/ Arizona Newspapers Association
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Twitter: @ananewsflash / PRESS RELEASE
Contact: Perri Collins
September 14, 2013
Title: Communications Manager

ANA Announces 2013 BNC Winners

The Arizona Republic (daily newspaper) and Arizona Capitol Times (non-daily newspaper) took home the coveted award for Arizona Newspaper of the Year during the Arizona Newspapers Association’s 2013 Better Newspapers Contest. Newspaper of the Year awards are calculated from honors won in the Excellence in Advertising Contest added together with winning entries from the Better Newspapers Contest.

Kelly Presnell, Arizona Daily Sun, and Tim Hacker, East Valley Tribune, were named the ANA 2013 Photographers of the Year. Dennis Wagner, The Arizona Republic and J.D. Long-Garcia, The Catholic Sun, were named the ANA 2013 Journalists of the Year.

This year, 53 newspapers entered in the Better Newspapers Contest for a total of 1,360 entries. The Better Newspapers Contest consists of nine categories that measure the overall quality of the newspapers and 18 categories that honor individuals who contribute to journalism excellence. A special thanks to the Nevada Press Association, for judging the entries this year.

Attached is a complete list of winners by category. The awards were presented on Saturday, Sept. 14, 2013 at the conclusion of the ANA 74th Annual Meeting & Awards Reception, at Arizona Grand Resort in Tempe, Ariz. Congratulations to all the winners!

