Pollution Load User System

User Guide

Sriram Sethuraman




1.1 System Overview 3

1. 2 Organization of the Manual 3


2.1 System Configuration 4

2.2 User Access Levels 4


3.1 Login 5

3.2 System Options 5

3.2.1 Home 5

3.2.2 Data 6

3.2.3 Map 8

3.2.4 Documentation 8

3.2.5 Administrator 8

3.2.6 Authentication 9

4. Data Report 10

4.1 List of Uploaded Files 10

4.3.1 Quality Assurance -> Check Data 11

4.3.1 Quality Assurance -> Check and Insert Data 13

4.3.1 Quality Assurance -> Check and Insert/Update Data 14


This user guide aims at explaining how to use Pollution Load User System (PLUS) application in order to enable the 9 coastal countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, , Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Sweden) of the Baltic Sea to view, insert and to perform Quality Assurance of the reported Pollution Load Compilation (PLC) data on discharges of nutrients, organic matter and heavy metals to the Baltic Sea.

1.1 System Overview

The application was adopted in 2015 by the coastal countries of the Baltic Sea as a part of reporting data according to the joint harmonized procedure on Pollution Load Compilation (PLC-6 guidelines). The application operated on a PLC database comprising of Eutrophication and heavy metals data. It allowsNational Data Reporters, Data Manager and National Quality Assurers to report, view and perform Quality assurance on the Eutrophication data. The online application is developed and maintained by the Baltic Nest Institute, Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre

1. 2 Organization of the Manual

The user’s manual consists of five sections: General Information, System Summary, Getting Started, Data

Viewing, and Performing Quality Assurance.

General Information section explains in general terms the system and the purpose for which it is intended. System Summary section provides a general overview of the system. The summary outlines the uses of the

system’s software, system’s configuration and user access levels

Getting Started section explains how to log in to the PLUS application and start using the system. The section presents briefly the system menu.

Data reporting section provides information on how periodic and annual data can be reported using the PLUS application. This section also describes how to perform Quality Assurance on the reported data, so that the issues on the reported data can be identified and corrected to ensure high quality and compliance with PLC guidelines.

Data viewing section provides a detailed description of how the system can be used to view specific data using Search & Filter options.


System Summary section provides a general overview of the system. The uses of the system’s software, system’s configuration and user access levels are outlined.

2.1 System Configuration

The system has been developed as a web-based application. Client side is written in JavaScript and html5 which are generated using Java Server Page technology. Client part runs in a web browser and communicates with the server side software consisting of a set of Java servlets communicated with the database.

The Database has been developed in Microsoft SQL Server. For more information, please refer to the Technical documentation.

2.2 User Access Levels

Currently, there are 2 levels of access to the PLUS Application:

• Data Reporters: - Enables user to view, upload and perform quality assurance on data. These

users have only privileges to manage data uploaded by themselves or other data reporters from

their country.

• System Administrators– Can manage all data uploads and also add / delete other users.


Getting Started section explains how to log in to PLUS Application. The section also presents briefly the various tabs in the toil together with their purpose.

3.1 Login

In order to use the Plus system one can use a browser with html5 and JavaScript support (any modern browsers) and visit the http://apps.nest.su.se/helcom_plus

3.2 System Options

The System comprises of the following options:

− Home;

− Data menu;

− Map;

− Data Report (Discussed in Section 4);

− Documentation;

− Administrator;

− Authentication &

−  About.

3.2.1 Home

The Home Page provides links to download the reporting templates, some tips on how to upload data, perform quality assurance, list of recent changes and also possibilities to provide feedback on the application to the development team, as shown in the screen shot below.

The development work of the Application is still on going and ‘Recent changes’ applied have been listed. Any improvements as well as problems or mistakes in the application with execution date have also been documented.

3.2.2 Data

The Data option provides the user with different options to view data on direct sources and also download data as a CSV file. There are 2 options to view data

1.  Request data for year

2.  Request data as a time series

Option 1 is useful, when a user wants to view the data for a set of desired or all parameters, as shown in the figure below. The user can also choose to view the data for a desired entity (Subcatchment, Station and point sources i.e., Municipal waste water treatment plants, industrial plants and aqualcultral plants. Further the data can also be filtered by country or sub basin.

The data will also be shown in different colors, according to the Quality assurance status as shown below.

The 2nd option “Request Time Series” data allows users to get multiple years data for a single parameter, as shown below.

