & Church Council Meeting
Thu 19/11 / 9.00pm / St John’s Friendship Club
Coming Up
Mon 23/11 / 7.00pm / Faith Chest MinistryTue 24/11 / 9.30am / Parish Office Staff Meeting
Wed 25/11 / 9.30am / Midweek Holy Communion Service (Bethany)
Happenings in our Parish
Thank You
Thank you to Stephen Wood for leading worship at St John’s 9.30am service this morning.
Bargain Shop AGM – 18th November
Ipswich Lutheran Bargain CentreAGM to be held in St . John’s Meeting Room on Wednesday 18th November from 2.30 pm till 4 pm.
St John’s Christmas Tree - Help Needed to Decorate
Advent is approaching fast! The St John's Christmas tree will go up on Saturday 28th November. The tree itself will be put together at 8:30am but we will need people to help decorate the tree and the church around 9:00am. Please let Jillene know if you can help out.
Bethany Elections – 29th November 2015
Election of Office bearers and committee members for Bethany will be held after service on 29th November.We are looking at new members on every committee.
Perhaps you feel that you have something to contribute to the work of your congregation.Please feel free to put your name forward to current committee members prior to the meeting.
Young Adults (18-30): Trip to Dreamworld! - 5th December
It's been a long year of studying and working hard, so it must be time to treat yourself with a fun day out! On December 5th, the young adults of the parish are heading to Dreamworld to kick-back, relax and have fun! All are welcome to join! For those interested in carpooling, we will be meeting at Bethany Lutheran Church at 9am. Otherwise we'll meet you at the bottom of Dreamworld's main entrance stairs at 10.30am. For more info, contact Hannah Douglas: 0432 969 397 or
Bethany Cards and Games – 6th December
The cards and games afternoon on December 6th will be the final one for the year. Janese and Merv will be relinquishing their roles as organisers after that date. For cards and games to continue we will be needing some people to take over the role of organising this event once a month. As cards and games are now conducted in Bethany School property, anyone willing to take on the responsibility would need to arrange a security clearance at the school. Cards and games takes a break over the Christmas holiday period and recommences on the first Sunday in February, so all arrangements would need to be finalised before that date. Please contact Janese or Merv if you are interested in volunteering and would like some more information.
Card and Gift Cupboard – St John’s
Lots of Christmas cards and gifts for children, teenagers and adults available. Birthday, Get Well, Sympathy, Wedding, Anniversary, Thank you, Generalcards andboxed setsof 12 birthday cards etc to get prepared for the new year available for purchase anytime. Write sale in book and put money in pencil case. Phone Margaret if you'd like to have a look at display outside of office/church hours 0417 564 990
Time Out…come Lord Jesus
Orders are now being taken for the 2016 Devotion Book Time Out…come Lord Jesus. Each meditation is a ‘time-out’ of about 3 plus minutes and consists of a Bible reading, some thoughts on that passage, and a short prayer. This book provides Christian devotions based on the lectionary Bible reading for the day. The devotions can be used for individuals, families and groups. Order your copy now at the parish office – 3202 4035 or simply make your request on a careslip todayJ Cost $22 including postage
Pastoral Care
Care Needs across our Parish
We have a lady at Cascade Gardens, Raceview who would like a lift into
St. John’s 8am service. She requires someone who can fit her walker into their car and offer her some assistance getting in and out.
We also have a need for a temporary visitor to replace a person who has been visiting but whose work is placing him overseas at the beginning of December. If you have been thinking about visiting and are not sure about whether this is in your talent and gifting area; this would be a good chance to give visiting a try.
Please contact Vicki Park at the Parish Office 3202 4035 if you are able to help serve God in either of these areas.
Upcoming Events
Men’ Shed – Thursday, 26th November
Guest Speaker Pr Ben Hentschke (see flyer for details)
Children & Youth Minitries
Parish Children & Youth Ministries
Friday 20th November
Ignition – Bethany Worship Centre 6.00pm
RAGE (High School) – St John’s Hall 6.30pm
H2H (Confirmation) - St John’s House 6.30pm
Lutheran Youth of Qld
Summer Holiday Camps are here again.
Choose from …
· Explode or Junior Explode │ 6-12 December 2015
· Blast or Junior Blast │ 13-18 December 2015
· Explode and Blast 2 Week Package │ 6-18 December 2015
· Kids Camp │ 11-15 January 2016
A week of growth, activities, meeting new friends, spending time at the beach and learning more about God.
Register early at
The Gathering 16 Live a bold life, wherever you are
5th – 7th February
The Gathering 2016 is a weekend conference for young adults (18 – 30 years) o come together to experience community and forge new ground in their faith together. To register
Prayer Corner
Church Prayer Time
A time of prayer is held at Bethany every Sunday at 8.30am. Any and all are welcome to join in with these prayer times.
