Friday Focus



Leah Clark – Special Education Ashley Noe- Social Studies Natasha Cook – Social Studies

Lesson Plan Reminders


  1. Please put your name on your lesson plans and highlight it.
  2. Please staple all your plans together
  3. Please hole punch them.
  4. Make sure they are correctly dated.
  5. Also regular education teachers do not put your collaborator’s name on your lesson plans. And the same goes for the collaborator. This causes confusion and everyone is turning their own lesson plans anyway.

Awesome Incredible Mothers - A.I.M.

What does AIM stand for? Awesome Incredible Mothers, this is a new program that the YSC will be beginning similar to All Pro Dad except this program will be during the evenings. We are teaming up with Laurel County Extension Office to provide a monthly program for our SLMS mothers, female mentors and students. We will provide a program and have a snack for all of those who attend each month.We are going to begin AIM on Monday, February 27th at 6:00pm with a great movie in the auditorium. We will provide snacks during an intermission. We hope this will be as successful as All Pro Dad!

January PLC Schedule


“I just wanted to thank everyone for everything you did for our students/families for Christmas. This year SLMS served 172 students. This is the largest number served. Thank you to all of those who took a name and brought in items to give away or assist with wrapping and etc. Thank you to everyone who brought nonperishable food and to Shawn and the Comet team for putting it all together. Each family was provided with a big bag of food and a ham. There was enough food to keep the YSC food closet going the rest of the school year. Thanks again everyone for making Christmas brighter for our students and their families.”

Charity Fuson


Chris Jackson, Amy Gaines and Amy Smith are currently participating in Teaching American History. Teaching American History is a federally funded grant that provides teachers in the areas of Social Studies and Language Arts opportunities to increase content knowledge and incorporate new teaching strategies in the classroom. They will be participating in many workshops, symposiums, and trips throughout the school year as part of the program.

Awesome Display of Proficient Work

“BOOK TALKS” by Mrs. McWhorter “Floating Away Brochures” by Mr. Daniels

Thank You for Displaying Your Cool Cards!

Mrs. Georgia Sizemore

In Loving Memory of Dustin Napier

A U.S. Army soldier who was a recent graduate of South Laurel High School has been killed in Afghanistan, the Department of Defense has confirmed, according toWLEX in Lexington.

The incident happened Sunday in Zabul province. A man in an Afghan Army uniform opened fire on a group of Americans at a base in the southern part of Afghanistan over the weekend, killing one U.S. soldier and injuring another. The gunman was also killed in the shootout.

Pfc. Dustin P. Napier, 20, of London was killed in the incident. Napier was assigned to 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, Fort Wainwright, Alaska

It’s unclear if the shooter was actually an Afghan soldier or just someone pretending to be a soldier.

Napier graduated from South Laurel High School in 2010. He then moved to Alaska. He married in October 2011.


Jan. 16th- No School – MLK DAY

Jan. 20th – Monica is meeting with teachers

During planning periods.

Jan. 24th – Club Day – 6th Period

Jan. 27th – Math Automaticity Files Due

Feb. 1st- 8th Grade Chautauqua Performance

Feb. 9th – Task Force Meeting @ GCG

4- 5:40 pm

Feb. 22nd – Constructed Math Assessment

Project for 7th Grade