GRADE: / Scale 2
RESPONSIBLE TO: / Learning Support Manager
KEY PURPOSE: / The college has a number of students with a wide range of additional support needs. The age range encompasses 14 years to the mature adult learner. Skills Academy posts involve support of learners aged 14 – 16 years. To ensure students have the opportunity to maximize their learning potential, study assistants provide in-class support for individuals and small groups. Study assistants work as part of a flexible, responsive team and routine administration is part of the post.
  1. To assist students to take a full part in learning activities on equal terms with other students in lessons.
  1. To support the students in their physical needs, mobility and health and safety as appropriate.
  1. To work with course tutors to ensure the students are successfully inducted in to the college environment.
  1. To become familiar with specialist equipment, learning how to use it for the benefit of the student.
  1. To produce appropriate learning material as required by note taking, word processing or tape learning material.
  1. To provide mentoring opportunities and personal guidance and support where appropriate.
  1. To participate in professional development sessions and other training activities to aid a greater understanding of specific learning difficulties.
  1. Any other such duties commensurate with the post as required by the Principal.

(i)To adhere to College Health and Safety and Equal Opportunities policies and to comply with relevant legislation.

(ii)To undertake any other such duties as may be reasonably required of you commensurate with your grade, at your initial place or work or at any of the other College sites as determined by the Principal.

  1. Appraisal

The post holder is required to participate in regular Appraisals and all incremental pay awards are dependent on achievement of a good or outstanding Appraisal outcome.

  1. Safeguarding and Promoting Welfare of Children.

All work in the College involves some degree of responsibility for safeguarding children, although the extent of that responsibility will vary according to the nature of the post. FarehamCollege is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Particular responsibilities which involve contact with under 18s (possibly students 16 and under from local schools) are detailed in this job description. The post holder must be aware of the College’s policies which safeguard and promote the welfare of children, and adhere to their guidelines.

  1. Equality and Diversity

All roles within the College have a responsibility to continually review the way each role is carried out to ensure the implications for Equality and Diversity are constantly taken into account.

  1. Conditions of Service

i)Hours of work required in this post may be subject to variation in need. The contract may cease should the students the posts are attached to leave the College.

ii)The Conditions of Service, which apply to this Post and other detailed information, is available from the Human Resources Department.

iii)This job description is not exhaustive but outlines the main features of the post. It may vary as the post evolves without affecting the nature of the duties and the responsibility level. In consultation with you, it is liable to variation.

1 / Level 3 qualification in Literacy (or equivalent) / Essential / Application Form & Certificates
2 / Degree / Desirable / Application Form & Certificates
3 / Level 2 qualification in Numeracy, or equivalent (support can be provided to gain this qualification) / Desirable / Application Form & Certificates
5. / Certificate in Food Hygiene (to support Catering students)
Relevant qualification to support role in classroom (eg Teaching Assistant Level 2/3). / Desirable
Desirable / Application Form & Certificates
Application Form & Certificates
1 / Knowledge and understanding of disability/sensory impairment is less important than a willingness to learn / Essential / Application Form & Interview
2 / Demonstrable commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children / Essential / Application Form & Interview
3 / Commitment to inclusion of learners with disabilities and/or difficulties. / Essential / Application Form & Interview
4. / An ability to get on with young people.
Excellent communication and listening skills
An ability to work both independently and as part of a team.
Clear handwriting and good communication skills / Essential
Essential / Application Form, Interview
Application Form, Interview
Application Form, Interview
Application Form, Interview
3. / An ability to use tact and discretion, and to maintain confidentiality.
Commitment to self-evaluation and professional development.
Flexibility, with regard to working pattern and adapting to students’ needs / Essential
Essential / Application Form & Interview
Application Form & Interview
Application Form & Interview
2. / Tolerance and patience; regard for the needs of others and an ability to respond appropriately
Physical stamina / Essential
Essential / Application Form & Interview
Application Form & Interview

Study Assistants may also have the opportunity to gain qualifications in subject areas their students are working in at Fareham College.

I hereby confirm my agreement to the job description for my role as set out above
Print Name: / ______/ Date: / ______
Signature: / ______

\\fcfile02\Collaborative\Central\HR\PERSONNEL\Recruitment\Vacancies - from July 2011\2011- 2012 Completed Vacancies\Study Assistants Aug 13\Study Assistant- Job Description June 2013.docx