Fill in theblankswith 'am' , 'is' , 'are' , 'was' , 'were'

1. It _____ Monday today. We _____ at school. It _____ Sunday yesterday and we _____ at home.

2. It _____ midnight now. The children _____. in bed.

3. It_____12 o'clock at noon and my mother_____in the kitchen. She _____ out in the morning.

4.Today it_____ Bayram and my family and I _____ at home. It_____Arife yesterday and we_____in town shopping for presents. It _____ not cold yesterday but today it_____very cold and it's snowing outside. We _____ not cold because there _____ a big fire in the living room and we _____ all nice and warm. I like Bayrams and I _____ very happy.

Fill in theblankswith “was”, “wasn’t”, “were”, “weren’t”

1.The tourists…………………...outsidethe hotel an hourago. 2.She …………………...verythinlastyear but she’sfatnow.

3.The children…………………... at homeyesterdayafternoon, they…………………...attheconcert.

4.I …………………...soexcitedlastnight. There…………………... a terriblestormandmyparents…………………...out.

5.………………… in Londonlastwinter?

6.Jimmy’sparty…………………...wonderful. All his friends…………………...thereandthefood…………………...nice.

7.Look at thistallbuilding. There…………………...abig park here threeyearsago.

8.Why …………………...thebabyawakeallnight?

Put thewords in orderandmakecorrectsentences (be sure tomakenecessaryadditionschanges)

1. you / be / where / yesterday / ? ______

2.cinema/they/yesterday/not/be ______

3.twoo’clock / you / yesterday / home / not / be ______

4.basketballmatch / last Sunday / be / they / ? ______

5. Chinese / Beethoven / composer / not be ______

6.cinema / we / boring / be / lastnight / and / be / film ______ / and / you / lastweek / be / parents / your / ? ______

8.angry / yesterdaymorning / mother / be / Jack ______

9. lastnight / film / TV / be / good / there ______

10. lastMonday / you / where / be ______

genius moved painting married studied

1- We ______ourhouseto İstiklal Street in 2008

2- Cahit Arfwas a mathematical ______of the 20th century.

3- My littlesisterenjoys ______pictures.

4- Mustafa______at themilitaryjuniorhighschool in Salonica.

5- My uncle is 39 yearsold but he isn’t ______. He wantstofindthetruelove.

grewup believe returned well-known famous

1- I lefthome at 7 o’clockand ______at 9 p.m

2- Salvador Dali is a ______painter.

3- Hatay is ______for Künefe.

4- I wasbornand ______in İskenderun.

5- Keren is a hardworkingstudent. I ______shewill have a goodjob in thefuture.

scientist shocked terrible movie awards

1- I was ______when I sawthe car accident. 2- Wouldyouliketowatch a ______at home?

3- Albert Einstein is a famous ______. He had a highlevel of ability in mathematicsandphysics.

4- Prof. Dr. Mehmet Öz is a well- knownheartsurgeon. He has gotmany ______in thefield of Medicine.

5- Ann: What is thematterwithyou? Jill: I have a ______headache. Ann: I thinkyou shouldtake an asprin.

havegot / has got / am / is / are’ ortheir ‘Negative Forms’. Honest / Helpful / Generous / Greedy / Stingy

1. Mary ______myclosefriend. She ___ veryfriendly. 1. Jasonusuallyhelps me at school. He is really ______

2. My brother ______shortcurlyhairandbrowneyes. friend

3. Aiko _____ Asian. She ______lightbrown skin. 2. Mary wantseverythingshesees. She is______

4. Joffrey ____ African. He _____ dark skin and White teeth. person.

5. Mike _____ handsome boy lightbrowneyes. 3. My richestuncle is ______. Because he nevergives

6. Henry ______bald. He ______anyhair on his head. me pocketmoney on Bayrams.

7. Amy ______beautifulgirlwithdarkstraighthair. 4. Richard isn’t ______. Because he alwaystelllies.

8. TedandAndrea ______hardworkingstudents. 5. My poorestuncle is very ______. Because he always

9. Ourboss ______punctual. He alwayscomeslateforwork. givespresentto me when he sees me.

Attractive / Talkative / Clumsy / Punctual / Bossy mediumheight / plump/ young / middle-aged / careful

1.My elderbrotheralwayssays me whatto do. He is ______. 1.Your fatherisn’ttall. I think he is ______.

I don’tlike his behaviours. 2.Oh honey. Don’tworry. Youaren’toverwight. Youare a 2. Be ______. Cometolesson on time. little ______.

3. Rihanna is ______womanwithcurlydarkhairandgreeneyes. 3.Be______of theknife. You can cutand hurt

4.Brianna is a ______girl. Shelovestalkingtopeopleandwantsto yourself.

be a lawyer. 4.Oh youaretoo ______. Youcan’tdrive a car

5.Oh! Be careful! Youbrokethewaterglassagain. alone

I thinkyouarevery ______. 5.My father is in his thirties. He is ______.

Fill in theBlankswiththeAdjectives in Comparative Form.

