Dr. ShirleyOakley, Professor ofCommunication

OFFICE:LA 185, ClearwaterCampus

EMAIL: Always communicate with me throughANGEL.


*First dayof thecourse:5/19/14

*Last dayof the course:7/11/14

*Last dayto drop, receive refund,and/or changeto audit:5/23/14

*Last date to withdraw voluntarilywith a “W”:6/19/14

*CollegeClosed/No Classes:5/26/14, Memorial Day; 7/4/14, Independence Day


AcademicChair, Dept. of Communications: Dr. ShirleyOakley

Office:LA 185; Officephone: 727-791-5904; Email:

Dean of Communications: Dr. MarthaCampbell

Office:LA 187; Officephone: 727-791-2570; Email:


Please callthe SPC Help Desk: 727-341-4357 (HELP).


Ifyou havea documented disabilityor think that you mayhavelearningorotherdisabilityand would liketo request accommodations, pleasemake an appointment with theLearning Specialists onyour campus. DisabilityResourcesstaff can bereached at 727-791-2628 (V/TDD).Formoreinformation, go to:


Please click on this link to checkyourcomputer requirements:

Forthis course,youwillneed regular andreliableaccess toInternet, preferablywith a high- speed connection. When takingonlinequizzes and exams, or viewingonlinevideos,you should have an Internet connection that is stable and that willnot dropyour connection.Ifyou do not haveastable high-speedInternet connection,youshould consider making arrangement to take online exams at oneofthe St. PetersburgCollegelibraries or similar facilitywhere astable high- speedInternet connection is available. Firefoxis thepreferred browser touse to access course materials.You arerequired to submit assignments in Studentsarerequiredto submit assignments in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) formats. No other formats (such as .RTF,.WPS, etc.)willbe accepted.

NOTE about websites:Ifyou areusingFirefox,you mayfind that someofthe webpages on the coursesitewillnot open.Don’t be alarmed, just follow thesesteps:

1. Afteryou click onalink and realizethe siteisn't appearing, look up to theURLin theupper left corner. You'llsee asmall shield icon there.

2. Click on theicon and you can then disable theblock forthe site.

SPOC CENTRAL: Youmustsuccessfullytestalltechnical items required forthis coursethe first week ofclass. What this means is thatyou must check and useSPOC, thestudent feedback recorder for allvideos thatyou willsubmit.Follow thedirections in the SPOC Central-Test Your Settings folder. Youwillneed to contactthe HelpDeskifyour computer orequipment is not workingproperly. You mayalso usethe limited-access soundproof roomat theSPC Seminole Campus. On the ClearwaterCampus,you mayuseoneof the rooms in theLearningResource Center (pleasecallaheadto reserve a room).Youmusthave access to avideo camera(such as LogitechQuickCam Orbit)and USB-headset in order to complete severalassignments, which

willincorporate video technology.You maybeable to check out webcams andheadsetsat the collegelibrary, but first checkyour ownequipment to seeif it works.



Contactyour instructor throughANGELemail.

Always addressyour instructoras Dr. Oakleyandsignyour emails (your name).

Always include arelevantsubject line. (Don’t usean old subject foranew topic.)

Takecare with wording emails; this is an academic course.

Usestandardfonts, capitalization, and proper punctuation.


Trytoavoid special formattingsuch ascentering,audio messages, tables, html, etc.

Respect theprivacyof other class members.

Avoid insultingand inflammatorystatements to other members of the class.

Read the comments of othergroupmembers thoroughlybeforeenteringyour remarks.

Respond in athoughtfuland timelymanner (beforeor onthe duedate).


This courseis about theimpact that interpersonal communication has onyour relationships, especially your professional relationships.Twomajorideas that will be addressed are:

1.Language,communication, and interpersonal relationships are at all levels of ourpersonal and professional lives; and

2. There arenumerous dynamics that influencehow our communication affects our quality of life. Two approaches used in this course aretheoryandexperience; we’ll integrate reading, written assignments,andquizzes andpresentations to understand thenpracticewhat is learned.

