WinDarab v7.03.013


Small performance improvement in graph display (OPL1917)

  • A small performance improvement was made by changing the style of the cursor cross.
  • Note: It wasn’t possible to determine the reason of the reported issue (poor performance concerning the instrument panel) nor to reproduce the issue with the provided data. The only thing we found was a small decrease of the performance, because of the changed cursor style.

COMApi: WinDarab eats uncaught exceptions caused by COMApi clients (OPL1927)

  • If a COMApi client (such as a plugin) throws excpetions which aren’t handled by the COMApi client itself, WinDarab eats the exceptions instead of crashing itself and creating a minidump for further analysis.
  • Note: We aren’t responsible for crashes caused by internal errors of a COMApi client/plugin.

WinDarab v7.03.012


Windows taskbar in auto-hide mode cannot be activated, if main window is maximized (OPL1303)

  • If the windows task bar is in auto hide mode and the WinDarab main window is maximized, it wasn’t possible to reactivate the windows task bar.

WinDarab v7.03.011


WinDarab tolerates not monotone increasing distance information.

  • If the distance information is retrieved by channels containing a distance information (e.g. the lap distance channel: “distlap”) but the channel didn’t contain monotone increasing distance information, WinDarab didn’t accept this channel as a distance source, showed a message box and continued to look for some other distance source.
  • Now WinDarab tolerates not monotone distance information by extrapolating samples, which violate the monotone increasing rule.
  • Note: The change was required because the datalogger import allows to merge several recorded laps into a single data file. In this situation it’s normal, that a “distlap” channel starts with “0 m” after each lap trigger.
  • Note: Also the situation of an ECU reset (e.g. ignition off/on) let the “distlap” c

Datalogger import: Including/Excluding multiple entries from import task

  • If multiple entries are selected on the “current import” tab, the user can include/exclude all selected entries to/from the import task by clicking on the “Get”-Checkbox of an entry (Shift or Ctrl key has be held).

Channels pane: Typing channel names in the search field didn’t work reasonable (OPL1962)

  • If the user types a channel name (or parts of it) into the search field, the auto completion didn’t work reasonably, if no channel name matches the text. This resulted in the impossibility to filter the channel list by entering multiple words/parts.

Datalogger import: Ensuring the import window to be visible on startup (OPL1960)

  • If the datalogger import is started, the main windows appears on its latest position and size. In multi-monitor scenarios (or after reducing the monitor resolution) it may happen, that the window wasn’t visible anymore because the restored position and size is outside of the available screen(s).
    Now the datalogger import ensures the visibility of the main window on startup.

WinDarab crashed if a constant math channel was removed and later added again to a measurement window (OPL1955)

  • A crash was reported concerning the use of constant math channels:
  • The formula of constant math channel contains a constant number or refers to a comment field value
  • The math channel is added to a measurement view and removed again
  • WinDarab crashed, if the math channel is added to measurement view again.

WinDarab show a notification, if a file without valid distance is used and the current x-axis is set to distance (OPL1955)

  • If the user opens a file, which doesn’t contain any channel usable as the source of distance information, WinDarab shows a message box if the x-axis of a measurement window is set to distance.
    Note: The message box appeared previously only, if a valid distance information was available but actually the vehicle wasn’t moved.

WinDarab might crash, if a message box is shown while opening a file (OPL1955)

  • A crash was reported where WinDarab crashed after showing a message box (“invalid dist information”) because the new opened file was automatically closed in the background.
  • Note: It wasn’t possible to reproduce the error nor to retrieve, who/what closed the file in the background. Nevertheless we added a barrier which denies the closure of a file while its still opened.

ComAPI: Command buttons can be added to the ribbon by ComAPI-Plugins (OPL1938)

  • The ComApi was improved by a possibility to add/create own command buttons in the ribbon. The Api is mainly intended to be used by ComAPI-plugins but can also be created by any other ComApi client (e.g. Excel).
  • For more information see the ComApi documentation and the sample code provided in the Samples folder!
  • Note:If you use plugins, you should recompile your plugin against the new COMApi definitions!

