Nome ______Data ______
Italiano ____ Ora ___Signora Libonati
Le regole di Signora Libonati ~ Signora Libonati’s Rules
1.Be courteous and respectful.
This class is our “famiglia italiana.” Please treat everyone as you wish to be treated.
The classroom is our “casa italiana.” Let’s keep it clean! Do not write on the desks or bulletin boards. Place trash and recycling in the proper receptacles. Do not use the teacher’s computer or desk unless given permission.
Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged before speaking. Do not call out.
2.Be on time.
Be in your seat with your notebook open when the bell rings. Begin the “da fare adesso” immediately.
Three times late = one cut = one detention. Continued lateness and / or cutting may result in more detention and/or suspension.
3.Be prepared.
You must have with you every day: notebook with paper, handouts, textbook, black or blue pen, homework and assignments due.
4.Do not bring or consume food, candy, or gum in class.
Do not sell candy during class.
5.Turn offelectronic devices and keep them out of sight where they will not be a distraction.
Unauthorized and/or inappropriate use of an electronic device in the classroom may result in it being confiscated. The device will be returned in accordance with school policy. The only items on your desk shall be your notebook, folder and textbook for this course. Give 100% percent of your attention to class. Do not be distracted by your phone - it can wait until lunch or after school.
Use of a translator for completing writing tasks, projects, and/or homework will result in a grade of zero for the task. Upon request, you may be given an opportunity to redo the assignment for a new grade.
- Participate in Italianclass every day.
Speak Italian in the classroom as much as possible, and during all speaking activities in pairs and groups. Take all your notes and complete all activities.
Failure to abide by these rules will result in the following consequences.
1. First offence: warning
2. Second offence: detention & call home
3. Third and subsequent offences: detention and a referral and/or a conference with parent/guardian.
Nome ______Data ______
Italiano ____ Ora ___Signora Libonati
I have read and understood the rules. I will do my best to adhere to them.
Student SignatureDate
I have reviewed the rules with my child/charge.
Parent/ Guardian Signature Date