Program Planner: Stage 1
Term 1
Week 1Year 1 / Year 2
Strand: Number
Outcome: NS1.2
Adding numbers (page 2)
Demonstrate how addition is used to find the total of two dice, e.g.
Roll two dice, then add the numbers on the topmost face of the dice together, i.e. 4 + 3 = 7
Complete number sentences to calculate totals for two dice, e.g.
6 + 4 = o 5 + 2 = o
5 + 3 = o
Draw dots on an empty domino then create a number sentence to solve it. / Strand: Number
Outcome: NS1.2
Addition facts to 20 (page 2)
Complete number sentences to describe the addition of two groups.
Use tens frames to complete additions, e.g.
Outcome: NS1.4
Half of a whole (page 3)
Brainstorm ‘What is a half.’
Colour half of a symmetrical shape.
Distinguish between shapes that are divided equally into halves and those that are not.
Show three ways of dividing a square into halves. / Outcome: NS1.4
Halves (page 3)
Recognise and cover half of common 2D shapes and everyday objects, e.g. pictures of a house, diary, football and clock.
Identify half of a collection, e.g.
2 apples
6 wombats
14 stars.
Arrange counters into groups of 6, 8, 12, 10, 16 and 20, then identify half of each group.
Strand: Space and Geometry
Outcome: SGS1.2
Making 2D shapes (page 4)
Make shapes on geoboards:
square triangle
rectangle octagon
Draw same shapes on dot paper.
Informal discussion about the shapes made using language such as sides, corners, length, square, triangle, rectangle and octagon. / Strand: Space and Geometry
Outcome: SGS1.2
Classifying 2D shapes (page 4)
Given a group of 2D shapes identify those that have:
3 sides and 3 corners
4 sides and 4 corners
6 sides and 6 corners.
Draw shapes (square, rectangle, triangle) to match descriptions, e.g.
‘I have 4 sides with 2 pairs of equal sides.’
Strand: Measurement
Outcome: MS1.1
Estimating length (page 5)
Estimate the length of items using informal units, e.g.
the pencil is about 5 paper clips long
the texta is about 8 blocks long.
Measure the length of each item using the same informal units used when estimating, e.g. glue stick = 5 paper clips. / Strand: Measurement
Outcome: MS1.1
Length (informal units) (page 5)
Estimate and measure the length of objects such as a book, desktop and floor mat using informal units.
Explain why larger units are better suited to measure large objects.
Use ‘handspans’ to estimate and measure the length of objects.
Strand: Patterns and Algebra / Money / Strand: Patterns and Algebra/Money
Strand: Chance and Data / Strand: Chance and Data
Week 2
Year 1 / Year 2
Strand: Number
Outcome: NS1.2
Subtraction (page 6)
Model subtraction as taking away.
Demonstrate how items can be crossed off to represent the process of taking away.
Complete subtraction number sentences that describe how many are left, e.g.
6 – 2 = 4
Create own number sentence to describe a picture with some items crossed off. / Strand: Number
Outcome: NS1.2
Subtraction (page 6)
Use concrete materials to model the process of taking away, e.g. The number of ten pins left after some have been knocked down.
Create number sentences to solve problems, e.g.
There were 16 apples but 7 were sold. How many are left?
Complete subtraction number sentences, e.g.
10 – 7 = o
12 – 9 = o
Write and solve own subtraction number sentences.
Outcome: NS1.1
Two-digit numbers (page 7)
Use a numeral expander and numeral to record the value of a number modelled on a tens strip, e.g.
1 ten + 4 ones = 14 / Outcome: NS1.1
Two-digit numbers (page 7)
Make 2-digit numbers with Base 10 material.
Use numeral expanders to represent numbers modelled with Base 10.
Write the number that comes before and after a given number.
Order numbers from smallest to largest, e.g. 28, 72, 27 and 49.
Strand: Space and Geometry
Outcome: SGS2.1
Sorting 3D shapes (page 8)
Examine and ‘play’ with everyday objects such as a dice, ball, glue stick, party hat.
Distinguish shapes from other shapes according to properties, e.g. The shape with:
a circle as one of its parts
a square as one of its faces
a rectangle as one of the faces
objects with curved parts. / Strand: Space and Geometry
Outcome: SGS1.1
Three-dimensional objects (page 8)
Classify an assortment of 3D objects such as cans, shoeboxes and tennis balls into groups using their geometric names.
