Head Office
Ilot n°01 parcelle n°04 Zone d’Affaires- Bab Ezzouar- Alger
NIF N°000216002104442
An Open National and International Call For Tender
N°50/DGAP/ DISR /2016
The Head Office of Algérie Poste launches an Open National and International Call for Tender for “The Purchase and The Deploying of an Integrated System of Information”.
The representative of the interested companies is invited to submit joined with a request, indicating his name and drawn up on the tenderer's headed paper, the request must be sent to the following address:
E.P.I.C Algérie Poste
Ilot n°01 parcelle n°04 Zone d’Affaires- Bab Ezzouar- Alger
Direction des Affaires Juridiques et des Relations Internationales
Sous-Direction des Relations Contractuelles
To withdraw the Specifications in presentation of the document in proof of payment of the amount of ten thousand Dinars (10.000.00 DA), for the national bidders,which have to be transferred on the Postal Current Account Numb 380576 clé 80 opened near Algérie Poste. And the document in proof of payment of the amount of one hundred Euros (100 €) for the foreign bidders, which have to be transferred on the Bank Account Numb 001 00621 0300300018 46, opened on the name of Algérie Poste near the “El BiarBank Agency” situated at the following address (16, Avenue MessaoudTaleb et Fils, El Biar, Alger / Algérie).
The bids must be sent to the above address containing all the legal documents required in the Specifications.
The deadline of deposit of the offers is fixed at thirty (30) days from the first day of the publication of this call for tender in the web site or in the local newspapers.
The bids sent after the fixed delay will not be taken into consideration.
The bids must be submittedin triplicate, under a double sealed cover. The outer jacket should to be anonymous and should comprise only the mention:
Appel d’Offres National et International Ouvert
N°50/DGAP/ DISR /2016
«Soumission à ne pas ouvrir, que par la Commission d’Ouverture des Pliset d’Evaluation des Offres»
The date and hour limit for submitting the offers is fixed to the lastday of theoffers preparationas described above from 8h.00a.m. to 12h.00 .If that datefalls on apublic holiday(Friday or Saturday ), the presentation of the offers will be extended until the following working day
The opening of the technical and financial bids will be done in a public session, the day corresponding to the deposit date limits of the bids, on ………………at 14:00 p.m.
The Tenderers will remain committed by their offers during a delay ofninety (90) daysfrom the offers limits deposit day.