MABE’s Education Bill Highlights

February 6, 2014

Total: 51 / Title / Primary Sponsor / Synopsis & MABE Position
(SB0064) / Children in Need of Assistance - Educational Stability / Chair, Judiciary Committee / Requiring the juvenile court to inquire as to the educational stability of a child at specified hearings and proceedings; and authorizing the juvenile court to consider specified factors in determining the educational stability of a child. MABE: No Position
HB0015 / Public School Facilities Security Improvements Program / Delegate McDermott / Establishing the Public School Facilities Security Improvements Program; requiring the Interagency Committee on Public School Construction to implement and administer the Program and to develop procedures to provide grants to county boards to improve security in public school facilities; authorizing the Interagency Committee to award grants to improve security in public school facilities under specified circumstances; requiring the Governor to provide a specified amount in the State budget for the Program in fiscal year 2016; etc. MABE: No Position
HB0017 / Criminal Law - Misuse of Interactive Computer Service / Delegate Cardin / Expanding the prohibition against using an interactive computer service to maliciously engage in a specified course of conduct that inflicts serious emotional distress on a minor or places a minor in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury with a specified intent, so as to prohibit this conduct against any person regardless of age; and providing penalties for a violation of the Act. MABE: No Position
HB0020 / Primary and Secondary Education - Security - School Resource Officers / Delegate Cluster / Requiring that a specified number of school resource officers be assigned to specified public schools in the State; requiring specified public schools to hire retired law enforcement officers to serve as school resource officers for the school; requiring specified school resource officers to obtain a special police officer commission issued by the Department of State Police; requiring the county superintendent to submit an application to the Secretary of State Police for a special police commission for each school resource officer hired; etc. MABE: Oppose
(SB0151) / Administrative Procedure Act - Fiscal Impact Statements for Proposed Regulations / Delegate McDermott / Altering a specified provision of law to clarify that a promulgating unit is required to submit a specified fiscal impact statement with a proposed regulation to the Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review and the Department of Legislative Services; and altering a specified provision of law to prohibit a unit from adopting a proposed regulation until after a specified fiscal impact statement is submitted with the proposed regulation to the Committee for preliminary review. MABE: No Position
HB0037 / Employment Discrimination - Dress and Grooming Standards / Delegate Washington, M. / Establishing that the ability of an employer to establish standards concerning an employee's dress and grooming that are directly related to the nature of the employment of the employee does not allow the employer to require or prohibit specific hairstyles or facial hair or prohibit an employee from wearing clothing or adopting modes of grooming based on sex. MABE: No Position
HB0051 / Public Schools - Boards of Education - Bullying Hotlines and Tip Boxes / Delegate Cardin / Requiring county boards of education to establish a toll-free bullying hotline and distribute bullying tip boxes to public schools; requiring county boards of education to publicize the bullying hotline and tip boxes in specified locations and venues; requiring the completion of a victim of bullying, harassment, or intimidation report form on receipt of a report of an act of bullying, harassment, or intimidation on a bullying hotline or from a tip box; establishing that specified information is confidential; etc. MABE: Oppose
HB0053 / Public Records - Provision of Copies, Printouts, and Photographs - Required / Delegate Vitale / Requiring a custodian of a public record to provide a copy, printout, or photograph of a public record to an applicant under specified circumstances; authorizing a person or governmental unit that is not provided with a copy, printout, or photograph of a public record to file a complaint with a specified circuit court; authorizing the court to take specified action regarding the failure to provide a copy, printout, or photograph of a public record; etc. MABE: Oppose
HB0056 / Sales and Use Tax - Tax-Free Periods - School Supplies and Textbooks / Delegate Vitale / Expanding the annual sales and use tax-free period to include specified school supplies and textbooks if the taxable price of the school supply or textbook is $500 or less; defining "school supply" and "textbook"; etc. MABE: No Position
HB0068 / Family Law - Denial of Custody or Visitation - Sexual Abuse of a Minor / Delegate Haddaway-Riccio / Prohibiting a court, except under specified circumstances or unless good cause for the award of custody or visitation is shown, from awarding custody of a child or visitation with a child to a parent who has been found guilty of sexual abuse of a minor; clarifying that specified provisions of law may not be construed to require a conviction of a party for a crime before a determination by the court regarding custody or visitation under specified circumstances; and applying the Act prospectively. MABE: No Position
HB0069 / Procurement - State Funds - Energy Efficient Outdoor Lighting Fixtures / Delegate Carr / Expanding the prohibition on the use of State funds to install or replace specified luminaires by applying the prohibition to all permanent outdoor luminaires unless the luminaires meet specified requirements; establishing specified requirements for luminaires intended for specified lighting purposes; etc. MABE: No Position
HB0076 / Education - Implementation of the Common Core State Standards - Prohibition / Delegate Smigiel / Prohibiting the State Board of Education and specified county boards of education from establishing specified educational policies, curriculum, and guidelines that include or are based on the Common Core State Standards; prohibiting the State Board from entering into any agreements or joining any organizations that give control over educational matters to any entity other than the State; requiring the State Board to take specified steps to rescind the State Board's adoption of the Common Core State Standards; etc. MABE: Oppose
HB0086 / Education - Maryland Seal of Biliteracy Act - Establishment / Delegate Gutierrez / Establishing the Maryland Seal of Biliteracy Program; providing for the purpose of the Program; providing that participation in the Program by a local school system is voluntary; providing that beginning with the graduating class of 2015, specified students shall receive a Seal of Biliteracy under specified circumstances; requiring the State Board of Education to establish criteria and requirements on or before October 1, 2014; etc.
