For further guidance see

For this proposal to be considered by the Collaborative Provisions Committee the followingmust be attached to this form.

Attachment / Prepared by
Risk Analysis / Project Manager from Strategic Planning and Change
Due Diligence / Project Manager from Strategic Planning and Change
Market research (where applicable) / Strategic Planning and Change
Financial model / Financial Performance Manager:
A&SS and MEL - Chris Hawkins()
Science - Ross Wilson()
Draft programme outline / Programme Director in department in consultation with Academic Quality and Policy Office
Written confirmation of support for the proposed collaboration from the Head of Department/ School / Department/ School

Please send the completed form and attachments to the Assistant Registrar (Partnerships):

Section 1: Summary

Please provide a brief summary of the proposal.
Click here and type

Section 2: Key contacts

2.1 Sponsoring department(s) and key departmental contact(s) / Programme Director:
Click here and type
Click here and type
Click here and type
2.2 Proposed partner(s) and key contact(s)
Name and address of proposed partner:
Click here and type

Section 3: Details of the Programme

3.1 Qualification and programme title: / JACS code(s):
Click here and type / Click here and type
3.2 Proposed start date:
What timescale is proposed for introduction and therefore the validation of this programme?
Click here and type
3.3 Nature of the proposal:
Nature of collaboration:
Articulation agreementAccess agreement
Franchised programme Validated programme
Other Please specify_Click here and type______
New programme:Existing programme:
(New) mode(s) of delivery: / Full-time / Part-time / Block mode / Mixed mode / Distance learning / Other (please specify)
Duration (specify months/years) / Click here and type / Click here and type / Click here and type / Click here and type / Click here and type / Click here and type
3.4 Admission requirements:
For UG programmes
What will the Admissions requirements be for this programme and how will the student numbers impact on the department’s/ school’s current student control numbers?
Click here and type
For PGT programmes and professional doctoral programmes
a)Are prospective students expected to have achieved a 1st or 2:1 for admission onto this programme?
Click here and type
b)Will there be flexibility as regards admission if prospective studentshave relevant work experience?
Click here and type
c)What academic profile should prospective students have in terms of subjects studied or relevant work experience?
Click here and type
3.5 Student number targets:
Set out the realistic student numbers you think the programme will attract over a 5 year period (HEU and OS).
Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5
HEU / OS / HEU / OS / HEU / OS / HEU / OS / HEU / OS
Click here and type / Click here and type / Click here and type / Click here and type / Click here and type / Click here and type / Click here and type / Click here and type / Click here and type / Click here and type

Section 4: Strategic considerations

a) Does the intended collaboration fit with the strategic plan and academic portfolio of the
  1. Department/ School?Yes No
  2. Faculty?Yes No
  3. University? Yes No
Please explain how this collaboration might assist in the creation/consolidation of strategic relationships or new capabilities prioritised by the University.
Click here and type
b) Has the proposed collaboration been discussed and approved by the Departmental/ School Board?
Please attach written confirmation of support for the proposed collaboration from the Head of Department/ School.Click here and type
c) Provide names and contact information for allorganisations outside Royal Holloway which would be involved in the organisation, delivery or assessment of the programme.
Click here and type
d) Provide a brief rationale for the proposed collaboration, which should take into account eachpartner's size, sphere of influence, range of activities, standing among professionals in the field and existing links with Royal Holloway and other bodies.
Click here and type
e) What is the current status of the relationship with the collaborative partner(s)? Has the University approved the collaboration in some form and if so, when and in what form does this take (e.g. letter of intent, memorandum of understanding)?
Click here and type
f) Describe the nature and extent (as a percentage of the programme) of each partner's intended involvement.
Click here and type
g) What is your evaluation of the market conditions, i.e. (i) who are the main competitors? and (ii) what evidence is there of a demand for the programme?
Click here and type
h) Will any payments be due to an external partner for delivery of the programme? If so, please outline here:
Click here and type
i) Does the partner or Royal Holloway require government approval or licence for the proposed collaboration? If so, has this been given and what is involved?
Click here and type
j) Are you aware of any plans for the partner to delegate some of the teaching provision to another provider? If so, please give details.
Click here and type

Section 5: Resources

5.1 Staffing:
a)Will the admissions process be managed by the University or the partner?
Click here and type
b) (i) Where, and by whom, will the programme be delivered and assessed (e.g. staff of the University , staff of the partner)?
Click here and type
(ii) Who will administer the programme on a day-to-day basis?
Click here and type
c) Does the department/ school have academic and/ or administrative staff in place todevelop, teach, assess, administer and take responsibility for the quality assurance of the programme? / Yes
No / Please add further details here if you have answered No
Click here and type
d) Will additional staff and/or staff development activities be required? / Yes
No / Please add further details here if you have answered Yes
Click here and type
e) If academic staff in the department/ school are involved in the teaching and/ or assessment of this programme, can this development be accommodated within the departmental workload? Will this activity attract any additional workload allocation above the norm, and if so, how much?
Click here and type
5.2 Library:
a) Will the University’s libraryresourcesincluding, in particular, licensed electronic resources acquired by the Library for Royal Holloway users– need to be available/accessible to students on this programmewho arenot regarded as RHUL students?
Click here and type
b)Is there an expectation that such resources will be accessible/available to staff who teach on this programme but who may be based abroad or employed by the partner?
Click here and type
c) Is access to Senate House library e-resourcesrequired/expected for students and/or staff involved with the programme?
Click here and type
Should you have and difficulties in answering these questions, please contact the relevant Library Liaison Officer.
d) Are any additional Library resources, including e-resources required?
Yes No
Estimated costs:
Dept: Click here and type University :Click here and type
Please confirm that this amount has been discussed and agreed with the Library:
Yes No
5.3 Learning Resources:
If you do not plan to make Moodle available to staff and students please indicate the following:
a)Will students registered on the programme require access to any other learning resources of the university?
Yes No
b) If Yes, list the resources that will be required.
Click here and type
c) Will members of staff who teach on this programme but who may be based overseas or employed by the partnerrequire access to any of these learning resources??
Yes No
d) If Yes, specify what access will be required for each type of learning resource?
Click here and type
5.4 Student Support
Are there any issues to consider in terms of the overall student experience? Will students have access to the equivalent level of support and resources as Royal Holloway campus-based students (e.g. educational support for students with special needs, careers advice, learning resources)? How will this provision be split between Royal Holloway and the partner? Are there any student support-related costs to the department or Royal Holloway?
Click here and type
5.5 Other Resources
What are the other types of resource expenditure arising from the programme and how will these be funded?
Resources / Detail of required Resources / Indicate the amount of funding required and whether this will be covered by current departmental budget allocations and/ or additional funding is required from the University.
Promotional activities / Click here and type / Amount: Click here and type
Dept Click here and type UniversityClick here and type
Additional IT resources / Click here and type / Amount: Click here and type
Dept Click here and type UniversityClick here and type
Teaching space, e.g. laboratories / Click here and type / Dept Click here and type UniversityClick here and type
Other / Click here and type / Click here and type

Section 6: Professional Accreditation (if applicable)

Are there any plans for professional accreditation of the proposed programme? If so, please give details below:
Click here and type