1) An elephant is ______a tiger.(big)

2) The Hotel İzgi is ______teacher’shouse.(expensive)

3) Today’sweather is ______yesterday’s.(bad)

4) Madrid is not ______Rome. (cheap)

5) My sister’sroom is ______myroom.(clean)

6) Aredolphins ______whales ?(fast)

7) Your English is ______mine. (good)

8) Eatingvegetables is ______eatingredmeat.(healthy)

9) Riding a motorbike is ______riding a bicycle.(dangerous)

10) Living in a village is not ______living a city.(stressful)

11) The Black Sea is ______theMediterraneanSea.(deep)

12) My mother is ______myfather.(tall)

13) Thischair is ______myfather’s.(comfortable)

14) İstanbul is ______Ankara.(crowded)

1- Ahmet _____ at theschoolyesterdaybecause he wasill. a)isn’t b) weren’t c) wasn’td) aren’t

2- Where ______youlast Sunday? a) was b) is c)are d)were

3- They ______(have) dinneryesterday (-). a) has b)have c) had d)didn’thave

4- I ____ (visit) mygrandmotherlastweekend. (+) a) visitsb) visited c) didvisit d) visit

5- How old ______Aylin twoyearsago? a) wereb) was c) are d) is

6- Mandyand Susan ______(watch) filmslastnight. (-) a) watchedb) didn’twatched c) didn’twatch d) don’twatch

7- __ yourfather ____(wash) the car? a)did/wash b)Did/washes c) Were/ wash d)was/wash

8- Mr. Black ______(write) e-mailslastnight.(+) a)wrote b) writing c) write d) didn’twrite

9- What time ____ you _____ (wakeup) yesterdaymorning? a)did/wokeup b) did/wakeup c) was/wakeup d) do/wokeup

10- We _____ (buy) a newhouse a monthago. (+) a) buy b) buys c) bought d) buying

11- My uncle ______(come) toourhouselastweek. (-) a) came b) don’tcome c) didn’tcome d) didn’tcame

12- When ____ David ____ (finish) theproject? a) didfinished b)will/finish c) do/finishing d)did/finish

13- _____ you ______(go) on holidaylastyear? a) Did/went b) Did/go c) Was/go d) Were/go

14- My father ______(have) an accidenttwoweeksago. (+) a) have b) didn’thave c) had d) has

15- I ______(graduate) fromtheuniversity in 1996 (+) a) graduated b) graduating c) didn’tgraduate d) graduates

16- Ataturk _____ (die) in 1938. a)dies b) diddie c) didn’tdie d) died

17-They ______(listen) tomusicyesterday. (-) a) wasn’tlisten b) didn’t listen c) listened d) listening

18- What time __ yourlessons___(start) yesterdaymorning? a) did/start b) didstarted c) was/started d) arestarted

19)We __ (play) footballlastweekbecausewe __ tired. a) play/wasn’t b)didn’tplay/were c)play/were d)played/are

20) I______(lose) mywalletthreedaysago. (+) a) lose b) losed c) didlose d) lost


This is thebetter/bestrestaurant in thetown.

Thiscastle is one of theolder / oldest is Europe.

Your hotel is more/mostcomfortablethanours.

This is theworseworstholiday I have ever had!

Bill is thericher / richestperson in theworld

George is happier/happiestthan he was.

This film is more/mostinterenstingthanthelastone.

Thebluecoat is cheaper/cheapestthantheothers.

Fill in theblankswith can / can’t / could / couldn’t.

1- David has got a brokenleg. He …………..…….…….walk.

2- Albert wasilllastweek. He ...... gotoschool.

3- Tom is verygood at sports. He ……………….…playtenniswell

4- Julia ………….…..….draw nice pictures whenshewaschild.

5- Tim has a problem with his eyes. He ….…….…seewithoutglasses.

6- Joe is a fat boy. He…………………..runfast.

7- Adam wentfishingyesterdayand he...... catch a bigfish.

8- Whenshewas in primaryschool, she…….…….playthedrum.

9- George is verygood at Maths. He ……..solveevery problem.

10- Clarawasverysadyesterday, becauseshe ……………..…pass her exam.

11- Itisn’twindyenough. She……………….fly a kite.

12- Theapplewasverybigso I ………………………finish it.

13- He is a bookworm. He ………………..finish a book in a day.

14- Martin …....…….drivewhen he wasyoung, but now he can.

15- Lucy…………………ride a bicycle since shewasfive, but nowshe can.

retired lawyer began successful admire 1. Attractive: a) kaslı b) çekici c) tembel d) çalışkan

1- Salvador______drawingandpaintingwhen he wasyoung. 2. Handsome: a) çirkin b) güzel c) yakışıklı d) tembel

2- My favouritewriter is Nazım Hikmet. I ______his poems. 3. Thoughtful: a) cömert b) sakar c) zeki d) düşünceli

3- Ifyouwantto be ______, youshouldstudy hard. 4. Forgetful: a) dürüst b) çekici c) unutkan d) konuşkan

4- After George ______, he spentmore time with his family. 5. Outgoing: a) tembel b) şişman c) sosyal d) samimi

5- I’m interested in law. I wanttobecome a ______in thefuture. 6. Curly: a) düz b) dalgalı c) kıvırcık d) uzun

7. Of mediumheight: a) kısa b) uzun c) düz d) orta boylu

17. Utangaç: a) honest b) shy c) generous d) clumsy 8. Long: a) kısa b) uzun c) kıvırcık d) zayıf

18. Kişilik a) personality b) appearance c) eye d) hair 9. Looklike a) sevmek b) bakmak c) görünmek d) olmak

19. Appearance: a) karakter b) görünüş c) bilek d) saç 10. Blonde: a) esmer b) kumral c) sarışın d) ela

20. Successful: a) başarılı b) tembel c) sosyal d) bencil 11. Clumsy: a) zeki b) konuşkan c) sosyal d) sakar

21. Remember: a) hatırlamak b) söylemek c) bilmek d) sevmek 12. deskmate: a) arkadaş b) anne c) sıra arkadaşı d) kardeş

22.Vote: a) seçim b) aday c) oy vermek c) seçmek 13. Present: a) hediye b) misafir c) arkadaş d) görünüş

23. Honest: a) yalancı b) arkadaş canlısı c) utangaç d) dürüst 14. Moustache: a) bıyık b) sakal c) kaş d) göz

24. Abur cubur a) handsome b) junkfood c) curly d) wavy 15. Slim: a) zayıf b) şişman c) güzel d) çirkin