Match pictures of everyday 3D objects to their geometric name, i.e. cube, cylinder, cone, pyramid, prism and sphere.
Sort a collection of 3D shapes into groups, i.e.
Strand: Measurement
Outcome: MS1.2
Estimating area (page 9)
Cover shapes with square pattern blocks to determine their area. / Strand: Measurement
Outcome: MS1.2
Covering areas (page 9)
Cover shapes with square and triangular pattern blocks to measure their area.
Strand: Patterns and Algebra / Money / Strand: Patterns and Algebra/Money
Strand: Chance and Data / Strand: Chance and Data
Week 3
Year 1 / Year 2
Strand: Number
Outcome: NS1.3
Equal rows (page 10)
Complete number sentences to describe arrays, e.g. 2 rows of 4 equals 8
Add extra items to create arrays showing:
2 rows of 5 3 rows of 4 / Strand: Number
Outcome: NS1.2
Skip counting (page 10)
Use skip counting in order to find the total, e.g.
Skip count on number lines, e.g.
start at 0 and count by 2s
start at 0 and count by 5s
start at 20 and count by 5s.
Outcome: NS1.3
Multiplication / skip counting (page 11)
Use skip counting to find the total number of items in arrays, e.g.
Skip count to find the total number in a sequence of building blocks.
Strand: Patterns and Algebra / Money
Outcome: PAS1
Describing patterns (page 11)
Use numbers to describe patterns made with 2D shapes, e.g.
1 2 3 4 5 2 4 6 8 10
3 6 9 12 15 5 10 15 20 25
Find the missing numbers in the sequence.
20 21 22 ______25 ___ 27 ______30
Strand: Space and Geometry
Outcome: SGS1.2
Two-dimensional shapes (page 12)
Trace and match 2D shapes to their geometrical name,
i.e. circle, rectangle, hexagon, square, triangle.
Identify the triangles and squares among a group of shapes on different orientations, e.g.
/ Strand: Space and Geometry
Outcome: SGS1.2
Vertical and horizontal lines (page 12)
Recognise that:
horizontal lines are parallel to the horizon
vertical lines are at right angles to the horizon.
Recognise and trace vertical and horizontal lines in a diagram.
Find examples of vertical and horizontal lines in the classroom.
Strand: Measurement
Outcome: MS1.5
Duration of time (page 13)
Talk about activities that take:
a long time to complete
a short time to complete.
Discuss, compare and identify which activity out of two takes longer to do, e.g.
build a house / do a jigsaw
wash dog / photograph dog
knit jumper / tie shoelaces
mow lawn / pump up tyre.
Name two jobs that take longer to do than the time it takes to sing a song. / Strand: Measurement
Outcome: MS1.5
O’clock (page 13)
Recognise that at o’clock:
the minute hand points to 12
the hour hand tells us the name of the hour.
Name the times shown on analog clocks.
Draw hands on clocks to show times, e.g. 4, 7 and 12 o’clock.
Name activities done at certain times, e.g. 7 o’clock and 3o’clock
Strand: Chance and Data / Strand: Chance and Data
Week 4
Year 1 / Year 2
Strand: Number
Outcome: NS1.2
Addition combinations to ten (page 14)
Complete number sentences to describe the addition of two numbers on a ten frame, i.e.
9 + 1 = o 5 + 5 = o
6 + 4 = o 7 + 3 = o
8 + 2 = o 4 + 6 = o
Find the missing numbers in sentences, e.g.
6 + o = 10
3 + o = 10 / Strand: Number
Outcome: NS1.3
Addition to 20 (page 14)
Create addition number sentences using a set of three numbers, e.g.
6, 13 and 7 becomes 6 + 7 = 13.
Supply two addends that equal a total, e.g. o + o = 12
Complete an addition grid by adding pairs of numbers modelled with Base 10, e.g.
Outcome: NS1.4
Half of a collection (page 15)
Recognise that:
halving a collection creates two groups of equal size
the number of objects in each half depends on the size of the whole group.
Colour half the objects in various groups, e.g.
/ Outcome: NS1.3
Multiplication / groups of (page 15)
Recognise that:
objects can be counted if they are arranged in groups.
´ is the symbol for multiplication.
Complete number sentences to describe ‘groups of’, e.g.
Outcome: NS1.4
Optional Year 2 Student Book Blackline Master, to be used with page 15 of the Year 1 Student Book
Identify circles that are divided equally in half.