Changes of WinDarab v7.2

File-Explorer sometimes shows laps mixed up, if reduced view is activated (OPL1965)

  • If two overlays with different files are opened and the file explorer is switched into “reduce lap list” mode, the file explorer sometimes mixes the laps of the different files if the cursor is moved forward through the data.

Support of MDF data format (INCA) was improved (OPL1972)

  • Now, WinDarab supports some more features of MDF files:
  • Periodic, virtual time channels are supported.
  • Big-Endian byte order (Motorola format) is supported.

Licensetool supports the use of Unicode characters in installation path (OPL1971)

  • The license tool now supports the use of Unicode characters (e.g. japanese symbols) in the installation path.

WinDarab crashed, because of accessing channel data behind the last sample (OPL1970)

  • A crash was observed where WinDarab crashed because of accessing channel data behind the last sample. The possibility is confirmed and fixed.

WinDarab crashed while loading a desktop (OPL1968/1969)

  • A crash was observed where WinDarab crashed while loading a desktop file. The issue seems to occur only, if there is another problem prior when loading the outing report configuration part.

WinDarab v7.03.010


Datalogger-Import: Bit channel values were set to zero (OPL1954/1951)

  • The imported set the values of bit channels to zero, if the data mask to extract the value from a data byte was 0x01. Bit channels with other masks (e.g. 0x40) weren’t affected by this bug.

Datalogger-Import:All laps were marked as Out/In-Laps (OPL1951)

  • If recorded data is imported and each lap is written to a separate WinDarab file, the DataLogger-Import marked all laps as Out/In-Laps.
  • Now only laps with counters lap=1 and fragment=1 are marked as Out-Laps.
  • If a file is created for each lap no lap is marked as an “In-Lap”.
    Note: If a group of single laps is opened in WinDarab, WinDarab will mark In-Lap implicitly, if the following lap is an Out-Lap!
  • If multiple laps are merged into a file, laps before an Out-Lap are marked as an In-Lap and the last lap is also marked as an Out-Lap.
    Note: The latter assumes, that a whole outing is imported!

WinDarab v7.03.009


Histogram: The results of a second overlay weren’t calculated sometimes (internal tests)

  • If a histogram is configured to evaluate two overlays, the results of the second overlay weren’t calculated sometimes. The issue was observed, if the evaluated range is changed by
  • Moving/Dragging the cursor in the graph window.
    Note: The histogram worked, if the cursor is moved by a single click!
  • Scrolling in the graph window using the scroll bars
  • Scrolling the visible range through the outing bar.

Graph window settings dialog: Crash, if “Remove all traces” is clicked (internal tests)

  • If all traces are removed using the button in the settings dialog of a graph window, WinDarab crashed if a channel is assigned to a y-axis.

FFT window: Serveral issues fixed (internal tests)

  • If a suspended FFT calculation task is canceled some internal events weren’t unregistered and caused a crash afterwards (e.g. the FFT window is on an inactive sheet and the overlay is removed in the file explorer)
  • The “show all results” setting didn’t work. No results were shown.
  • The performance of the bar control was very poor, if a lot of FFT results are shown (e.g. if “show all results” is enabled)

WinDarab crashed after deleting a math function (OPL1949)

  • The crash occurred in the following situation:
  • A math function references other math functions.
  • The corresponding math channel is/was used somewhere (e.g. shown in a graph window)
  • The math function is deleted.
  • One of the referenced math function is deleted/changed afterwards.

Channels pane: Issues with the channels property area (OPL1655)

  • WinDarab crashed if WinDarab was closed with a selected channel in the channels pane.
  • WinDarab crashed, if a group is selected in the hierarchy view of the channels pane.
  • The channels property area is updated now whilesearching for a channel in the text field.
  • A wrong block number was used to determine a channels frequency.
  • The property area was optically improved by using a header for the areashowing the channels type and name.

