Band Policy

In order to assist band members and parents in understanding areas of responsibility, a

statement of band policy is herein set forth. Becoming familiar with this policy willenable each individual to make the most of this great opportunity to be a member of theOcean City Intermediate School Band /String Ensemble program, becoming a betterperson and a better musician. We firmly believe each student should improve through regular practice. When thestudent has lost the will to improve him or herself or to make a better contribution to theband, he or she is wasting the time and effort of fellow members and the community bycontinuing to do so. The happiest student is one who improves through regular habitsof practice and daily progress. He or she must not only know right from wrong but mustbe able to stand for principles and develop a high sense of purpose toward which he orshe is willing to work. Responsibility is the focus behind any level of achievement withinthis program. We intend to conduct ourselves in a manner that will facilitate the learningof all students.


Band/string ensemble is an assessed class. This means that your child will receive a

grade for the class. This grade is to ensure participation within the program as well as

an incentive for being a part of the program. This grade contributes to school groups

such as National Junior Honor Society, Sweet Success, and the quarterly awards.

Grading System

Band/string ensemble is assessed on a whole point grading system. This means that

students will receive a certain amount of points for participation, tests, quizzes,projects,and assignments. At the end of each marking period, the points earned by thestudent will be added together and then divided by the total available amount of points.The value is as follows:

Participation-10 Points each week for lesson and 5 points rehearsals

Assignments-10 points or more

Quizzes/Dress Rehearsals -25 points or more

Tests/Projects/Performances -50 points or more

*Grades are not given...they are earned!


Attendance is important in any program, and it is crucial to the instrumental musicprogram. Any student enrolled in this program will be required to attend a weekly

lesson and a weekly rehearsal after school. If a student is absent from school and

misses their scheduled lesson, I ask that they come and see me when they return to

school to schedule a make-up lesson and receive the work that they missed. If astudent fails to reschedule their lesson it will result in no points for that week. Attendance at the after school rehearsals also warrants a grade.

Conflicts with Band

I know that there are many activities which interfere with band/string ensemble and I am

more than willing to work with any student to accommodate them. Resolving conflicts

begins with communication between students and myself. If there is a conflict withband, it must be discussed with me before the actual occurrence. A lack ofcommunication will result in no points for a missed rehearsal. In most cases, conflictswith other activities that meet once per week after school will result in a split session. As for sports; if there is a game scheduled the same day as a rehearsal then they areexcused from rehearsal, but if it is practice for a sport then they are required to be at therehearsal. Most sports programs are 5-day per week programs; the band/stringensemble program is once per week. I will accommodate to each students’ scheduleson an individual basis at their first lesson. Again, there needs to be communication! Attendance at dress rehearsals and performances is mandatory!


As with any activity, you get out of it what you put into it. Band will not be fun unlessyou practice! Practice is the other crucial component of an instrumental music program. I ask that each student practice everyday for 20-30 minutes. I will be using the quarterly

graded practice sheet again. The parent signature/initial will be necessary with the filled

out practice sheet. Here is a suggested plan of study:

• Pick a set time each day (before/after dinner)

• Warm-up

• Play scales if necessary

• Go over the material covered in lessons

Being apart of the band/string ensemble requires dedication; this includes individual

dedication at home as well as dedication at school.

Instrument Rental

All students must attain an instrument on their own. Theinstruments need to be rented through one of the provided dealers included in thispacket or any dealer you may find or purchased from any source available. I includedsample agreements and prices. The school does not rent out instruments! I askthat you refrain from purchasing instruments that “look cool” as in many cases thequality is lacking. NO COLORED INSTRUMENTS!!! The dealers I provided will not guide you in the wrong direction. Theyprovide instruments at decent costs that will provide students with a high level of

success. These instruments will also have a higher resale value than the others. Also,

the rental needs to be for the remainder of the year; BAND RUNS UNTIL THE LAST

DAY OF SCHOOL! I know that the purchase of an instrument is expensive all at once,

but I strongly suggest it. Many dealers offer finance options to make the process easier.

