Early Years Initial Teacher Training

Assessment of Trainee Early Years Teachers – Grading Descriptors 2017

Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) 2013

Assessment of Trainee Early Years Teachers – Grading Descriptors

Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) 2013

Assessment of Trainee Early Years Teachers – Examples of Evidence

The examples of evidence for the Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) on the following pages draw upon the national UCET/NASBTT guidance for all ITT provision and the rubric of the Teacher Standards (Early Years). These descriptors are to be applied at all stages of the programme. They are developmental as well as summative.

Mentors - This guidance should be used throughout the placement to set formative targets and at the end of the placement to grade the trainee’s performance and set future targets.

Trainees - This guidance should be used throughout your programme for self -assessment and target setting.

Guidance for using the pen portraits:

In accordance with the requirements of the Teachers’ Standards (Early Years), providers of initial teacher training are required to assess trainee teachers against the standards in a way that is consistent with what could reasonably be Meeting Expecations of a trainee teacher prior to the award of EYTS. Therefore a judgement is relative to this stage in a teacher’s professional development.

Each judgement is an overall judgement. In a best fit model, the statements describe features of practice that are characteristic of a trainee performing at that level. They also need to be interpreted within the setting and context in which the trainee has worked. A trainee graded as achieving the standards at a Good or Outstanding level should be working within the level of mentor support as Meeting Expecations by the programme. A student achieving the standards at a minimum level at all points, except final assessment, will be working with a higher level of support.

Trainees to be awarded EYTS demonstrate at least satisfactory practice across a range of different contexts (for example, different ages, backgrounds, group sizes, and abilities) by the end of their training. Trainees graded as Good show good practice across a range of different contexts (for example, different ages, backgrounds, group sizes, and abilities) by the end of their training. Trainees graded as Outstanding show consistently good practice that often demonstrate outstanding features across a range of different contexts (for example, different ages, backgrounds, group sizes, and abilities) by the end of their training.

It is important that each standard is assessed holistically and that mentors/tutors do not assess each individual standards indicator. Trainees are likely to have evidence of working with babies, toddlers and young children across the Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) however when assessing the birth to five age requirement you should expect evidence of this in standard 1, 2, 3 and 5 as a minimum.

S1 Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge all children

1.1 Establish a safe and stimulating environment where children feel confident and are able to learn

1.2 Set goals that stretch and challenge children of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions

1.3 Demonstrate and model the positive values, attitudes and behaviours expected of children

Grade 1: Outstanding – meeting standards at a high level / Grade 2: Good – meeting standards at a good level / Grade 3 – Meeting Expecations – meeting the standards / Grade 4 – Inadequate. Failing to meet the Standards
1.1 I consistently encourage children to participate safely having established and sustained an atmosphere highly conducive to learning. I promote the characteristics of an effective learning environment using space and resources imaginatively. I am always very responsive to children’s feelings and moods and ensure that the physical environment supports their learning and development
1.2 I consistently set high expectations of all children in different contexts across all age ranges – scaffolding their learning, constantly providing stimulating activities and learning experiences for indoor and outdoor environments. I regularly make adjustments to practice and provision in order to provide individualised support and challenge
1.3 I have developed an excellent rapport with the children and there are high levels of mutual respect between us. I am very effective in promoting children’ resilience, confidence and independence when they are tackling challenging activities.
I am a positive role model, highlighting successes and difficulties without being judgemental – giving constructive feedback to encourage positive behaviour. I follow agreed procedures when conflict arises and engage the children in problem solving and finding solutions together
I consistently demonstrate a high level of professional behaviour, respect for children, colleagues, parents and carers and support the ethos of the setting/school. / I am reliable in creating and sustaining a safe and supportive environment that stimulates an interest in learning and develops children’s confidence and independence. I support positive emotions and respond well to children’s feelings and moods
I am capable of ensuring that the space and the resources are used imaginatively
I reliably set high expectations of children in their different contexts across all age ranges. I am able to review each child’s progress and make differentiated provision giving additional support when needed
I am well respected by children and effectively promote children’ resilience, confidence and independence when tackling challenging activities. I model positive values and attitudes and follow agreed procedures when conflict arises. I demonstrate professional behaviour, respect for children, colleagues, parents and carers and support the ethos of the setting/school. / I am able to encourage children to participate and contribute in an atmosphere conducive to learning. I can show that I am capable of sustaining a safe and stimulating environment
I provide learning experiences and activities across most of the age ranges believing that all children have the potential to make progress.
I am able to develop a rapport with a range of individuals and groups. As a consequence of this most children are engaged in their learning.
I am able to demonstrate professional behaviour, respect for children, colleagues, parents and carers and support the ethos of the setting/school. / At times I fail to recognise what a safe and stimulating environment looks like and do not always create a safe and stimulating environment conducive to learning
I fail to provide learning experiences and activities across all of the age ranges and need support and advice to contribute to setting goals and challenges
At times I fail to develop a rapport with a range of individuals and groups. As a consequence of this children are not engaged in their learning. At times I fail to display professional behaviour, respect for children, colleagues, parents and carers and support the ethos of the setting/school.
Expectation – for example by the end of the programme a trainee should be able to:
Demonstrate, as a role model, punctuality, appropriate dress, professional attitudes towards others.
Treat children with respect (e.g. know their names, give timely feedback).
Model the use of appropriate language.
Plan and teach sessions which challenge, motivate and inspire.
Keep accurate and timely records.
Establish a safe environment in which children treat each other with respect
Examples of Evidence – standard 1
Planning documents:
·  Where appropriate planning includes risk assessment, checklists
·  Resources planned to engage and stimulate
·  Activities are planned and are relevant to the children
·  Planning that demonstrates differentiation for the children’s needs, setting goals and challenging their development and learning
Reflective Documents:
·  Activity observations reflecting on learning environment
·  Trainee evaluations of group management and behaviour strategies
·  Evaluations differentiate between children
·  Health and safety risks communicated to the children
·  Children aware of purpose of the activity/learning opportunity
·  Communicate high expectations as appropriate to groups of children and individual children
·  Professional behaviour and role modelling
·  Demonstrate enthusiasm for a range of creative learning opportunities
·  Challenge inappropriate behaviour and comments demonstrating anti-biased and anti-discriminatory practice
·  Peer observations or mentor or practitioner observations of your practice
·  Evidence of carrying out audits, such as, environmental and inclusive audits, ECERS, ITERS with action plans and evidence of creating change or developing practice
·  Action plans of input to the physical environment e.g. displays, resourced areas
Children’s assessment records:
·  Evidence of progress over time for individuals
·  Set goals and next steps from children’s Early Years Development Journals
Other sources
·  Observations of practice across the age ranges – babies, toddlers and young children
·  Carryout a visit or visits in the surrounding community to extend the children’s learning
·  Evidence of engagement with specialist staff (e.g. SENCO, LSA, EAL teachers)
·  Development of resources to support the indicators, such as, welcome posters, different languages on signs, visual clues, self-registration
·  Comments / verification statements from form tutor/ class teacher/mentor/LSAs/ professional tutor/ link tutor
·  Assignment

