RIPwe remember with love and thanksgiving the lives of:
- Andrea Rose, who has recently departed this life; and
- Eileen Shadbolt (3rd); Maurice Prower (5th) – whose Anniversaries fall at this time.
For healing and other needs:Alan Grayston; Emma Hay; Alan Heyes; Daphne Dyer; Elaine Garrish; Elliot Zadurian.
Long term sick:Elaine Lawal; Sam Hanson; Jacqueline Hibbert; Charlie Shirren.
Our Church Families:Ruvimbo Nganjo; Peter & Georgina Sage; Enid & Douglas Scott-Kerr; Mercy Sigauke; Paul Sinden; Edna Smith; Pam Storey; Ray Stockwell.
Happy Birthday to: Len Gray (4th); Eleanor Brown (6th); Valerie Walwyn (7th); Ruvimbo Nganjo & Taeyang Kwo (8th).
The Parish: Newlyn Gardens; Newquay Crescent; Ovesdon Avenue; Perwell Avenue; Perwell Court.
The Churchfor Martyrs world-wide.
Ourselves and the Nation:peace and calm to us all but more so to the USA and North Korea.
The Persecuted Church:Indiathe regional government in the state of Jharkhand has put forward a draft “freedom of religion bill,” which will require anyone changing religion to obtain prior permission to do so from a magistrate, while also potentially leaving Christians vulnerable to prosecution for sharing their faith. Instead of preserving every individual’s right to choose their religion – the stated aim of the law – the new bill will make it more difficult for genuine converts, particularly those from the Hindu majority. The bill follows a pattern of similar laws introduced in other states and is likely to mean Christians face false accusations of coercion and violence for openly articulating their faith..
Capital Vision2020 Creator God, as you spoke creatively and through creation to Moses with the burning bush, would you inspire your church to create, and to worship you creatively through the arts.
Prayer of the WeekFather, you are the source, guide and goal of all life. You have given us responsibility not only for our own lives, but also for the well-being of our neighbour. We ask you to fill us with the love and power of your spirit, that we may complete the task You have laid upon us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
1957 - 2017
89 Malvern Avenue Harrow HA2 9ER. 020 8422 3633
Registered Charity No. 1131727
Star Link
SUNDAY, 3rd SEPTEMBER 2017 TRINITY XII8.00am: Holy Communion
9.45am: Parish Communion
with Prayers for Healing
& Go MAD on Sunday
Please come to the Hall after the Service for Coffee, Tea & Fellowship
6.30pm: Choral Evensong
This Week’s Services / Next Sunday: 10thSeptember
Monday - Friday
9.00 am Morning Prayer [cw]
9.30 am Holy Communion
Saturday: 8.30am Barnabas Fellowship / 8.00 am Holy Communion
9.45am Parish Communion
Exodus 12: 1-14;
Romans 13: 8-14
StMatthew18: 15-20
Today's Collect
LMIGHTY and everlasting God, you are always more willing to hear than we to pray and to give more than either we desire or deserve:
pour down upon us the abundance of your mercy, forgiving us those things of which our conscience is afraid and giving us those good things which we are not worthy to ask but through the merits and mediation ofJesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Readings:Exodus 3: 1-15page 59
Romans 12: 9-21page 1139
Gospel: StMatthew 16: 21-28page 984
Post-Communion Prayer
OD of all mercy, in this eucharist you have set aside our sins and given us your healing:
grant that we who are made whole in Christ may bring that healing to this broken world, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
FAMILY FLOWERfor September has been given by Barbara Wood in loving memory of her parents, Ivy & Jack, and brother Peter.
PARISH DIRECTORYplease will you collect your Parish Directory from the table at the back of the Church. They are named copies and laid out in alphabetical order. Thank you for your co-operation when I contacted you whileupdating it for 2017. Joyce Nickolay
JUBILEE TEA & MUSIC HALLon Harvest Sunday, 24thSeptember we will be hosting a Jubilee Tea and Music Hall and Harvest Service for our more senior members. Arrival should be between 3.30pm and 4pm and we hope to provide transport for those who are unable to come otherwise. The evening should finish at about 7pm. If you would like to attend, please give your names toPam Storey (020 8868 9624) or Joyce Nickolay (020 8248 6405)
MONEY MATTERSthe HSBC main church bank account details have changed:
New Sort Code: 40-11-58; New Account Number: 20404810.
This only affects one off payments to St. Andrew’s, i.e. for charities or the Jubilee Dinner.
Please note this is NOT the stewardship accountand does not in
anyway affect those payments.
STAR FRIENDSon Tuesday 12th September, we have an outing to the Cotswolds –if you’d like to come too, the cost will be £16.Pam Storey.
DIAMOND JUBILEE CELEBRATION DINNERwe have already sold half of the tickets for the Jubilee Dinner on Saturday October 28th. Do please let us have your deposit soon, to reserve a place, if you intend to come. More details are on the noticeboard at the back of the church or from Wendy or Barbara Wood.
MESSY CHURCHthe next Messy Church is on Saturday 16th September, from 10 to 12 midday. If you are able to help please let me know. Gill Moore
SOUND SYSTEMthe new sound system has been installed and we hope you have already noticed the difference. The speakers are small and neat as are the new microphones and the hearing loop has been upgraded.
HALL CHAIRSwe intend toreplace our black plastic chairs with smart new upholstered chairs. There are two new chairs at the back of the hall for you to try out. Please let me know your opinion on comfort, colour and fabric. Susan
LOUNGEthe Lounge has a new rug to brighten it up. This has been donated as part of Rene Crouch’s legacy. She spent many happy hours there as a member of the Bendall House Group.
Diary dates
2017 – Diamond Jubilee Year
Saturday 16thMessy Church
Sunday 24thHarvest festival
Tea and Old Time Music Hall
Saturday 14thHarrow Deanery Choirs’ Festival
Thursday 19thChristians In Science – Professor Russell Stannard
Saturday 28thJubilee Dinner
Sunday 29thDedication Sunday
Saturday 18thChristmas Bazaar
Sunday 26thSt Andrew’s Day Celebration & Lunch
Saturday 2ndMessy Church
Saturday 23rdCarol Service
Please send any items for next week’s STARLINK to Robert Crowhurstby midday this Wednesday, preferably by email ();
or otherwise by hard copy to 131, Exeter Road.
St Andrew’s Diamond Jubilee Year is now 8 months old !
There are Roxbournejubilee Facebook and WhatsApp groups where you can find out more about the events taking place during the Jubilee Year!