Add extra shapes so that both halves are equal.
Find half of each collection.
Strand: Measurement
Outcome: MS1.3
Comparing capacity (page 17)
Pour water from one container to another to determine which holds the most, i.e. jam jar, tea cup or a drinking glass.
Estimate and count the number of cupfuls needed to fill:
a plastic jug
an ice-cream tub. / Strand: Measurement
Outcome: MS1.3
Capacity (page 17)
Compare sets of 3 containers to identify which holds the most by pouring water from one container to the other, e.g.
coffee mug
Find and draw containers that have about the same capacity, e.g.
shampoo bottle
milk carton
cream carton.
Strand: Chance and Data
Outcome: NS1.5
Possible or impossible (page 16)
Discuss events at school that are ‘possible’ or ‘impossible’.
Decide whether the likelihood of events occurring are possible or impossible, e.g.
we visit a carnival
an elephant goes surfing
a bear writes a letter
teacher reads a story
it rains
we go to bed tonight. / Strand: Chance and Data
Outcome: NS1.5
Chance (page 16)
Discuss events at school that are possible, impossible or certain to happen.
Describe depicted events as being certain, possible or impossible to happen.
Create pictures to match the captions, possible / impossible.
Given a bag of marbles of various colours determine the likelihood of certain events happening, e.g. ‘Is it possible to pick a green marble ...?’
Strand: Patterns and Algebra / Money / Strand: Patterns and Algebra / Money
Strand: Space and Geometry / Strand: Space and Geometry
Week 5
Year 1 / Year 2
Strand: Number
Outcome: NS1.2
Finding the difference (page 18)
Demonstrate how the difference between two numbers can be found by:
counting on from the smaller number, i.e. 5 + o = 8
counting back from the larger number, i.e. 8 – o = 5
Find the difference between pairs of blocks:
5 and 4 13 and 6
12 and 6 11 and 6
10 and 7 14 and 6 / Strand: Number
Outcome: NS1.2
Counting on/subtraction (page 18)
Use strategies such as counting on or counting back on a number line to complete number sentences.
Use diagrams and own strategies to solve problems.
Create a set of subtraction number sentences that all have the same answer.
Outcome: NS1.1
Groups of ten (page 19)
Trace over the numerals 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90.
Match bundles of ten to numerical labels, e.g.
Tie ten pencils together to make a bundle. Place three bundles of pencils next to each other. Get the students to match the amount of bundles, to the amount of ‘tens’ and then the actual numerical figure.
i.e. 3 bundles, 3 tens, 30; 6 bundles, 6 tens, 60; 2 bundles,
2 tens, 20 etc. / Outcome: NS1.1
Estimating (page 19)
Recognise that bundling into groups makes it easier to count.
Estimate the size of groups then bundle into 5s in order to count more accurately.
Estimate the size of a large group then bundle into 10s in order to count more accurately.
Strand: Space and Geometry
Outcome: SGS1.3
Position (page 20)
Use the language of position (beside, under, on, inside, above, between) to describe the position of people and things, e.g. ‘The picture is above the shelf.’
Follow directions to add extra items to a picture, e.g.
under the window
between the window and door
on the floor
above the door on the left. / Strand: Space and Geometry
Outcome: SGS1.3
Position (page 20)
Compare the position of one item to another when placed in a grid formation, e.g.
Which block is above and to the right of A?
Given the top view of a desk, add other features, e.g.
a pen to the right of the book
a ruler to the left of the book
a lamp in the top right corner.
Strand: Measurement
Outcome: MS1.4
Hefting (page 21)
Heft pairs of items to identify the heavier one:
dictionary / pencil
ruler / popper
cup / texta
glue stick / pencil
lunch box / dictionary
cup / scissors
lunch box / sticky tape. / Strand: Measurement
Outcome: MS1.4
Comparing mass (page 21)
Lift each item in a set of 3 items to identify the heaviest/lightest.
Use an equal arm balance and building blocks to estimate and measure the mass of various items, e.g. a glue stick, scissors and calculator.
Compare estimates to actual measurements.
Explain why we need measuring units.
Strand: Patterns and Algebra / Money / Strand: Patterns and Algebra / Money
Strand: Chance and Data / Strand: Chance and Data
Week 6
Year 1 / Year 2
Strand: Number
Outcome: NS1.3