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Newspaper Winners


Division 1: Non-Daily circulation under 3,500

1st place: Arizona Capitol Times

2nd place: Arizona Range News

3rd place: Lake Powell Chronicle

Division 2: Non-Daily circulation 3,500 to 10,000

1st place: Payson Roundup

2nd place: White Mountain Independent

3rd place: Fountain Hills Times

Division 3: Non-Daily circulation greater than 10,000

1st place: Tucson Weekly

2nd place: Explorer

3rd place: West Valley View

Division 4: Daily circulation under 25,000

1st place: Sierra Vista Herald

2nd place: The Daily Courier

3rd place: Casa Grande Dispatch

Division 5: Daily circulation greater than 25,000

1st place: The Arizona Republic


Division 1: Non-Daily circulation under 3,500

1st place: Arizona Capitol Times

2nd place: Maricopa Monitor

3rd place: Arizona Range News

Division 2: Non-Daily circulation 3,500 to 10,000

1st place: Fountain Hills Times

2nd place: Payson Roundup

3rd place: White Mountain Independent

Division 3: Non-Daily circulation greater than 10,000

1st place: Prescott Valley Tribune

2nd place: West Valley View

3rd place: Tucson Weekly

Division 4: Daily circulation under 25,000

1st place: Sierra Vista Herald

2nd place: Arizona Daily Sun

3rd place: Casa Grande Dispatch

Division 5: Daily circulation greater than 25,000

1st place: The Arizona Republic


Division 1: Non-Daily circulation under 3,500

1st place: Verde Independent/The Bugle

2nd place: Lake Powell Chronicle

3rd place: Arizona Capitol Times

Division 2: Non-Daily circulation 3,500 to 10,000

1st place: Green Valley News & Sun

2nd place: Payson Roundup

3rd place: White Mountain Independent

Division 3: Non-Daily circulation greater than 10,000

1st place: Tucson Weekly

2nd place: Explorer

3rd place: Prescott Valley Tribune

Division 4: Daily circulation under 25,000

1st place: Casa Grande Dispatch

2nd place: Arizona Daily Sun

3rd place: Today’s News-Herald

Division 5: Daily circulation greater than 25,000

1st place: The Arizona Republic


Division 1: Non-Daily circulation under 3,500

1st place: Arizona Capitol Times

2nd place: San Pedro Valley News-Sun

3rd place: Lake Powell Chronicle

Division 2: Non-Daily circulation 3,500 to 10,000

1st place: Fountain Hills Times

2nd place: Green Valley News & Sun

3rd place: Payson Roundup

Division 3: Non-Daily circulation greater than 10,000

1st place: La Voz

2nd place: Tucson Weekly

3rd place: Phoenix Business Journal

Division 4: Daily circulation under 25,000

1st place: The Daily Courier

2nd place: Today’s News-Herald

3rd place: Casa Grande Dispatch

Division 5: Daily circulation greater than 25,000

1st place: The Arizona Republic


Division 1: Non-Daily circulation under 3,500

1st place: Verde Independent/The Bugle

2nd place: Arizona Range News

3rd place: Nogales International

Division 2: Non-Daily circulation 3,500 to 10,000

1st place: Green Valley News & Sun

2nd place: Jewish News of Greater Phoenix

3rd place: Fountain Hills Times

Division 3: Non-Daily circulation greater than 10,000

1st place: West Valley View

2nd place: Phoenix Business Journal

3rd place: Explorer

Division 4: Daily circulation under 25,000

1st place: Sierra Vista Herald

2nd place: Yuma Sun

3rd place: The Daily Courier

Division 5: Daily circulation greater than 25,000

1st place: The Arizona Republic


Division 1: Non-Daily circulation under 3,500

1st place: Arizona Range News

2nd place: San Pedro Valley News-Sun

3rd place: Arizona Silver Belt

Division 2: Non-Daily circulation 3,500 to 10,000

1st place: Payson Roundup

2nd place: White Mountain Independent

3rd place: Chino Valley Review

Division 3: Non-Daily circulation greater than 10,000

1st place: Phoenix Business Journal

2nd place: Explorer

3rd place: The Catholic Sun

Division 4: Daily circulation under 25,000

1st place: Sierra Vista Herald

2nd place: Yuma Sun

3rd place: The Daily Courier

Division 5: Daily circulation greater than 25,000

1st place: Arizona Daily Star


Division 1: Non-Daily circulation under 3,500

1st place: Arizona Capitol Times

2nd place: Arizona Range News

3rd place: San Pedro Valley News-Sun

Division 2: Non-Daily circulation 3,500 to 10,000

1st place: White Mountain Independent

2nd place: Payson Roundup

3rd place: Aztec Press

Division 3: Non-Daily circulation greater than 10,000

1st place: The Catholic Sun

2nd place: West Valley View

3rd place: Glendale Today

Division 4: Daily circulation under 25,000

1st place: The Daily Courier

2nd place: Sierra Vista Herald

3rd place: Arizona Daily Sun

Division 5: Daily circulation greater than 25,000

1st place: The Arizona Republic


Division 1: Non-Daily circulation under 3,500

1st place: Lake Powell Chronicle - Gateway

2nd place: Arizona Capitol Times – Best of the Capitol

3rd place: Arizona Silver Belt – Gateway to the Copper Corridor

Division 2: Non-Daily circulation 3,500 to 10,000

1st place: Payson Roundup – Rodeo

2nd place: White Mountain Independent – Mountain Skies

3rd place: Fountain Hills Times – Home

Division 3: Non-Daily circulation greater than 10,000

1st place: La Voz – Beisbol Para Todos

2nd place: Tucson Weekly – best of Tucson

3rd place: Explorer – Discover Nothwest

Division 4: Daily circulation under 25,000

1st place: Casa Grande Dispatch – Cotton and Agriculture

2nd place: Sierra Vista herald – Our Community

3rd place: Yuma Sun – Raising Yuma

Division 5: Daily circulation greater than 25,000

1st place: Arizona Daily Star – Connecting the dots


Division 1: Non-Daily circulation under 3,500

1st place: Eloy Enterprise

2nd place: Arizona Range News

3rd place: Lake Powell Chronicle

Division 2: Non-Daily circulation 3,500 to 10,000

1st place: Aztec Press

2nd place: Fountain Hills Times

3rd place: White Mountain Independent

Division 3: Non-Daily circulation greater than 10,000

1st place: Ahwatukee Foothills News

2nd place: Tucson Weekly

3rd place: Explorer

Division 4: Daily circulation under 25,000

1st place: Daily News-Sun

2nd place: Sierra Vista herald

3rd place: The Daily Courier

Division 5: Daily circulation greater than 25,000

1st place: Arizona Daily Star


Scholastic Division: Large Schools (4A & 5A)

