Immaculate Conception Catholic School

October 26-30
4th-8th Newsletter
Science: Ms. Knight ()
ELA: Ms. Pennington (
Math: Ms. Humisky (
Social Studies: Mr. Ledbetter () / This Week at ICCS
Tuesday:4th/5th Field Trip
Thursday: All Saints Day (dress as your favorite saint.)
Monday: Music
Tuesday: No Special
Wednesday: Spanish
Thursday: Mass 9:00-10:00
Friday: PE

A Flash from our Week

4th grade:
Reading: This week the students will read the play, Invasion from Mars. Target Skillsstory structure/ elements of drama/ formal & informal language. Language Skills: Grammar Verbs Spelling /oo/ sound
5th grade:
Reading: This week the students will read an informational text, Quest for the Tree Kangaroo. Target Skills cause and effect/.quotes and description/domain-specific vocabulary Target Strategy question Language Skills: Grammar verbs Spelling vowel + r words
6th-8th grade:
Writing: This week the students will be comparing narrative writing (short stories) to expository writing (news articles) and compose a news story article based on a short story .Grammar: pronouns
4th Grade:-The 4th graders are busy working on their multiplication math board game. They will continue to work on it throughout this week and hopefully on Friday we will be playing each of their games in class.
5th grade- The 5th graders will be doing some review of regrouping with subtraction. I have noticed that has been a common mistake while we are working on our decimal unit. You will see a few math problems like this coming home each night. In addition the students will be learning how to balance a checkbook as well as write a check.
6th- The 6th graders are hard at work with their cumulative fraction project. They have been given the task of starting up and running their own bakery.
7th- The 7th graders are working on solving 2 step algebraic equations. Please encourage your child to go over the integer rules that we reviewed last week. This seems to be where the students are struggling most.
8th- The 8th graders are solving 2 step equations and then will be going on to solving multi-step equations.
Please remember all students should be practicing their multiplication facts each night!


Homework / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
ELA / 4th spelling
5th spelling
6th/7th pronouns lesson
8th pronouns lesson
modules / 4th spelling
5th spelling
6th/7th pronouns lesson
8th pronouns lesson
modules / 4th spelling
5th spelling
6th/7th pronouns lesson
8th pronouns lesson
modules / 4th: Study
5th: Study
6th/7th pronouns lesson
8th pronouns lesson
modules / 4th
6th/7th pronouns lesson
8th pronouns lesson
Math / 4th test prep
5th- pg. 206 regrouping wkst
6th-test prep
7th pg. 77 (8-20)
8th pg.51 (19-23) / 4th test prep
5th pg. 211 regrouping wkst
6th test prep
7th finish 77
8th pg. 56 (2-22) / 4th test prep
5th pg. 217
regrouping wkst
6th test prep
7th pg. 83 (20-28)
8th pg. 56-(23-28) / 4th test prep
5th 221 regrouping wkst
6th test prep
7th pg. 83 (31-37)
8th pg. 62 (6-13) / 4th none
5th none
6th none
7th none
8th none

★ Homework can change daily. Please always check your child's assignment sheet.