Rented instruments may seem like a good idea now, but it is a better decision to be

paying that money on an instrument to own. Students need to have an instrument

no later than Friday, September 25, 2015. If you have any questions or

concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.

Dropping Band

Once a student signs up for band/string ensemble, they are enrolled for the entire year.

Band/string ensemble is an assessed classwhich requires consistent participation. As stated before, band is truly like a family. One musician affects everyone. The success of this program sits on the shoulders ofeveryone involved.

Materials Needed for Class

Each student should have the following in class everyday:

• A sharpened pencil

• Instrument (includes sticks or mallets for percussion)

• Instrument Book

• Metronome

• Reeds for woodwinds (clarinets and saxophones)

• Oil for brass (trumpets, trombones, and euphoniums)

*preparation is included in the weekly participation grade you receive*

Objectives of the Band Program

• To teach music by its actual performance.

• To develop performance skills on the various wind, string, and percussion instruments.

• To provide for the musical needs of the school and the community.

• To develop discrimination with regard to the selection of music.

• To acquaint the students with music theory/history and how history and musical

composition relate to students’ lives and musical experiences.

• To provide all students with the opportunity for worthy use of their time, a means forself-expression, and a healthy social experience.

• To develop the ability to function as a responsible member of a group, enhance

interaction, and develop esprit de corps.

• To foster leadership skills within each student.

Classroom Rules and Procedures

• Chewing gum is not permitted in the band room.

• Food and drink are not permitted in the band room.

• Be in your seat, warmed up, and ready to begin on time.

• Respect the teacher and other students, including their personal property.

• All school rules apply.

Duties of a Band Member

• Be on time to all rehearsals and performances. Early is on time-on time is late.

• Upon entering the classroom, get your instrument and supplies and go directly to yourseat.

• When the teacher steps on the podium, all talking stops.

• Come to rehearsal with a good attitude.

• There should be no excess playing.

• Make a real effort to improve on a daily basis, and establish a good practice routine.

• At the end of rehearsal, put all of the materials back where they belong.

• Maintain good grades in all courses.

• Become responsible for and assume responsibility for your own actions. Admit whenyou are wrong.

• Have proper respect for yourself, others, and those in authority.

• Read and play music with insight-have musical expectations.

How Parents Can Help

• Show an interest in the musical study of your child.

• Arrange a regular time for your child to practice daily.

• Find a quiet place where he or she can practice without interruption.

• Listen to performances of practice material when asked to do so.

• Help the student keep a daily record of practicing.

• Come up with a reward system for daily practice.

• Keep the instrument in good repair, and keep at least three reeds in the case

(clarinets and saxophones).

• Be extra careful with school owned instruments. Repair costs are high.

• Teach your child to be prepared and on time to each rehearsal or lesson.

• Provide private instruction!

• Make a faithful attendance at all band activities important.

• Buy your child a personal planner for marking important dates or use the school


• Keep the handbook in a safe place and refer to it often.

• Notify the teacher if the student is to be absent for rehearsals or lessons.

• Double-check to make sure students have their instruments.

• If the student is absent, make sure he or she meets with the teacher to make up thelesson or work assigned.

Band Room

The use of band facilities before, after, and during school is a privilege. Students who

abuse the facility will be disciplined accordingly. Any abuse or damage will beconsidered vandalism. There will be no horseplay, e.g., throwing things in or around the

band room. All percussion equipment is off limits to anyone not specifically designated

to use them. There will be no storing of personal items- the band room is not a locker.

Classroom/Rehearsal Procedure

• You must be in your seat ready to play at 2:30 or your designated lesson time. Duringthe previous ten minutes to the downbeat you should get your seat, a music stand, apencil, your music, and your instrument. Also begin warming up. Percussionistsshould set up all equipment and music during this time. Announcements will be madeat the beginning or end of class and written on the board.

• Talking will not be allowed during rehearsal.

• The purpose of rehearsal is to learn the parts of others and how your part fits in thewhole band. Learning individual music needs to be done at home, PRACTICE!

• If you must leave your seat for any reason, please ask. Restroom breaks should betaken before class starts.

