Images of Research 2018
Application Form
Deadline: 5pm, 28thMay 2018

Guidance Notes
1. Please complete and sign this form. Any third parties that hold copyright for the image relating to your research at City, must also sign the form providing their permission for use of said image for City marketing and promotional purposes.
2. Once submitted, Forms will be pre-evaluated by the Academic Enterprise team and a short-list of finalist shall be announced in mid-June 2018. I
3. If the proposed image is judged to fulfil the required criteria, the applicant(s) will be invited to present their image to thepanel of judgeson June 27th2018,for the Enterprise Showcase 2018.
1. Names of Lead Researcher/Inventorand School:
2. City Research project or Image title:
(20 words)
3. Provide a word summary of the image and the City University research it relates to (150 words)
4. Please copy and paste in the space below a (low resolution) representation of your image for reference purposes. Use a quarter of a A4 page if possible
8. Inventors’ signatures
By signing you confirm that:
1. The details provided in this Form are accurate to the best of your knowledge;
2. You confirm that you have notified the University of any intellectual property issues in advanceof submitting this form
3. All contributors, copyright holdersand subjects of the Image have been identified; notified and relevant permissions have been obtained and signed.
4. You (or a nominated City representative) are available to present your research image proposal to a panel on June 27th 2018
5. You accept and shall abide by the panel’sdecision (Research & Enterprise panel if applicable)which is final, there is no appeals process
6. You confirm that you own the copyright to the above image and will provide City, University of London a royalty free, irrevocable and perpetual license to use the image for marketing and promotional purposes either online or any other format.
7. You understand that the image format may be edited for marketing purposes.
Signature: Print Name:
Signature: Print Name:
Signature: Print Name: /

Once signed. Please submit the whole of this form in electronic format, together with your image in the highest resolution possible to:

Research & Enterprise
Drysdale Building
City University of London
Northampton Square
London, EC1V 0HB
For further questions please contact members of the Academic Enterprise team detailed below:

Name / Ext / Email
Carol Daniel / 4080 /
Adebayo Ogunjimi / 3349 /
Brigita Jurisic / 3216 /
Powlami Ghosh / 0277 /
Fay Kassibawi / 8754 /
Tia Khan / 4180 / (Competition manager)

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