1st place: The Roundup, Brophy College Preparatory

Scholastic Division: Small Schools (3A & smaller)

1st place: The Sting, Sedona Red Rock High School

Individual Winners by Category


Division 1: Non-Daily circulation under 3,500

1st place: Jeremy Duda, Arizona Capitol Times – Arizona Medicaid on life support

2nd place: Don Harris, Arizona Capitol Times – It’s curtains for film tax credit bill

3rd place: Michael Rinker, Lake Powell Chronicle – Council vote preserves pecking order on mesa

Division 2: Non-Daily circulation 3,500 to 10,000

1st place: Pete Aleshire, Payson Roundup – The silence of snow

2nd place: Staff, Eastern Arizona Courier – Synthetic drug sales go up in smoke

3rd place: Dan Shearer, Green Valley News & Sun – Jesus is my rock

Division 3: Non-Daily circulation greater than 10,000

1st place: Chris Flora, Explorer – Town of Marana covering its assets

2nd place: Cindy Yurth, Navajo Times – Birth cohort study still in labor

3rd place: Valeria Fernandez, La Voz – Blood, sweat and tears

Division 4: Daily circulation under 25,000

1st place: Amy Crawford, Yuma Sun – Water your waiting for

2nd place: Mara Knaub, Yuma Sun – Note-able camp

3rd place: None awarded

Division 5: Daily circulation greater than 25,000

1st place: Ron Solomon, Arizona Daily Star – Wall St. has egg all over its Facebook

2nd place: None awarded

3rd place: None awarded


Division 1: Non-Daily circulation under 3,500

1st place: Michael Rinker, Lake Powell Chronicle – Tragedy or comedy?

2nd place: Evan Wyloge, Arizona Capitol Times – Gone to pot: Dispensary opens amid court

battles over medical marijuana

3rd place: Jonathan Clark, Nogales International – Bad website data leads to spat over crime stats

Division 2: Non-Daily circulation 3,500 to 10,000

1st place: Salvatore Caputo, Jewish News of Greater Phoenix – Show of support: 575 at service

of grief

2nd place: Terrance Thornton, Town of Paradise Valley Independent – Mountain Shadows

revamp to hold Paradise Valley accountable

3rd place: Terrance Thornton, Town of Paradise Valley Independent – Two documents to guide

the development at Mountain Shadows

Division 3: Non-Daily circulation greater than 10,000

1st place: Alastair Bitsoi, Navajo Times – Tate’s Auto keeps coming up at auto sales hearings

2nd place: Jim Nintzel, Tucson Weekly – We call BS

3rd place: Mike Sunnucks, Phoenix Business Journal – Ready to depart

Division 4: Daily circulation under 25,000

1st place: Bill Coates, Casa Grande Dispatch – Mental illness

2nd place: Mara Knaub, Yuma Sun – Yuma senator accused of confronting teacher in class

3rd place: Adam Curtis, Sierra Vista herald – Chapel restoration a symbol of recovery

Division 5: Daily circulation greater than 25,000

1st place: None awarded

2nd place: None awarded

3nd place: None awarded


Division 1: Non-Daily circulation under 3,500

1st place: Evan Wyloge, Hank Stephenson, Arizona Capitol Times – Lobbying spending uncovered

2nd place: Hank Stephenson, Arizona Capitol Times – Darin Mitchell’s residency

3rd place: Curt Prendergast, Nogales International – Fatal Border Patrol shooting