• In your individual warm up, it is important to practice long tones, harmonics, scales,and the assignments.

Concert Band/String Ensemble

5th grade band students who finish the book will be permitted to join the concert band or

string ensemble. Band/string ensemble admittance is only permitted when the

book has been completed!

Dress Rehearsals/Performances

As concerts approach, there will be late dress rehearsals. It is the student’s and

parent’s responsibility to find transportation and make sure that their child is present and

on time to both dress rehearsals and performances. Please make sure that the same

consideration is taken when your child needs to be picked up. Any student that wishes

to walk home needs a note to Mr. Butterick from their parent stating their permission to

do so.


There will be a band trip during the year and multiple opportunities for fundraising to aid

in expenses for the trip. We will have the cinnamon bun/smoothie sale again in October

and the Sac of Subs fundraiser in December. In addition, we will be having a car wash

in conjunction with the chorus. This will take place on Saturday, September 27, 2014 at

9:00am until 12:00pm. Any student who does not attend will not receive financial assistancefrom the funds raised. Please have your child at the Intermediate School on time.

Private Lessons

As one might expect, private lessons on a musical instrument are the best way to

improve performance skills. The one-on-one approach allows the student to benefit

from individual attention as opposed to being one in a class of more than fifty. A recent

survey of students in honor’s bands showed that approximately 80% of the students in

honor’s bands studied privately. Students are generally more inclined to practice

diligently for a weekly music assignment, and this discipline increases the student’s

enjoyment with the instrument. The band director will be more than happy to assist in

the selection of a private teacher. Please refer to the attached list as well.


An instrumentalist cannot duplicate a characteristic sound on his or her instrument

without an appropriate model to emulate. Below are suggestions of artists for each

instrument. Every student in the band program should own at least one recording of the

following artists:

Flute: Jean-Pierre Rampal, Jim Walker, Paula Robison

Clarinet: Harold Wright, Larry Combs

Saxophone: Jean Rousseau, Joseph Lulloff, Steven Mauk

Trumpet: Phil Smith, Adolph Herseth

Trombone: Joseph Alsessi, Christian Linberg

Concerts for 2015-2016

Monday, May 16, 2016: 2:30-3:15

Mandatory Dress Rehearsal

Tuesday, May 17, 2016: 5:00 pm

4th and 5th Grade Concert/PTA Hoagie Dinner (Multi-Purpose Room)

Events for 2015-2016

•Saturday, September 26, 2015 9:00-12:00

Car Wash Fundraiser

• Cinnamon Bun Fundraiser Starts Tuesday, September 29, 2015 and runs until

Tuesday, October 13, 2015.

• Sac of Subs Fundraiser starts in November.

• Thursday, February 4, 2016: 4:30-7:30

Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser:

•Wednesday, May 25, 2016 (tentative)

Music Department Field Trip

Lesson Schedule

*All lessons take place at 1:20pm in the band room.

A schedule will follow.

5th Grade (Band)

After School RehearsalSchedule

  • Wednesday, October 14, 2015: 2:30-3:20
  • Thursday, November 19, 2015: 2:30-3:20
  • Thursday, February 18, 2016: 2:30-3:20

5th Grade (String Ensemble)

After School Rehearsal Schedule

  • Tuesday, October 13, 2015: 2:30-3:20
  • Monday, November 16, 2015: 2:30-3:20
  • Wednesday, February 17, 2016: 2:30-3:20

*A schedule for the remainder of the year will be distributed*

Ocean City Intermediate School Band/String

Ensemble Permission Slip/Contract

Student’s Name:______

Student’s Instrument:______

Student’s Homeroom Teacher:______

Telephone Number:______


**This is my main form of communication**

*I have read all of the information regarding the Ocean City

Intermediate School Instrumental Music Program and I give

permission for my child: ______to be

enrolled in the lesson program taking place during the day

and the respective ensemble after school. By signing this

contract I agree to abide by the guidelines and expectations

discussed in the provided packet.*

Student Signature: X______

Parent Signature: X______

*Please sign and return this form no later than Friday, September 18, 2015*

“Music describes that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.”

-Victor Marie Hugo