Did you know 1 in 3 seniors falls each year? Every 15 seconds an older adult is seen in an emergency room for a fall-related injury. The total charges for hospitalizations in Iowa due to falls are $135 million per year; the average charge per hospitalization is about $26,200. Let’s change these statistics!

September 23 is Fall Prevention Awareness Day. This year’s theme isSafe Today, Falls Free® Tomorrow. Take a few minutes to think about yourself or about older adults in your life. What you do nowmakes a difference for the future. Take Control of Your Health. Help your loved ones do the same!

Step One. Maintain or build balance, leg strength, and flexibility. Increase your physical activity. JohnsonCounty has many fitness and exercise programs available. Find a program you like and take a friend.

JCLC and the Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) are cooperating to host free fitness screenings for older adults with some of the VNA Influenza VaccinationClinics. See details on the JCLC calendar at JCLC or the VNA calendar at.

Step Two. Talk to your health care provider. Ask for an assessment of your risk of falling. Share any history of recent falls. Even if you have fallen, it isn’t too late to decrease your risk for future falls.

Step Three. Review your medications with your health care provider or pharmacist regularly. Make sure side effects of prescribed or over the counter medications aren’t increasing your risk of falling.

Step Four. Get your vision and hearing checked annually. Update your eyeglasses as needed. Your eyes and ears help keep you on your feet.

Step Five. Keep your home safe. Remove tripping hazards, increase lighting, make stairs safe, and install grab bars in bathrooms. Some individuals may need additional modifications. VNA offers personal risk and home safety assessments to JohnsonCounty residents. Call 337-9686 and ask for a free Sure Steps assessment.

Step Six. Talk to your family members. Get their help in taking simple measures to stay safe. Falls are not just a seniors’ issue. Family members want you to be healthy and happy.

Together, we can make a difference. We can improve our futures. Make your steps Sure Steps!

Adapted from materials from the National Council on Aging. (ncoa.org/Falls Prevention)

Additional fall prevention information is available on the JCLC website listed below or on the VNA website (Click on Community Health and Sure Steps).