Fr. Leon Hont, O.S.B. Pastor Office Hours 9 AM – 3:30 PM M-F Rectory Address: P.O. Box 248
Rectory Phone: 495-5241 - Fax 495-9522 538 Main St., Summerhill, PA 15958
Mon.August 7thWeekday
Tues. August 8th St. Dominic
SJ 7:45 AM Dorothy Shrift
Wed. August 9th St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
SJ 7:45 AM Geno Biesinger
Thurs. August 10th St. Lawrence
IC 7:45 AMReta & Tim Wess
Friday, August 11th St. Clare
IC 7:45 AMMike Wess
Saturday, August 12th Blessed Virgin Mary
IC 1:30 PM Nupt. Nick Cronauer & Marissa Barnouski
IC 4:00 PM L/D Louis & Mary Weinzierl Family
SJ 5:00 PM Erma Iannaello
Sunday, August 13th – 19th Sunday of the Year
SJ 8:00 AM Betty Lucci
SJ 10:00 AM Preston Sliko
IC 7:00 AM For the Parish
IC 9:00 AM Russ Beyer
For the weekend ofAugust 12th & 13th:
SJ– 5 PMKayla Units
8 AM TJ and Nathaniel Beyer
10 AM Anna W., Anna B., & Anna K.
IC - 4 PMMary Beth, Jessica & JoAnna Woods
7 AM Bob & Monica Krug
9 AM Aaron & Jude Gdula
SJ & IC: 1/2 hour before Saturday evening Masses;
1/2 hour before all weekend masses, duringthe first weekend of each month; oranytime byappointment.
GIFT BEARERS - SJ & IC next week.
SJ Sat 5 PM Salamon Family
SJ Sun 8 AM Volunteer Needed
SJ Sun 10 AMVolunteer Needed
IC Sat 4 PM Michael Wirfel Family
IC Sun 7 AM Jack Heinlein Family
IC Sun 9 AM Chris & Rhonda Smith Family
IC FINANCE COUNCIL will have a meeting on Thursday, August 17th at 7 PM in Marian Hall.
SJ & IC: Again, I thank all parishioners who gave so generously to the 2017 Catholic Ministries Drive. Since both parishes met and surpassed our targets, all rebated money will be used for our teens and children in our CCD programs.
IC: When asked our needs for the CCD program, some CCD teacher-volunteers requested white boards to be used as “chalk boards” for writing and displaying CCD lessons. Each cost $159.00, and we need 9 white boards. If any individual or groups of individuals would like to purchase a white board as a memorial, please call Kim Gates or Fr Leon. SJ: Your will notice that at least five of our Stations of the Cross have been removed from the walls of the church. Each was removed as a precaution, since they showed signs as having the potential of falling off the wall. When they are reviewed and it would be safe for them to be restored, they will be returned to their proper position.
SJ & IC: If any parishioner in both of our parishes see anything that needs attention – restoration, repairs, removal, and/or upgrades, please call Pam at the office, 495-5241, or write us a note via the weekly offertory basket. Preventive maintenance is wiser, and may be less expensive, than crisis management. Thank you for your cooperation.
COMMUNITY MOVIE NIGHT – SATURDAY, AUGUST 19TH AT 8 PMat the New Germany Ballfield (weather permitting). In case of inclement weather, we will use the Beer Hall. Please bring your blankets and lawn chairs and enjoy the movie. Free admission. The youth group will be selling refreshments.
PRO-LIFE: Anyone interested in Pro-Life issues is invited to the Pro-Life Picnic being held at the home of Mark and Andrea Sossong, 1275 Swigle Mountain Rd., Mineral Point, on Tuesday, August 8th at 6 PM. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and drinks will be provided. Feel free to bring a covered dish. Any questions call 659-3637.
IC CCD PROGRAMNEEDS TEACHERS FOR GRADES 5 & 6; and we also need additional substitutes. SJ CCD Program also needs substitutes. Call Kim at the rectory 495-5241 if you can help. Volunteers will need backgrounds checks before they can teach, so please don’t wait until the last minute to step up and help.
SJ FINANCE COUNCIL will have a meeting on Tuesday, August 8th, at 7 PM, in St John Social Hall of the church.
ANNUAL ANNIVERSARY DAY LITURGY: All couples celebrating their 1st, 5, 10, 25th, 40th, 50th, 55th and 60+ Wedding Anniversary in 2017 (and their families) are welcome to attend the Annual Anniversary Day Liturgy with Bishop Mark. You may attend either Sunday, Sept. 17th at St. John Gualbert Cathedral in Johnstown or Sunday, Sept. 10th at theCathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Altoona. Both liturgies begin at 2 PM. Reservations must be made through our parish office by Friday, August 18th. Call Pam at the rectory 495-5241.
SJ & IC WEDDING ANNIVERSARY COUPLES: Celebrating in August: Pat & Barb Dumm, Lance & Jen Kline, Dick & Mary Long, Ron & Gail Schrift, Herman & Mary Ann Weinzierl, Charlie & Kathy Long, Scott &Alysia Wirfel, Denny & Mary Sue Long, Bob & Fran Bopp, Allan & Melissa Long, Steve & Vicki Wirfel, Cody & Tiffany McCoy,
Bill & Carol Mackel, James & Michelle Moss, Kevin & Sue Knarr, Bryan & Melissa Shaffer, Scott & Kim Morris, Dave & Carol Carden, Dave & Amanda Gates, Tom & Heidi Wildauer. Congratulations to all!
SJ PICNIC NOTES: Raffle Tickets & Country Store Chances are in the back of the church. Please take your's home with you today. Please return all sold or unsold tickets soon. WORKER LISTS must be turned in to Pam at the rectory by Tuesday, Aug. 15th. Although phone calls are still being made to get volunteers, HELP is still needed and would be greatly appreciated for variousplaces, especially the dining room. Please call Pam at 495-5241, if you can help in anyway. This is YOUR parish and all parishioners are asked to do their share, either before or during our picnic. GIFT CARDS are needed for the "Gift Certificate Booth". If anyone can donate one, please drop off at the rectory. GOBMAKING will be Thursday, August 24th starting at 5 PM.Help is needed. Cooler of Cheer: If anyone has any unopened bottles of liquor, and would donate them for the Cooler of Cheer, please bring to the rectory as soon as possible.
SUMMERHILL COMMUNITY YARD SALE – Saturday, August 19th from 9 AM to 4 PM. Cost is $4. Anyone with questions or wishing to participate, please visit Antiques & Used, Summerhill, or call 495-3198 by August 16th.