Division 2: Non-Daily circulation 3,500 to 10,000

1st place: Terrance Thornton, Town of Paradise Valley Independent – Mountain Shadows

revitalization saga

2nd place: Michele Nelson, Payson Roundup – Homeless students still struggle

3rd place: Leisah Woldoff, Jewish News of Greater Phoenix – Start Me Up

Division 3: Non-Daily circulation greater than 10,000

1st place: Kristena Hansen, Phoenix Business Journal – Home-buying blog series

2nd place: Cindy Yurth, Alastair Bitsoi, Navajo Times – Crisis at WR Unified School District

3rd place: None awarded

Division 4: Daily circulation under 25,000

1st place: Lisa Irish. Joanna Dodder, Matt Hinshaw, Les Stukenberg, The Daily

Courier – Whiskey Row Fire

2nd place: Staff, Yuma Sun – Behind the Badge: Yuma Police Department

3rd place: Mara Knaub, Yuma Sun – Amberly’s Place fights child abuse

Division 5: Daily circulation greater than 25,000

1st place: Tom Beal, Arizona Daily Star – 100 Days of Science

2nd place: Michael Kiefer, the Arizona Republic – Jodi Arias trial

3rd place: Stephanie Innes, Rob O’Dell, Arizona Daily Star – Kids skipping shot increases threat

of dangerous outbreak


Division 1: Non-Daily circulation under 3,500

1st place: Evan Wyloge, Hank Stephenson, Arizona Capitol Times – Lobbying spending uncovered

2nd place: Jeremy Duda, Arizona Capitol Times – AG’s office blocked embarrassing information

3rd place: Jonathan Clark, Nogales International – Worker arrested on drug charges was

already a felon

Division 2: Non-Daily circulation 3,500 to 10,000

1st place: Terrance Thornton, Town of Paradise Valley Independent – Mountain Shadows revamp

to Paradise Valley accountable

2nd place: Max Foster, Payson Roundup – The Pine water plot thickens

3rd place: Terrance Thornton, Town of Paradise Valley Independent –Two documents to guide

the development at Mountain Shadows

Division 3: Non-Daily circulation greater than 10,000

1st place: J.D. Long-Garcia, The Catholic Sun – West African Resiliance

2nd place: Valeria Fernandez, La Voz – Los barrios hispanos: Toda una epoca

3rd place: J.D. Long-Garcia, The Catholic Sun –Fear lingers in wake of Supreme Court

SB 1070 decision

Division 4: Daily circulation under 25,000

1st place: Hillary Davis, Yuma Sun – Far West rate hike saga

2nd place: Susan Randall, Casa Grande Dispatch – CG marketing

3rd place: Bill Coates, Scott McNutt, Casa Grande Dispatch – Blast shakes downtown

Division 5: Daily circulation greater than 25,000

1st place: JJ Hensley, Rob O’Dell – A betrayal of trust

2nd place: Tim Steller, Arizona Daily Star – Border Patrol lacks accountability

3rd place: Anne Ryman, The Republic – Arizona charter schools


Division 1: Non-Daily circulation under 3,500

1st place: Daniel Dullum, Florence Reminder and Blade-Tribune – Baseball championship

2nd place: Daniel Dullum, Florence Reminder and Blade-Tribune – ’75 state champs

3rd place: Eric Mungenast, Maricopa Monitor – Rodeo family story

Division 2: Non-Daily circulation 3,500 to 10,000

1st place: Ryan Winslett, Fountain Hills Times – Pain for a purpose

2nd place: Kevin Duje, green Valley News & Sun – What might have been

3rd place: Ryan Winslett, Fountain Hills Times – Iron girl
Division 3: Non-Daily circulation greater than 10,000

1st place: Marco Arreortua, La Voz – dBacks: Una nueva historia

2nd place: Quentin Jodie, Navajo Times – Dad’s helping hand

3rd place: Staff, La Voz – Lucha Libre

Division 4: Daily circulation under 25,000

1st place: Matt Hickman, Sierra Vista Herald – Courting Destiny

2nd place: Rodney Haas, Kingman Daily Miner – Is medical care at football games adequate?