Job Description

Position Title: Operations Manger

The Operations Manger (OM) of Hockey Wanganui and, in partnership with the Board is responsible for the success of Hockey Wanganui. Together, the Board and OM will ensure Hockey Wanganui is relevant to the community, accomplishes Hockey Wanganui’s mission and vision, and is accountable to Hockey Wanganui’s stakeholders.

The Operations Manager position reports to the Board, and s/he is responsible for the management and day to day operations of Hockey Wanganui and has the authority to carry out these responsibilities, in accordance with the direction and policies established with the Board. The OM provides direction and guidance to the Board so they can carry out their governance functions.

Responsible to: The OM is employed by the Hockey Wanganui Board and is responsible for representing the views of Hockey Wanganui stakeholders.

Reporting to this position: Administration support, Coaching Support Manager, Delivering Coaches, Volunteers

Responsibilities and Duties

The OM should:

  1. Legal compliance
  • Ensure the filing of all legal and regulatory documents and monitor compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
  1. Mission, policy and planning
  • Help the Board determine Hockey Wanganui’s values, mission, vision, and short- and long-term goals.
  • Help the Board monitor and evaluate Hockey Wanganui’s relevancy to the community, its effectiveness, and its results.
  • Keeps the Board fully informed on the condition of Hockey Wanganui and on all the important factors influencing it.
  • Identify problems and opportunities and address them; bring those which areappropriate to the Board and/or its committees; and, facilitate discussion anddeliberation.
  • Inform the Board and its committees about trends, issues, problems and activities inorder to facilitate policy-making.
  • Recommend policy positions that are key in the direction of Hockey Wanganui.
  1. Management and administration
  • Provide general oversight of all activities, manage the day-to-day operations with decision making, and ensure the efficient functioning of Hockey Wanganui.
  • Ensure program quality and organisational stability through development andimplementation of standards and controls, systems and procedures, and regularevaluation.
  • Create a work environment that recruits, retains and supports quality staff andvolunteers.
  • Implement the process for selecting, development, motivating, and evaluating staffand volunteers.
  • Recommend staffing and financing to the Board. In accordance with Board, recruit personnel, negotiate professional contracts, and sees that appropriatesalary structures are developed and maintained.
  • Specify accountabilities for management of personnel (whether paid or volunteer) and evaluate performance regularly.
  • Ensure correct practices are being met.
  • Health and Safety
  1. Governance
  • Help the Board articulate its own role and accountabilities and that of its committees andindividual members, and helps evaluate performance regularly.
  • Work with the Board Chair to enable the Board to fulfil its governancefunctions and facilitates the optimum performance by the Board, its committees andindividual Board members.
  • With the Board Chair, focus Boards attention on long-range strategic issues.
  • Manage the Board’s due diligence process to assure timely attention to core issues.
  • Work with the Board and committee members to get the best thinking andinvolvement of each Board member and to stimulate each Board member to give his orher best.
  • Recommend volunteers to participate in the Board and its committees.
  1. Finances
  • Promote programs and services that are produced in a cost-effective manner, employingeconomy while maintaining an acceptable level of quality.
  • Oversee the fiscal activities of Hockey Wanganui including budgeting, reporting and audit.
  • Work with Board to ensure financing to support short- and long-term goals.
  • Help guide and enable the Board, and individual Board members to participate actively in the fund development process.
  • Implement and monitor a viable fundraising plan, policies and procedures.
  • Participate actively in identifying, cultivating and soliciting key partnership prospects.
  • Ensures the development and operation of management systems and reports forquality decision-making.
  • Maintain, prepare, identify, and liaise where needed.
  • Funding applications
  1. Community relations
  • Facilitate the integration of Hockey Wanganui into the community by using effectivemarketing and communications activities.
  • Listens to staff, volunteers, stakeholders and the community in order to improve servicesand generate community involvement.
  • Serves as chief spokesperson for Hockey Wanganui, assuring proper representation to the community.
  • Initiate, develop, and maintain cooperative relationships with key stakeholders.

Knowledge and Skills Required

Ideally the Operations Manager is someone who is:

  • Well informed of all organisation activities and able to provide oversight.
  • A professional and positive role model for Hockey Wanganui who demonstrates continued professional growth and development.
  • Able to plan and meet deadlines.
  • Able to handle complex problems and concepts.
  • Able to balance multiple tasks simultaneously and can make rapid decisions regarding administrative issues.
  • A person who can develop good relationships internally and externally, establishing and maintain strong relationships with the Board, committees, volunteers, staff, stakeholders and the wider sport sector.
  • Able to plan and implement programmes, procedures and policies.
  • Forward thinking and committed to meeting the overall goals of Hockey Wanganui.
  • A person with a good working knowledge of the Hockey Wanganuiconstitution, rules and duties of board and committee members.
  • Able to work collaboratively with the board and committee members.
  • A good listener and attuned to the interests of members and other community groups.
  • A good role model who can representative Hockey Wanganui in other forums.
  • A competent public speaker
  • Able to raise concerns with the Chairman where they arise

Supported by

The OM will be supported by theChairman and Board members who will help create and maintain Hockey Wanganui’s purpose, vision and values for the benefit of its past, present and future members and the wider Hockey community.

Estimated Time Commitment Required and Period of Appointment

The estimated time commitment as OM is ______hours per week.

For a period of______