Prayer Points
· for the church and its witnesses as God’s people and his sanctuary on earth
· for the unity of the church in confession and worship for the glory of God
· for the church and its steadfastness in the faith, that it will recognise false teachers before they lead people astray
· for those nations that war against each other, that they would find peace through understanding rather than fighting
· for the nations and their people who have been victims of natural disasters
· for those who have lost family and homes and are without the essentials of life, like food and clean water. Protect them from outbreak of diseases and heal them and eliminate disease from around them
Care Slip & General Parish Prayer Requests
· For those who are mourning the loss of loved ones
· For those who are sick or recovering from operations in hospital
· For the elderly who are finding ageing a struggle
· For those who are suffering mental illness and feeling isolated
· For all students doing end of year exams
· For rain in the areas that need it the most
· For those seeking employment
General Prayers
· Please continue praying for
o the pastors, office staff and leaders of the Parish and congregations.
o the upcoming meetings of the parish and congregations (refer to the ‘Coming Up’ section at the back of this bulletin).
o the church services beforehand and as they take place
o specific events as they arise i.e. funerals, weddings, baptisms, synod, studies undertaken across the parish
Available from your local Church foyer
· Current Bethany School Newsletter
· Current LCAQD Newsletter
· The Gathering Info Card
Next Week
Rosters / Bethany9am / Grace
10am / St Johns
8am / St Johns
Date / Sun 22-Nov-15 / Sun 22-Nov-15 / Sun 22-Nov-15 / Sun 22-Nov-15
Title / Last Sunday of Church Year Proper 29 / Last Sunday of Church Year Proper 29 / Last Sunday of Church Year Proper 29 / Last Sunday of Church Year Proper 29
Bible Readings / 2 Samuel 23: 1-7 Psalm 132: 1-12 (13-18) Rev 1: 4b-8 John 5: 21-29
Altar Colour / Green / Green / Green / Green
Service Time & Details / Theme: Hearing and Believing! / Theme: Hearing and Believing! / Theme: Hearing and Believing! / Theme: Hearing and Believing!
Service Order / LHS page 23 / Contemporary HC
Baptism Liam John O'Keefe
Bible Readings Reader / Caitlin / E.Young / M Oldfield / A Fritsch
Support Lay Leader / Alissa???
Ushers / Cameron/Nathan D. / E.Freiberg / G & E Banks / M Behrendorff
R Kreis
Welcomers / Eunice S / Glenys P
HC Assist. / Erica / M Zeidler
Prayer Leader / Glenys M
Prayers / Gary / Val / Caitlin / Eunice S / J Kreis
Organist / Musicians / Michael Band / D Cobbin / JJKJ
Children’s Ministry /
Children's Activity / ALYCE / Amanda / Eunice D / Amanda / J Bailey /
Gaylea Maria Sam
PP Operator / Matthew H / G Van den Boog / H Fritsch
Sound Desk / David / S Grieger
Video Operator / M Stanke
Bethany Children’s Talk/ Song/ St John’s offering counter / LEAH / Amy / T Dean
PP Designer / Kurt / B Weier / B Weier
Morning Tea / Modra / Green / J.Weiss / D Riggs, N Schultz / S Stanke
G Fritsch
Cleaning / Denis / Glenys / Smith/Canfell / Kreis, Schultz, Stewart / Kreis, Schultz, Stewart
Flowers / Rosemary / N Schultz / N Schultz
Mowing / Des / Graame / D Riggs / D Riggs
St John’s Monthly Roster / Altar linen: G Steinhardt / Brass clean: Borchert, Tabke, Zahnow /
Care slips/pencils: C Muggeridge / Activity bags: E Meier / Cards: L Stiller /
Funeral clean: S Piotrowski / Ushers: C Hoffmann, (emerg - M Oldfield) /
Organist:D Gowell / Caterers: G Borchert, L Riggs, M Smith, G Steinhardt /
Wedding usher: C Hoffmann
Any changes or corrections with the rosters please contact the congregation’s roster coordinator – Bethany – Doreen Gowell/Gayle Green, Grace – Errol Freiberg, St John’s - 8am Claire Barnett, 9.30am Wayne Kreis
Want to know more about Jesus? Head to ‘Next Steps’ on our website: Or alternatively, speak to one of our pastors. We would love to hear from you and help you if you want to continue in your faith walk, learning more about our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Guests – we trust that you have drawn closer to God in worship today. Our church is blessed by your presence today. Please stay and enjoy a ‘cuppa’ with us after worship and make yourself known to us. We’d love to answer any queries you may have.
Help Us To Care - if you know of someone who has fallen ill or who is suffering in any way, please let the Pastoral Care Coordinator or one of the Pastors know by contacting the parish office so that appropriate care and follow up can occur.