This courseis presented through theANGELplatform in eight weeklysections. You will first read the overview of thetopics and assignmentthen takesteps to completethe assignments no later than 11:55pmon either Thursdayor Sundayofthe week the assignment is due. Latework isnot accepted withoutsufficient reason (deemed sufficient bythe instructor), so plan ahead.

This is an accelerated learningcourseandyou areresponsible forsomeofyour learningonyour own (reading,research, etc.). As an adultleaner,you areresponsible foryour understandingof the assignments and howto completethem, so besureto ask questions to clarifyan assignment if it is unclear toyou.


COM 3120Interpersonal Communication for Professionals3 credits

This course explores communication within thecontext of professional interpersonal relationships. Topics include interpersonal communication concepts, monitoringthe internal and external environmental factors in a professional interpersonalrelationship, determiningthe relational context, identifyingthe appropriatecommunication channel for interpersonal exchanges, andreducing unintended messages. Students willdemonstrate their understandingof diversityin their professional interpersonalrelationships. Major courserequirements are a formal presentation andawritten analysisof an identified characteristic in interpersonal communicative exchanges.


1. Thestudent will develop atheoretical and practical understandingof theinterpersonal

communication processwithin the context of aprofessional relationship.

2. Thestudent will analyzethe internal and external behavioralfactors inaprofessional interpersonal relationship and demonstrate theabilityto select theappropriate communication channel usinginterpersonal communication theories.

3. Thestudent will identifythe interpersonal communication issues that mayoccurwithin a professional context anddevelop the abilityto analyzethe purpose,audience, and potential intended and unintendedconsequences of themessages.

4. Thestudent will, using interpersonal communication concepts, demonstrate their understandingof communication skills employed byleaders,communication theories, and ethical communication principles as theyapplytoaprofessional interpersonal communication context.

5. Thestudents will demonstrate their understandingof networking, mentoring, andcoaching skills in both peer to peerand peer to supervisoryrelationships within an interpersonal communication context.

6. Thestudent will develop techniques foridentifyingemergent communication technologies and theirpotential foruseand misuse withininterpersonal professional contexts.

7. Thestudent will examineinterpersonal communication concepts and demonstrate their understandingof power relationships, understandingof diversitywithin interpersonal relationships, and abilityto acquire conflict resolution skills.


ReflectRelate: AnIntroduction to Interpersonal Communication, 2nd edition, bySteven

McCornack.ISBN-13: 978-0-312-57693-6

Power of 2: How to Makethe Most ofYour Partnerships atWork and in Life, byRodd Wagner and Gale Muller.ISBN:978-1-59562-029-3


Please read this section carefully.All papers must betyped and double-spaced, with 1-in margins, 12 pointTimesNew Roman font, correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Cite any and allwork that is not original andformat allwork using anAPA style manual.For help using a style format seeonlineresources suchas OWLat Purdue: contact theSPCLibrary.Keep anelectronic and hard copyofyour assignments and avoid completingand/or submittingassignments at thelast minute. Pleasedo not emailthe instructor about computerproblemsorInternet problems concerningassignments.ForANGELproblems contact theHelp Desk.


Forspecific information,seeSchedule of Assignments and DueDates in theCourseMaterials. Gradecalculations are:600-540=A; 540-480=B;479-420=C;419-360=D;359 and under=F

GradedAssignments / PointsPossible
Partnerintroduction video
Improvement topic video
Final video presentation
Discussion posts (3 at 25 points each) Presentation Outline with Bibliography Partner ProjectAnalysispaper
Quizzes (4 at 75 points each) / 25
Total PointsPossible / 600


In this coursewewillutilizeoneor moreof theCollegeresources below. You willfind links to Smarthinking, and Turnitin onyour ANGELhomepage. Theyare allfreeto students. Also in our ANGEL coursewehaveaccess to libraryresources designed especiallyforour class. The link is underLessons.

Smarthinkingis an onlinetutoringservice. Thelink is onyour ANGELhomepage.

