10 October 2017

Dear Parent/Carer,

Year 11 Theatre Trip: ‘War Horse’

As part of the Drama GCSE, in Component 3, students study ‘Theatre Makers in Practice’ and have to complete an evaluation of a live theatre performance. This is part of the final written exam that the students will take at the end of the year and students will be able to take notes from the theatre performance they experience into the exam with them.

Therefore, the Drama department at King’s has provisionally organised for students to see ‘War Horse’ on Tuesday 6th February 2018 at the Brighton Centre. Tickets are currently available for this fantastic production, which is highly recommended as a study for GCSE students.

Please indicate how your son/daughter will travel to and from the venue on the attached consent slip. King’s School staff will meet students at the venue in central Brighton at 6.45pm. The performance is likely to end at about 10.20pm, so we would advise you to come at this time to collect your child. If you are happy for them to make their own way to and home from the venue, please make this clear on the slip. There will be a minibus for students who require transportation from the school to the Brighton Centre; students will need to meet at school at 6pm to take the minibus and will return at approximately 11pm. As this is an evening performance, students may wear their own clothes but must dress respectfully and sensibly.

The suggested contribution for this trip is £26.00, which includes the cost of the ticket and fees. Payment can be made by cheque, payable to King’s School, or via Scopay. Please note- online payments will be available from the date following that of this letter. Financial assistance may be available for students in receipt of free school meals; please contact the school office, in confidence, for further information. If you have concerns about paying the full amount in one lump sum, please email in confidence.

Please complete and return the attached consent form no later than 3.00pm on Tuesday 31 October, 2017. Booking the tickets for the performance and the trip being able to run is dependent on the return of the consent as this is a commitment to contribute to the cost of the trip. If you have any questions regarding this trip, please contact me on the school number (01273 840004).

Yours sincerely,

Mrs C Grosvenor

Drama Department

Drama Department Trip to the Brighton Centre
Return Slip by 31t October 2017 to School Office
Depart: King’s School 6pm if taking minibus
Returning: King’s School, 11pm approximately
OR Meeting at venue and making own way home or being collected.
Child’s name:
Emergency contact name and telephone number:
Second emergency contact name and telephone number:
Details of person collecting child if not parent (if applicable)
Medical information (including dietary requirements)
Declaration by Parent/Guardian
1.  I have read and completed this form and to the best of my knowledge the details given are true and accurate.
2.  I agree to my child receiving medication as instructed and any emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment, including anesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present.
3.  I will inform the teacher in charge as soon as possible of any changes in the medical or other details between now and the commencement of the visit/trip.
4.  Please circle one of the following indicating how your daughter/son will travel to and from home/school to the venue and how they will be collected.
a)  My son/daughter will require minibus transportation to the venue and back to King’s School and I will collect my son/daughter from King’s School when the minibus returns.
b)  My son/daughter will require minibus transportation to the venue and back to King’s School and my son/daughter can make their own way home from King’s School once the minibus returns.
c)  My son/daughter will require minibus transportation to the venue and back to King’s School and my son/daughter will be given a lift home by another parent when the minibus returns. Please give details of the parent who will provide a lift for your son/daughter (name and phone number) above.
d)  My son/daughter will make her/his own way to the venue and back home when the performance finishes.
e)  My son/daughter will make his/her own way to the venue and will be given a lift home from the venue in central Brighton at the end of the performance. Please give details of the parent who will provide a lift for you son/daughter (name and phone number) above.
Parental Signature: