Information Bulletin
Edinburgh city wide networks
Information Bulletin Number: / 43
Date circulated: / June 2013
Section 1 / Classes, Courses, Training, Support, Publications / Page 1 - 6
Section 2 / Events, Fairs, Community Days and Seminars / Page 7 - 8
Section 3 / Health Service / Statutory Agency / Government - documents and information / Page 9
Section 4 / Strategies, Consultations, Campaigns and Websites / Page 10
Section 5 / Organisations, Groups, Networks and Charities - News and Information / Page 11 - 14
Section 6 / Funding Opportunities and Grants / Page 15 - 17
Section 7 / Useful websites and contacts / Page 18 - 21
Section 1
Classes, Courses, Workshops, Training, Support and Publications
1 / Edinburgh Leisure – Get Active £10 Cards
This card is for customers on a low income who are claiming Job seekers allowance, Income support, Guaranteed Pension Credit or Employment Support Allowance (ESA) (income based element only)
Eligible customers will be able to purchase the monthly pass for £10, providing them with access to our gyms (15 to choose from), fitness classes (700+ per week) and 10 swimming-pools (including sauna’s and steam rooms) every day from opening to 4pm.
Cards can be purchased at the reception of any Edinburgh Leisure venue.
The card lasts for a 1 month period from date of purchase.
The pass can be renewed on a monthly basis.
Benefits of the £10 Monthly Pass
·  It supports people on a very low income to get started and stay active with affordable activities
·  It Will enable very low income customers on our various targeted programmes to continue with their preferred activity and health goal once they have completed this
·  Ensures customers can enjoy being active and healthy
*Welfare benefits – Edinburgh Leisure are aware of changes in the pipeline, criteria will reflect the changes when they take place.
2 / New advice service for the over 50s at Southside Community Centre
A new outreach advice service will be run by the Prestonfield & District Neighbourhood Workers Project, to be held on Mondays from 17th June at the Southside Community Centre, 117 Nicolson St., Edinburgh by appointment only. Appointments are available from 9.30 am through to 3.00 pm and can be made by calling 0131 620 7222. A limited number of appointments can also be made at the Southside Community Centre on the Monday. The service is aimed at the over 50s. Enquiries are welcome from anyone but priority will be given to people from the Southside of Edinburgh. The service covers all areas of advice, including housing matters, benefit checks, form filling, letter writing,and debt advice.
3 / Community Connecting
Community Connecting support older people to increase their self-esteem and make connections in their local area. We do this by matching each person with a volunteer who will meet with them on a weekly basis for four months. Together they will find out what is available in their local community and develop a plan of what they would like to do with their time. The volunteer will support them to develop the skills and confidence to make it happen.
Contacts: Julie Dick,0131 225 8508 or
Alison McGhee, 0131 225 8508 or
4 / Health All Round
Life Coaching
For more information contact us on 337 1376 or email
Life coaching is a practice that helps people identify and achieve personal goals. Life coaches help clients set and reach goals using a variety of tools and techniques.
Examples of areas were life coaching can help are: Work-life balance; Career choice; Health and well-being issues; Confidence and self-esteem; Achieving success at work; Relationship issues
Day and evening appointments available.
There is a minimum contribution of £5 per session for this service.
Appointments are held at Health All Round, 24 Westfield Avenue, Edinburgh EH11 2QH
Telephone: 0131 337 1376
Claire Downs, Life Coach & Personal Development Trainer
5 / Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust
If you need help getting your community garden project off the ground contact or visit our community gardening web pages, to see if there’s a community garden near you or to find out how you can volunteer.

If you would like a copy of our Get Ready to Grow community gardening info pack (available online soon) email .

New planting has taken place at the Wauchope Community Growers site in Craigmillar and new plots have been allocated. If you’re interested in a plot contact as we may build some new beds if there’s enough interest.

We have also created a new community garden at Gate 55 in Wester Hailes with new beds planted up with fruit trees and herbs, with space for veg planting when the soil has warmed up a bit.

6 /

Granton Tunnel – graffiti artwork project now complete

Chris Young has spent 3 months transforming the Granton Tunnel underpass with a fantastic artwork depicting landmarks from the North Edinburgh cycleway. The project is part of the Innertubemap project and was funded by the City of Edinburgh Council and People’s Postcode Trust. A huge thank you also to the Fet Lor Youth Group and Thomas Brown from the Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre for their work on the tunnel. You can see more pictures of the tunnel on the Innertubemap website

Where to find us:
If you would like to find out more about forthcoming events, workshops and volunteering opportunities follow us on Twitter or Facebook or sign up for email updates at
Contact details:

Liz Stewart, Fundraising & Communications Manager

Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust, Swanston Steading, 109/11 Swanston Road, Edinburgh EH10 7DS Email:

Telephone: 0131 445 4025
Mobile: 0771 265 1102
7 /

VOCAL – Voice of Carers Across Lothian

Carers Week(10-16 June 2013) in Edinburgh

Choose from relaxation activities, pamper events, comedy workshops, information days and music celebrationsall taking place in Edinburgh during Carers Week.

More details including dates, times and who to contact are available through the Edinburghcarer events website.

Day Breaks Project for carers
Do you want to enjoy a fun, free day out with the person you care for every Wednesday in June? If so, there are still have spaces left on the Ca(i)re Programme Day Breaks service - a relaxing and social day break for carers and those they care for.
Activities include a gentle exercise programme, free lunch, storytelling, music, arts and crafts. For details visit the Carer Events website or contactcontact Julie McEwan or Andrea McKenna on 0131 446 3321.
VOCAL's 100 Club?
This is a monthly lottery which raises funds for carer support and pays out 50% of funds raised in prizes. For more information download VOCAL's 100 Club leaflet or visit VOCAL's website.
Free Complementary Therapy sessions
Carers have the chance to experience deep relaxation or re-energise with a 45 minute treatment from a qualified therapist, as part of VOCAL's free Complementary Therapy sessions. Sessions are by appointment and held at VOCAL Carers Centre on Mondays and Fridays. For more details visit VOCAL website
Events and courses for carers
The latest events and courses for carers have been added to theCarer Events website, including:
·  Falls prevention and management
·  Seminar on what to expect when leaving hospital
·  Yoga at the Ca(i)re programme
·  Hidden gardens in Edinburgh
·  'Make do and mend' sewing course
·  Stress management courses
Book your place by visiting the Carer Events website and using the online booking system or contacting the event organisers directly
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Simpson House