Apart from point sources data viewing and browsing is to be established for Periodic data, i.e., diffuse losses, retention and source apportionment data.

3.2.3 Map

This section provides spatial information on the different entities like chemical and hydrological stations, river mouths and point sources. Users can see the locations of various entities in the map menu as shown below

3.2.4 Documentation

This menu provides options for users to upload and view documents. Delete documents option is available only for the system administrator.

3.2.5 Administrator

This menu is available only for the System Administrator. It helps to view user details, add and delete users.

3.2.6 Authentication

The Authentication section, helps the user to authenticate, change password and create new passwords.

Users can logout of the system by clicking the logout link


To login click the login option in the Authentication Menu

Create new password

Change password

To change a password users can use the Change Password option in the Authentication Menu. The user needs to input his email, old password and new password

4. Data Report

This section provides the following menu options

− View a list of uploaded files (reported data) – List of uploaded files

− Perform Quality Assurance -> Quality Assurance

− Upload a file (report data) -> Upload file

− Delete a file (Only available for Administrator) -> Delete file

4.1 List of Uploaded Files

Users can view a list of uploaded files. They can choose the desired file on which the Quality assurance needs be performed. Normal users will be able to view only files uploaded for their own country.

System administrators will be able to view all uploaded files.

4.2 Upload file

Users can upload data using the Upload option. The data should be provided using annual or periodic template. In order to correctly process the data name of the file should contain word “annual” or “periodic” to indicate which template has been used. Users can then perform the Quality Assurance or insert the data into the database. An email is sent to the user once the data are processed. Insertion is possible for complete and partially reported data. This is discussed in detail in the Quality Assurance section.

4.3 Quality Assurance

The Quality Assurance menu helps users to perform the Quality Assurance, data insertion and data updating.

4.3.1 Quality Assurance -> Check Data

The Check Data option performs a QA 1 and QA 2 checks on the chosen data (uploaded file) and produces


Users can view the errors and discrepancies for QA 1 and QA 2 by clicking the Show log. A notification is also sent to the user once the QA check has been completed, requesting the user to view the results.

User can view the results by clicking the show log.

The results are displayed as shown below. Users can view further details on the messages by clicking the

desired errors or discrepancies.

Users can also view the comments in the excel file by clicking on the link provided to the commented excel file.

QA level 1 errors need to be rectified and missing values need to be provided, before performing the

data insertion.

Distrust and suspicious values will be flagged as ‘QU(Questionable)’ in the database during insertion.

4.3.1 Quality Assurance -> Check and Insert Data

Users can perform Data Insertion by using the Check and Insert data.

The procedure performs QA 1 and QA 2 checks. The option also performs additional integrity checks, before the data is inserted into the database.

It is recommended to correct the distrust and suspicious values before insertion, as they will be inserted into the database and flagged as ‘QU(Questionable)’. All unchecked values will be flagged with ‘NQ(No Quality)’ in the database.

An email is sent to the user once the process is completed. On clicking the “show log”, the user is able to view the errors and discrepancies and also the number of rows that were processed and how many rows were rejected.

Example of Commented Excel file

RU_PERIODIC_REPORTING_2014_DIRECT_DATA_20160215094134_20160215100613.xlsx is available.

NOTIFICATION - STATION_FLOW_CONCENTRATION: Row 17 (STATION_CODE=CRU0009, PERIOD_ID=27, PARAMETER_ID=20) is already in the database. Update is not allowed.

NOTIFICATION - STATION_FLOW_CONCENTRATION: Row 18 (STATION_CODE=CRU0009, PERIOD_ID=27, PARAMETER_ID=23) is already in the database. Update is not allowed.

NOTIFICATION - Insert/update database: Processed 164 rows, rejected 139 of them.

An error is reported, if the data already exists in the database.

4.3.1 Quality Assurance -> Check and Insert/Update Data

Choose the desired file that was uploaded contains the required data and perform a “Check and Insert/update data “. The upload results can be seen by clicking the show log .The information contains QA1, QA 2 errors / discrepancies and missed insertions / updates. The database is now updated with the new changes that were included in the uploaded file

The user is also allowed to perform partial insertion and also update existing data in the database.

The partial insertion of data can be done for one row of data in one sheet to multiple rows of data in multiple sheets of the reporting template.

It is also possible to re-report the complete data using this option.

4.4 Delete File

Delete option allows to delete uploaded file from the system. User can delete only the files which have been uploaded by him/herself. System administrators have access to all files from all users of the PLUS system.