S2 Promote good progress and outcomes by children

2.1 Be accountable for children’s progress, attainment and outcomes

2.2 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how babies and children learn and develop

2.3 Know and understand attachment theories, their significance and how effectively to promote secure attachments

2.4 Lead and model effective strategies to develop and extend children’s learning and thinking including sustained and shared thinking

2.5 Communicate effectively with children from birth to age five, listening and responding sensitively

2.6 Develop children’s confidence, social and communication skills through group learning

2.7 Understand the important influence of parents and/or carers, working in partnership with them to support the child’s well-being, learning and development

Grade 1: Outstanding – meeting standards at a high level / Grade 2: Good – meeting standards at a good level / Grade 3 – Meeting Expecations – meeting the standards / Grade 4 – Inadequate - failing to meet the Standards
2.1 I have a high level of responsibility for the attainment progress and outcomes of the children that I teach. I demonstrate confident judgement based on my knowledge of child development in planning for progression. I take a lead in providing children with opportunities to develop their learning following their interests and schemas
2.2 I use my sound and robust knowledge and understanding of child development (underpinned by theoretical research) to demonstrate confident assessment judgements. I consistently demonstrate how the characteristics of effective learning underpin learning and development using highly appropriate teaching strategies
2.3 I am highly skilled in tuning into children and I model warm and responsive relationship promoting good attachments. I have a strong understanding of the benefits of positive attachments based on a
theoretical grounding. I display high levels of interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence
2.4 I model and actively promote children’s higher-order thinking. I use a range of strategies to develop sustained shared thinking and high quality interactions with children and I confidently share this good practice with others
2.5 I am sensitive to the needs of babies, toddlers and young children and use differentiated approaches to communicate with and support them. I value the input from children and consistently use active listening skills and emotional intelligence to provide a high quality language rich environment. I demonstrate a high level of interpersonal skills, taking my cues from the children, following their lead and allow them sufficient space to think and communicate in their own time. I can support EAL children using alternative methods of communication
2.6 I plan challenging and stimulating opportunities for group learning drawing on my sound knowledge of children’s development and prior attainment. I create opportunities for children to be responsible, to be empathetic, to exercise self-control and to make decisions within a group dynamic
2.7 I work in collaboration with parents to promote the best possible outcomes for children. I develop strong partnerships with parents and ensure that they are seen as equal partners. I regularly discuss children’s learning and development and any concerns about children’s needs and circumstances with parents and/or carers. / I assume responsibility for the attainment, progress and outcomes of the children that I teach. I use accurate assessment to inform short and medium term planning, taking into account the prior learning and developmental needs of all children
I demonstrate a good understanding of child development in my accurate use of assessment which in turn informs my planning. The teaching strategies that I use take into account the different ways that children learn and develop
I am skilled in tuning into children and I promote warm and responsive relationship and good attachments. I have a good understanding of attachment theory.
I provide children with the opportunity to extend their thinking and problem solving skills using a range of strategies to extend their learning. I have a good knowledge and understanding of SST
I encourage children to communicate by positioning myself well, using spaces and resources to enhance communication and listening. I use strategies such as rephrasing with babies and repeating with older children to check that they have been understood. I am able to support EAL children using alternative methods of communication
I use my knowledge of effective teaching strategies to support social interaction through group learning – encouraging collaborative activities to promote social and emotional development
I recognise that parents and/or carers are important partners in their children’s learning and I am able to communicate any information about children’s levels of development and discuss relevant information with parents and/or carers / I demonstrate my increasing knowledge and understanding of child development through my planning and teaching practice and I have taken some responsibility for accountability with guidance from the practitioners, Early Years Professional (EYP) or Early Years Teacher (EYT) and other professionals
I am able to use my increasing understanding of child development to impact on my teaching practice and I can express how children learn over time.
I can support warm interactions with children, modelling this to others and show an understanding of attachment theory.
I support children to reflecting on their learning and identify their progress and emerging learning needs. I understand how SST supports children’s thinking and learning and model this
I use active listening skills – positioning myself at the children’s level and using positive body language – to enhance communication. I am able to respond to verbal and non-verbal cues.