Plan I

Individual Development Plan Form

Individual Development Plan for:

Teacher Status: Probationary 1 2 3 4 5 (Check One)

Tenured in Michigan 1 2 (Check One)

Standard(s) Related to Goal(Check all that apply):

I. Classroom Environment
II. Preparation and Planning
III. Instruction / IV. Assessment
V. Communication and Professional

**Goals: Achievement Goal:

By the end of the semester (January 2013), the number of students who are proficient on common writing assessments will increase by 5% as measured by a score of “4” on the 6+1 Traits rubric. By the end of the year (May 2013), student proficiency will increase by another 5% (making a 10% increase over the school year) as measured by a score of “4” on the 6+1 Traits rubric.

Best Practice Professional Growth Goal:

Increase use of Reading Apprenticeship strategies in my classroom. By the end of the school year (May 2013), I will have implemented/taught think-alouds, talking to the text, close and critical reading, and sustained silent reading.

Purpose of Goal:
To increase student proficiency in reading and writing across the content areas. This will be measured by 6+1 Traits rubric as well as by various Reading Apprenticeship-type assessments (both formative and summative).
Teacher’s Plan:
I plan to utilize strategies suggested and implemented by Kelly Gallagher in his books, “Teaching Adolescents How to Write” and “Write Like This” to improve my teaching of writing. I will also be using differentiation, 6+1 Traits, and Reading Apprenticeship strategies to help me in meeting my achievement and best practice goals. This year I also have a co-teacher, ------, who will be helping me to strategize and implement supports for our special education students in the two hours she is in my room.
Indicators of Progress:
Formative assessment data/student work
Student writing scores from first to last formal writing assignment (e.g. reflective to analytical)
Students’ timed writing scores throughout the semester
Lesson plans demonstrating work towards achievement/best practice goal
Student survey at the end ofsemester and year(indicating thoughts/opinions about writing/reading improvement
Sustained Silent Reading metacognitive logs
Departmental grammar test (pre/post)
6+1 Traits Writing Posters
Notes from PLC meetings indicating common assessments and sharing of lesson plan ideas
Administrative Support:
Continued support with Reading Apprenticeship training
Independent reading books for classroom library
Lesson plans/ideas for teaching writing
Lesson plans/ideas for implementing differentiated instruction
Daily Oral Language-type books for students’ daily grammar practice
Document camera/Elmo

Teacher’s Signature and Date: ______

Administrator’s Signature and Date: ______

*The goals must include student growth data and standards for effective teacher best practice professional growth. This means that Standard IV and specifically Element 5 Student Growth and Assessment must be addressed on the Year End Evaluation and it must be a significant portion of the evaluation.