The following is REVISED language (FROM reSOLUTION sAMPLE #1)
to support NPAIHB to contract PFSA’s that are determined
to be contractible but non-divisible
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board is delegated authority, on behalfof the Confederated Tribes of , to apply for and negotiatecontracts and grants under Public Law 93-638, or amendmentsthereto, to accomplish the goals, objectives and purposes set forthherein, which delegation shall continue until rescinded; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the goals, objectives and purposes of the Board shall include the following:
- To continue to accomplish the goals, objectives andpurposes currently set forth in the Board's constitution and bylawsor that may be established by amendments thereto;
- To continue the Board's historic role as liaison betweenthe tribes and the IHS and to continue its role as an advocate onnational health issues affecting all Northwest tribes;
- To continue all activities currently within the scope ofwork contained in its existing contract with the IHS and any othergrant or contract to which the Board is now a party;
- To identify area-wide programs, functions, services, and activities (PFSAs), as defined by [NEED CITE ISDEAA]25 U.S.C. § 450f(a)(1), currently performed by theIHS, and that IHS has determined to be contractible but not divisible without an adverse impact on other Tribes in the Area, or that are not being performed, that could and/or should beperformed by the Board on behalf of the tribes and to negotiatewithin the scope of work and budget of the contract functions PFSAs soidentified;
- To seek and receive from other private and public agenciesand organizations funding to enhance the Board's ability to carryout its goals, objectives and purposes;
- To keep the tribes informed of the scope of its contractsand grants with IHS or any modifications thereto and all othergrants and contracts received and to seek approval of any contractor grant that is inconsistent with the spirit of this resolution;
- To appeal any adverse decision of any agency or entitythat impairs the Board's ability to perform as set forth herein andto do all things necessary to carry out the goals, objectives andpurposes of this resolution;
- To seek waivers of any regulations applicable undercontracts or grants that restrict the ability of the Board toaccomplish the goals, objectives and purposes set forth herein.