Turnitinis an onlineservicethat checks forsources andplagiarism.

Writing Studioislocated in the libraryat the Clearwater, Tarpon,Seminole, and Gibbs campuses.

SPC Library. You can also access databases online. Here’s thelink:


It isyour responsibilityto be familiar with St. PetersburgCollege’s AcademicHonestypolicies

and the consequences ofviolations. Thereis no tolerance foranyform ofacademicdishonesty. Discipline can rangefrom azero onaspecific assignment to expulsion from the class with a gradeof“F” and the possibilityofexpulsion from the college. Notethat copying/pasting publishedinformation without citing your sources,whetherthe information is fromyour textbook or theInternet is plagiarism and violatesthis policy.Even ifyou slightlychangethe words from an outsidesource, the ideas aresomeone else's soyou still haveto citeyour sources. Cheating, plagiarism, bribery, misrepresentation,conspiracy,and fabrication aredefined in

Board Rule 6Hx23-4.461. Student Affairs: AcademicHonestyGuidelines,Classroom Behavior.


You must complete allassignments bythe duedates to earn participation credit. Specific guidelines for assignments and points awardedare indicated arein theAssignment Schedule located at the endofthis syllabus. Typically, initial Discussion posts aredueon Thursdays by

11:55pm(EST) and the completed discussion is dueby11:55pm(EST) onSundays.

Becauseyou willlearn communication theories and concepts whichyoucan immediatelyapply toyour personal and professional lives,you can understand that to communicate effectively means to participate; thereis no otherwayto succeed in this course. Therefore, itis imperative thatyou loginto the course regularlyand complete allofyour assignments.

Attendanceis a mandatorycomponent forthis course. You arerequired to “come to class”ona regularbasis. Specifically,attendancewillbe recorded byusingtheDiscussion Postings and other assignments as themetric.Ifyou do not completethe weeklyassignments in full,youwill bemarked“absent” forthat week in which the assignment was missed.Furthermore, ifyou miss two (2) assignment postings at anytime throughoutthe course(theydo NOT need to be consecutive—any2),you runthe risk of beingreported as not participatingbythe instructorand you willbedropped withoutfurther explanation.In short, be sureto submit all assignments on time so problems will not arise.

Check emails, ask questions, and interact withyour classmates daily.I am required to reportyou as "attending"or"not attending" for each of thefirst two weeks of thesession.Ifyou havenot postedyourattendancein the attendancediscussion forum duringthe firsttwo weeks ofclass, you willbereportedas "not attending"and willlikelybe removedfrom the course.Likewise,if at the60%participation markyouhavemissed two weeks ofattendance, participation, and/or assignments (havenot completed allassignmentsup to that point),you willbe reported as Not Participatingandwillbedroppedfrom thecourse.



Research is required in this course. Campus libraries, public libraries, andotheronline resource centersand facilities should be explored.Individual experts maybeinterviewed for information. Electronicresearch is encouraged; however, one mustuse credibleweb sites as sources.


Treat opinions of otherswith respect. Choose comments appropriatelyand sensitivelyforyour public audience.Beaware, tolerant, andrespectfulof individual differences. Realizetoo that, no matterhow comfortableyou might becomewith other members of our class, itis never appropriate to uselanguageof anykind that mightin some waybeoffensiveto our class

audience. Thisclass is apublic context and mustbe approachedas such. Avoid inappropriate, unprofessional language,slang, or otherwise unprofessional or unacceptable jargon.

Recording Your Speeches

Useyour headset and webcam to videotapeyour speeches.Checkyourspeech beforeyou

submit it. Makesuretheaudio ANDvideo areboth acceptablebeforeyouhit“submit.”This

step is extremelyimportant.

Before givingyour presentation, makesuretoeliminate noisein the room. Turn the TV off and makesurethat no one (orapet) will bewandering through theroom. Besurethatyouarethe focus of thewebcam andthatyou arefacingthe webcam (not sideways). Thewebcam must be focusedonyou throughout thespeech. The camerashould bepositioned asif it is an audience member.You should betotallyvisible (allofyou,not just theupper half).

