Proyecto: Informedellibro
You will be creating a book report for a book of your choice. The book does not have to be written in Spanish, but the report will be done entirely in Spanish. It will be completed on a poster board folded in half, with an original cover for the book on the front and information about the plot on the inside. All information on the inside of the poster must be in SPANISH and in FULL SENTENCES.
Inside (parte del argumento)Cover (cubierta)
- Idea principal (2 sentences or less)● título
- Protagonista● original drawing to represent the book
- Otrospersonajes● autor
- Temas (3 mínimo)
- Citafavorita
- Descripción (enuna palabra)
- 2 detallesinteresantes
DUE DATE: ______
Bonus opportunity: If you look up information about a book or short story written by one of the following authors and make your InformedelLibro about one of their books, you will receive 20 bonus points on the project. You still must include all the information listed on the other side of the sheet.
AcceptableSpanishauthors: Isabel Allende, Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel García Marquez, Miguel de Cervantes, José Martí, Carlos Luís Zafón, Francisco De Paula Fernandez, Laura Gallego García
*If you look up another book originally written in Spanish that you’d like to use, you may choose that as well, as long as it is approved by your teacher.
25-20 points / 19-15 points / 14-10 points / 9-5 points / 4-0 pointsVocabulary and spelling / 0-1 spelling errors, vocabulary used correctly. / A few spelling errors, vocabulary used correctly. / Multiple spelling errors and vocabulary used incorrectly. / Many spelling errors and vocabulary is used incorrectly. / Little to no effort in spelling and vocabulary.
Grammar and coherence / 0-1 grammar errors, everything is comprehensible. / A few grammar errors, everything is comprehensible. / Multiple grammar errors, difficult to understand. / Very hard to understand and filled with grammar errors. / Project makes little to no sense and is confusing.
Individuality / Work is creative and represent students’ unique thoughts. / Little to no thought is put into creativity.
Presentation and appearance / Student clearly put time into decoration, appearance and neatness. / Project is neat and easily readable but plain and undecorated. / Project looks a little plain, sloppy or rushed but is still easy to read. / Project’s appearance distracts from the work in a negative way. / Project is sloppy or rushed, hard to read, undecorated.
Total score: ______
*Please note: Any project turned in copied from an online or computer translator or with work directly copied from a website providing a book report in Spanish will be asked to redo their project for maximum score of 50%.