SMART Recovery
We are looking to find ways to prevent suicide, raise public awareness and understanding and to reduce stigma.
This group is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy(CBT)and Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)techniques, recognising that thoughts, feelings and behaviours are interlinked.SMART uses a series of tools to address thoughts and linked behaviours which in turn will begin to affect change in behaviour and how we feel.
SMART has been developed specifically to aid recovery from addiction and dependency.
For more information on the programme and our weekly meets Click here
As well as our other services, here at Simpson House we offer a variety of Counselling sessions aimed at improving the lives of people affected by drug use in Edinburgh and the Lothians.
We offer both individual as well as relationship counselling.
For more information Click here
9 / Contact a Family Scotland
Call our helpline for personalised benefits advice
Contact a Family has long been a source of information about the benefits system for parents of disabled children. If you contact the helpline we will be able to take you through the latest relevant benefits advice and run through any other financial help you may be entitled to maximise your income.
Contact our team of experts on our freephone helpline on 0808 808 3555, email them or post a question on the Contact a Family Facebook page.
For all Contact a Family publications (which are available to download free) visit the contact a family website
Printed versions are also available by contacting the Edinburgh office on 0131 659 2930 or the Freephone national helpline on 0808 808 3555.
Contact a Family Scotland, SPACE, 11 Harewood Road, Edinburgh EH16 4NT
Tel: 0131 659 2930/39
(Information Officer available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays)
10 / Lead Scotland
(Specialists inLinking Education andDisability), is a voluntary organisation set up to widen access to learning for disabled young people andadults and carers acrossScotland.
If you need information or advice to help you access learning, or support if you are already a learner they can help. They support about 500 disabled people and carers to learn each year. They also have a computer loan scheme. Their services are free and confidential to disabled people and carers inmany areas of Scotland. If you are interested in finding out more Contact their Lead Scotland Learning Co-ordinators Web: Lead Scotland
11 / Thistle Foundation – Health and Well Being
The aim of the service is to improve the quality of life for people living with a long term condition.
This is done by working with people to identify and increase: their coping skills; their sense of control over symptoms, and their confidence in their ability to move on in life.
We offer:
·  A fully accessible gym. It is a friendly, welcoming place for people to be introduced to and explore exercise. There are a range of groups, oriented to gentle exercise.
·  Lifestyle Management Courses - group based self management course, 3hrs per week over 10 weeks.
·  Exercise based Lifestyle Management Course - to explore exercise as a way of managing a health condition 2.5hrs per week over 10 weeks.
·  A range of activities and groups (walks,Tai Chi, relaxation, drop-in).
Courses for over 60s
This summer we are running a Lifestyle Management and an Exercise Based Lifestyle course specifically for older adults (over 60yrs). We are also hoping to run additional classes in T’ai Chi for older adults if there is enough demand. Join us for a cup of tea and a chat on the morning of 27 June, 10.00am to 12.00noon to learn more, try a Tai Chi session and have a fitness MOT. (address below)
Referrals from healthcare professionals or individuals via telephone or email are welcome. . Services are free to people living with long term health conditions.
We can provide feedback on progress if appropriate to referring health professionals.
Please call EMMA on 0131 656 7343 or email
Wighton House, Thistle Foundation off Greendykes Road off Niddrie Mains Road, Edinburgh
12 / Free planning advice for community groups
Free support is available from Planning Aid for Scotland for community groups wishing to develop community assets by helping them gain knowledge of the planning system. The Planning Mentoring Scheme can assist community groups by appointing a fully qualified volunteer town-planner to help your group along the journey.
Groups can get advice on planning applications, change of use, listed building consent, compulsory purchase or any other planning related issue. For more information and a special guide to “Planning for Community Developments” visit: Please contact Mark Armstrong at Planning Aid for Scotland on 0131 220 9730 for more information.
13 / Free non accredited Open University in Scotland online course on
Self-directed Support
‘Foundations of self-directed support in Scotland’, is a short Open University course that
explores the development and impact of personalisation in health and social care in
The course will help provide understanding about the origins of the Self-directed Support Act
(2013) and the principles that it is based on. It will also explore some of the potential
tensions and challenges of personalisation.
The course aims to provide a broad grounding in personalisation and is intended to be
studied by a wide range of people: service users, carers and people who are employed in
health and social care, including personal assistants, social care workers, nurses, social
workers and doctors.
This course is divided into six sections of study which viewers can study at the times that
suit them. Employers and anyone interested in staff development and training could use the
course as a stand-alone online resource, or in conjunction with face-to-face sessions
covering topics within the course.
Each section includes video resources and interactive tools organised as learning activities.
The learning activities are there to help the viewer think about personalisation, and if and
how it makes sense in their work or personal life.
Click on the link to register for the course:
14 / Positive Realities – Support for Young Carers Project
Positive Realities has been funded by the Edinburgh Community Health Partnership from Scottish Government Carer Information Strategy money to provide a service to support young carers and young adult carers across Edinburgh, called ‘Staying on Course’. To refer someone please contact Lorna Wynn in the first instance at the contact details below
The project :
If you are a young carer, or help support someone in your family and you are aged 11-25 years old and live in Lothian we offer: