In the early XX century Russia still often called the country "lapotnoy" by investing in this concept shade primitive and backward. Bast, which became a kind of symbol, which came in a variety of proverbs and sayings, traditionally considered shoes the poorest. It is no coincidence.

The whole Russian village, with the exception of Siberia and the Cossack areas, year-round went to sandals. It would seem that the complex carries the theme of the story bast? Meanwhile, even the exact time of occurrence of bast in the life of our ancestors is unknown to this day.

It is considered that the bast - one of the most ancient types of shoes. In any case, bone kochedyki - hooks for weaving bast - archaeologists have found even at the Neolithic. Does not it suggests that even in the Stone Age people may have woven shoes made from plant fibers?

Widespread wicker shoes led to an incredible diversity of varieties and styles, depending primarily on the raw materials used in this work. A woven bast bark and podkorya many deciduous trees: linden, birch, elm, oak, willow, etc. Depending on the material and woven shoes called differently: berestyaniki, Vyazovik, Dubovik, broom ... The most durable and soft in this series were considered Lykovybast shoes made of linden bast, and the worst - and willow koverznimochalyzhniki, which were made from urine.

Shoes woven not only from the bark of trees, in the case should go and fine roots, and therefore are woven bast nickname wheeler. Model, made of strips of fabric and cloth pokromok, called pleteshkami.Bast shoes made from hemp rope - kurpy or kruttsy, and even horsehair - volosyanniki. Such shoes often worn at home or went to her in the hot weather. Boots that differed from those bast convenience, beauty and durability, for most of the serfs were not available. That's treated bast shoes. On the fragility of cane footwear evidence saying: "The way to go, five bast weave." In winter, a man wearing some bast not more than ten days, and summer in the tread down their working time in four days.

The life of peasants lapotnikov described by many Russian classics. In the story "Polecat and Kalinych" IS Turgenev contrasts Orlovsky Kaluga obrok peasant farmer: Orel peasant small stature, stooping, morose, sullen looks, lives in a wretched hut aspen, goes to the corvee, trafficking is not involved, eats poorly, is bast; Kaluga obrok man lives in a spacious pine huts, tall, looking bold and fun sells oil and tar and holidays walking in boots. "

Слабко Злата