Training and Learning Centre.
Sense Scotland Assessment Centre: Assessor and Manager Agreement
Sense Scotland SVQ assessors and candidate-assessors are supported in their assessment role by both the Training and Learning Centre and their own line manager.
In this support, there is a recognition that assessor responsibilities will take the assessor out of their service and involve a significant amount of time. To assist managers, the following list is a guide to the assessor role, responsibilities and the time commitment. Some of this time is ‘protected time’. This, and the rest should be managed between the assessor and the manager so that both are always aware of current and planned assessment activities.
Assessor Activities, Role and Responsibilities which impact on service time:
- An assessor has 8 hours per candidate per month protected time to be used for assessment activities with the SVQ candidate and for necessary documentation production in relation to the candidate’s SVQ evidence. This time can be used flexibly and effectively, it need not be used at the one time or on one day.
Additionally, Assessors should:
- Be involved in their own candidate induction process, normally a day or part of a day.
- Attend standardisation meetings, usually held quarterly, 2x Sangobeg House and 2x TouchBase.
- Declare any known conflicts of interest. Alternative arrangements will be made.
- Attend the External Verifier visit, normally 1x year at TouchBase.
- Maintain an accurate professional diary in relation to assessment activities and contribute to the assessment centre records using monthly returns and other recording tools when requested by the internal verifier.
- Meet with the internal verifier and candidates 4 x during the lifetime of the candidate’s SVQ.
- Demonstrate a commitment to own continuing professional development specifically relating to assessment through:
- maintaining a CPD record
- attending training and development workshops
- completing e-learning courses which relate to assessment activities [currently 4]
Managers are invited to be involved as much as possible in the SVQ assessment process and are welcome to contact the Training and Learning Centre for any further information, adviceor to discuss any concerns relating to assessment activities.
We agree to maintain the assessment activities relating to SVQs and support assessor activities and development.
We agree to keep in contact so that all assessment activities are discussed, planned for and managed so that service provision is not compromised.
We agree to inform the lead internal verifier if there are issues with the management of assessor activities.
- Assessor namedate
- Manager name date
- Internal verifier namedate
Lead Internal Verifier: Kim Watt: e: ; mob: 07748644204
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