Analysis windows: Some context menus couldn’t be shown

  • In some analysis windowsthe context menu wasn’t shown after a right click on the appreciate area (e.g. axis settings context menu in the x-y-plot)

WinDarab v7.03.008


FFT: The selection of a channel doesn’t work sometime (OPL1947)

  • If a channel is selected in the FFT setup, the selected channel was discarded.

Channels pane: An area was added, where some channel info is shown (OPL1655)

  • In the channels pane a info view was added, where WinDarab shows some information about the currently selected/focused channel.
  • If RaceCon provides information about the sampling settings a channel was record with, these settings will be shown.
  • Note: The sampling rate of a channel is also shown in the channel context info in the graph window.

Math formulas: IIR Filters improved

  • WinDarab is now capable to calculate IIR filters with individual settings.
  • Note: If a IIR filter is added using the UI, a fixed set of filter order and filter frequencies are offered. Nevertheless you can change them later.
  • Supported filter types:
  • Lowpass
  • Highpass
  • Bandpass
  • Stopband
  • Supported filter methods
  • Bessel
  • Butterworth
  • Chebyshev-I
  • Chebyshev-II
  • Elliptic
    The “.Net Framework 4 Client profile” has to be installed. If the Frmnework isn’t installed the math functions cannot be used (an error is shown asking to install the framework)

DataLoggerImport: The importer couldn’t connect to the Datalogger after the connection was interrupted (OPL1946)

  • If an active connection to the data logger was interrupted, the logger didn’t allow a reconnect until the data logger was reset. Now the importer tries to reconnect if the data logger reports an extended.
  • Note: A firmware update is also required to solve the issue.

DataLoggerImport: File template variables for fastest lap added

  • If the destination file contains multiple laps, the variables [fastouting], [fastlap] and [fastlaptime] can be used in the filename template to insert information of the fastest lap within the file.
  • Note: If a file is created for each fragment, the variables return the lap information of the fragment but only the time length of the fragment (not of the whole lap).

WinDarab v7.03.007


WinDarab crashed sometimes, if the laptrigger were generated using the laptriggers manager (OPL1945)

  • If lap trigger were generated using the lap trigger manager and the user entered an math expression and/or a filter function as the data source, WinDarab may crash afterwards.

WinDarab crashed if a diff overlay is removed/changed (OPL1937)

  • If the overlay used to calculate differences is changed/removed while WinDarab calculated the signal in the background a crash can occur, because the main thread didn’t wait for the background task to stop.

WinDarab crashed after a diff overlay is removed (OPL1932)

  • WinDarab sometimes crashes after the overlay is removed, which was used for calculating difference channels.
    In another step WinDarab may ask the user to select another reference file for differences from a list containing all opened files – and not only files assigned to an overlay. If the user selected a not assigned file WinDarab crashes sometime afterwards.

WinDarab crashes, if a channel setting is changed and the channel is viewed as a diff channel (OPL1919)

  • WinDarab crashes, if a channel setting is changed and the channel is shown in a graph window as a difference channel.
  • Note: This issue/bug is responsible for various crashes in OPL1920,1922,1925,1933,1937.

Workdesk isn’t loaded at startup (OPL1916)

  • A user reported that WinDarab doesn’t load the previous desktop on startup. For further investigation WinDarab writes log entries to the logfile to examine the desktop loading decisions on startup.

WinDarab v7.03.006


WinDarab v7 password protection handling (OPL1914)

  • The “Save as” dialog used to save WinDarab files was changed.
  • If no password (or an empty password) is set in the current file the option “Set password” is shows. If the source file is password protected, the option “Change password” is shown.
  • As long as the “Set password” or “Change password” options isn’t selected, WinDarab will apply the file protection mechanism/settings of the source to the destination file.
  • If a user activated the “Set password” option and the source file has no password yet, a hint is shown, that the file cannot be opened by WinDarab v6 anymore.
  • The password batch dialog (Main menu / Tools) supports the removal of a password protection to return the file format back to WinDarab v6.
    Note: Removing the password will reactivate the project protection of the ECU. There is no way to create a unprotected WinDarab v6 compatible file !