HB0087 / Anne Arundel County - Superintendent of Schools - Compensation / Delegate McMillan / Prohibiting the Anne Arundel County Board of Education from paying monetary compensation to the county superintendent of schools for sick leave benefits earned in a specified manner. MABE: No Position/Local
HB0114 / Education - Geographic Cost of Education - Requirement / Delegate Luedtke / Requiring that the county boards of education receive a specified grant to reflect regional differences in the cost of education that are due to factors outside of the control of the local jurisdiction; and repealing a provision that allowed for the reduction of a grant under specified circumstances. MABE: Support
(SB0165) / Education - Maryland School Assessment - Request for Waiver / Delegate Luedtke / Requiring the State Department of Education to request a specified waiver from the U.S. Department of Education within a specified period of time; prohibiting the Department from administering the Maryland School Assessment in the spring of 2014 under specified circumstances; and requiring the Department to administer the Maryland School Assessment under specified circumstances. MABE: Support
HB0123 / Program Open Space - Use of Funds - Artificial Turf Surfaces / Delegate Carr / Prohibiting the use of specified funds under Program Open Space to build new or to replace specified athletic fields with artificial or synthetic turf surfaces; etc. MABE: No Position
(SB0159) / Vehicle Laws - School Vehicles - Definition / Delegate Beitzel / Altering the definition of a "school vehicle"; establishing that a "school vehicle" includes specified vehicles that meet or comply with specified standards and requirements, were originally used to transport children, students, and teachers in another state, and are used only for transporting children to and from specified locations.
HB0148 / Education - Public School Holidays - Veterans' Day / Delegate Sophocleus / Requiring Veterans' Day to be a public school holiday.
HB0151 / Juvenile Services - Child in Need of Supervision Pilot Program - Expansion / Delegate Jones / Requiring the Secretary of Juvenile Services to establish a Department of Juvenile Services Child in Need of Supervision Pilot Program in two counties each year until the Pilot Program is available in every county in the State; requiring the Secretary to determine which counties to add to the Pilot Program based on specified criteria; requiring the Secretary to submit a specified annual report to the General Assembly and the Department of Budget and Management on or before July 1 each year; etc. MABE: No Position
HB0157 / Open Meetings Act - Advance Notice of Meeting - Agenda / Delegate Krebs / Requiring a public body to include an agenda containing specified information in the advance notice of an open or closed meeting held by a specified public body.
HB0160 / Budget Bill (Fiscal Year 2015) / Speaker / Making the proposed appropriations contained in the State budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, in accordance with Article III, Section 52 of the Maryland Constitution; etc. MABE: Support
(SB0042) / Financial Education and Capability Commission - Membership and Duties / Delegate Stein / Altering the membership of the Financial Education and Capability Commission to include the Secretary of Higher Education, or the Secretary's designee, rather than a member of the Higher Education Commission; and altering the duties of the Commission to require the Commission to coordinate specified financial education events and activities to highlight a specified month as Financial Education Month.
HB0166 / State Government - Administrative Procedure Act - Effective Date of Adopted Regulations / Delegate Arora / Altering the effective dates of specified regulations adopted under the Administrative Procedure Act. MABE: No Position
(SB0218) / Creation of a State Debt - Qualified Zone Academy Bonds / Speaker / Authorizing the creation of a State Debt in the amount of $4,625,000, the proceeds to be used as grants to the Interagency Committee on School Construction and the Maryland State Department of Education for specified development or improvement purposes; providing for the disbursement of the loan proceeds and the further grant of funds to eligible school systems for specified purposes, subject to a requirement that the grantees document the provision of a required matching fund; etc. MABE: Support
HB0207 / State Capital Projects - High Performance Buildings / Chair, Health and Government Operations Committee / Altering the definition of a "high performance building" as it applies to specified provisions of law relating to State capital projects.
(SB0203) / Charles County - Board of Education - Salaries and Expenses / Charles County Delegation / Increasing the salary of the chair of the Charles County Board of Education beginning in the year 2015 to $7,000 annually; increasing the salary for the vice chair and other nonstudent members of the county board beginning in the year 2015 to $6,000 and compensation for travel and other expenses to $800 annually; providing that members of the county board may be reimbursed for specified expenses after submitting expense vouchers and supporting receipts; etc. MABE: No Position/Local
HB0216 / Anne Arundel County - Superintendent of Schools - Compensation for Unused Leave on Termination of Employment / Delegate McConkey / Providing that the Anne Arundel County Board of Education, on termination of the employment of the county superintendent of schools, may compensate the county superintendent for specified unused leave earned while employed as county superintendent only in the manner applicable to specified other employees of the county board on termination of employment. MABE: No Position/Local
HB0222 / Education - Reportable Offenses - First Degree Burglary and Animal Cruelty / Delegate Dumais / Adding first degree burglary and animal cruelty to a list of offenses for which a law enforcement agency that arrests a student for the offense is required to report the arrest to specified school officials under specified circumstances. MABE: Support
HB0232 / County Boards of Education - Spending - Reporting Requirement / Delegate Olszewski / Requiring each county board of education to provide a report to the State Department of Education by specified dates on the amount of State, local, and federal funds spent per student for specified students at each school; requiring the Department to submit a specified report to the General Assembly by specified dates; etc MABE: Oppose
(SB0282) / Juvenile Law - Truancy Reduction Pilot Program - Kent County / Delegate Jacobs / Requiring each county board of education to provide a report to the State Department of Education by specified dates on the amount of State, local, and federal funds spent per student for specified students at each school; requiring the Department to submit a specified report to the General Assembly by specified dates; etc. MABE: No Position/Local