Neverdeliver/recordaspeechsitting down,half-dressed, underwater, outside, etc.You should dress formallyforallspeeches, just asyouwould in a real lifepublicspeaking environment. That meanssuit jacket with tie and slacks, suit jacket with skirt and dress shirt, or skirt with dress blouse.Consider this a professional business situation and dress accordingly. No tank tops, t-shirts, jeans, etc. Makesureyour speech fulfills thetime requirements.If aspeech is morethan 30 seconds under orover therequired timelimit set forthat particular speech, points maybededucted. Practicingyour speech willhelpyou to staywithin the timelimits.


Thestudent surveyof instruction is administered in courses each semester.It is designed to improvethe qualityof instruction at St. PetersburgCollege. All student responses are confidential and anonymous and willbeusedsolelyforthepurpose of performance improvement. Watch forspecific dates thatyouare allowed to takethis survey.


TheSyllabus Addendum can be foundbyclicking on the link below orin the foldertitled Course

Information, Policies Assignments, and MaterialsPleasetakethetime to read through this important information.

Note:Theinstructor reservestherighttoalter thissyllabusandassignment scheduleas needed.

Schedule ofAssignments andDue Dates

Allcompletedassignments are due by11:55pmonSundayofeachweek.


1 / PartnerIntroduction video / 25 / Finda class partnerandinterviewvia email orchat.Thenintroduceyour
partnerina videousingSPOC.
Textbookreading / Readchapters 1—3 inReflectandRelate
CourseMaterials / Readthroughallassignments intheCourse ProjectOverviewandOther
Course Materials folder under Lessons.
Quiz / 75 / Take quizcovering chapters 1—3.
2 / Narrative speech / ungraded / UsingSPOC,recordaspeechaboutthe firsttimeyoumetsomeone
differentfrom you, orthe firsttimeyoutraveled outside ofyourhome country.
Textbookreading / Readchapters 4—6in ReflectandRelate.
Quiz / 75 / Take quiz covering chapters 4—6.
3 / Textbook readings / Readchapters 7—9in ReflectandRelate
Read pages 1through33inPower of2.
Quiz / 75 / Take quiz covering chapters 7—9.
Analysis PaperInstructions / Re-readthe guidelines to the Analysis Paperinthe CourseProject
Overview folder.This paperwill be dueinWeek7,butyou needtostart itnow.
4 / CommunicationImprovement
video / 25 / UsingSPOC,recorda videoofyourselfidentifyinga communication
problemrelatedtothe topics inyourReflectandRelatetextthatyou wanttoimprove.
TextbookReadings / Readchapters 10—12in ReflectandRelate.
Readchapters 2—4in Powerof2.
PresentationOutline Instructions / Readthe instructions fordeveloping anoutlineandbibliographyinAPA
Quiz / 75 / Take quiz covering chapters 10—12.
5 / Textbookreadings / Readchapters 5—7inthePowerof2.
DiscussionPosting / 25 / Post your discussioncoveringthechapters.
6 / Textbookreading / Read pages 177—193inthePower of2.
DiscussionPost / 25 / SubmityourDiscussionPost aboutthe chapter reading.
PresentationOutline / 50 / Submityour presentationoutline thatincludes your bibliographyand
citationsinthe dropbox.Make sure it’s inan outline format;essaysor
listswill notbe accepted.Eachpartnerwillsubmit his orherportion of the outline.
7 / Presentations / 75 / UsingSPOC,give yourformal presentation(eachpartnerwill present
hisorher ownportionofthe presentation).
presentations / ungraded / Watchatleast twoclassmate presentations andsubmitfeedbackinthe
Discussion post.
8 / Analysis Paper / 75 / SubmityourAnalysis Paperin thedrop box.(Use thePower of2to
SSI / Dothe StudentSurveyofInstruction
Farewell / Sayfarewelltoyourclassmates inthediscussionpost.