If WinDarab is closed, the data logger import is also closed (OPL1913)

  • If the data logger import was started by WinDarab, it will also be shut down if WinDarb is closed.

Deadlock while closing WinDarab (OPL1907)

  • If a background task to create the trace of a channel in the graph view is scheduled but not running and WinDarab is closed, it could happen that the background task and the main thread of WinDarab run into a dead lock.

Laps can be omitted from the determination of the fastest lap (OPL1647)

  • Laps can be omitted from the determination of the fastest lap. The option can be found in the context menu shown in the file explorer, if the user right clicks onto a lap or in the lap trigger manager dialog.
    Note: Only the fastest lap can be excluded from the fastest lap determination.
  • The lap trigger manager dialog was only available in the “Start” ribbon category, if a graph view is selected. Now the lap trigger manager is available on the “Start” ribbon category for all views.

Changes of WinDarab v7.2

WinDarab crashed because of an invalid racetrack control (OPL1903)

  • An issue was observed where a racetrack control got invalid after opening a large number of files. Actually the cause seemed to be a lack of memory causing the racetrack control not to initialize correctly.

Lookup-Table: Values are reduced to 6 significant digits, if the editor is opened (OPL1902)

  • If a lookup table is opened in the WinDarab lookup table dialog, the values in the lookup table were reduced to six significant digits. This was a problem since some customers generate the lookup table with external tools and using a higher precision.
  • Important: If the editor is opened, WinDarab shows the numbers with the configured decimals. As long as a cell is not entered/edited, values with more used decimals are still preserved. Only values touched by entering the cell will be reduced to the configured number of decimals.
  • Note: As long as the editor wasn’t used and the lookup table saved, WinDarab worked with the values written by the external tool.

COMApi : Comment field changes weren’t saved

  • Any changes of comment fields weren’t saved to the file.
  • The methods to Add/Remove comment fields (DataFileProperties) were added/implemented.

COMApi: Some channel properties returned incorrect information

  • As long as a channel isn’t in use (whether by WinDarab nor a DataAccessor) some properties of a channel object returned incorrect values.
    Affected properties were: TimeLine, TimeBegin and TimeEnd.
  • Note: Accessing these properties move the channel shortly into memory to provide correct values. Nevertheless this is a more or less expensive operation and you should store the results instead of accessing them multiple times. The most expensive operation occurs, if the channel is a math channel using a periodically timeline for its calculation.


  • Starting with WDServer v2.02.010 the WDServer supports optionally the use of unicast transmission of online data to connected clients. A minor change was necessary in WinDarab to allow multiple instances of WinDarab running on a single computer while being connected to WDServers.
  • Note: Prior versions of WinDarab work with WDServer v2.02.010 as long as only a single WinDarab instance is launched.
  • Note: These changes are only for the case, WDServer is using unicast packets. We still recommend the use of broadcast packets which is still the default mode for WDServer.

WinDarab v7.03.005


Detection of disconnected networks may cause stack overflows (OPL1893)

  • If several network connections aren’t available over a longer period, WinDarab crashes because of a stack overflow.

“Channel Info” didn’t update immediately, if tag cursor is set/removed (OPL1894)

  • If the tag cursor is set or removed, the channel info window didn’t update immediately until the user moved the cursor in the graph window.

Changes of WinDarab v7.2

Test: WinDarab crashed, if a channel attached to a y-axis is removed using the settings dialog

  • If the settings dialog of a graph window is used to remove a channel from the graph window, WinDarab crashed, if the channel was also attached to a y-axis.

Test: Modifying exceptions in the unit conversion settings didn’t work, if an overlay is unused

  • If the user tried to modify exception rules in the unit conversion settings and at the same time an overlay isn’t used (no file attached), the channels drop down list contained “not existing” channels of the unused overlay instead of the valid channels of the assigned overlay.
    This may be a problem, because “not existing” channels doesn’t have a unit and therefore the exceptions page doesn’t work correctly, because the correct unit is required.
    Now, “not existing” channels don’t overwrite valid channels of valid overlays.

WinDarab v7.03.004