Illmorians Quiet. Strike imminent?
Last gather gave us a bit of a reprieve from the onslaught of the Illmorians. Several skirmishes did occur, but nothing of the magnitude we have been facing. Rumors are that they are planning a large strike using the information wrenched out of Duke Timothy. Speaking of the Duke, several town’s people have worked fervently to secure his return, to no avail.
Last gather Baron Losar led the town to the field to engage the Illmorians who claimed to have the Duke down there. This brought a round of complaints and criticism from several prominent town’s people, saying it was a waste of time. Everyone going, including Baron Losar knew that it was a feint or hoax by the Illmorians, but no avenue can be left unexplored as we try to recover Duke Timothy. The Barons had little choice but to make sure this wasn’t some other game by M’hat and his Illmorians.
Pact of the Eight?
Word has reached this writer that something strange is going on in Clanthia. A group of town’s people are being called The Eight. We have heard of the Five from the Graveyard, and now we have The Eight from Clanthia. What IS this all about?
Saturday afternoon of last gather, a powerful refugee from Everhate known as Arcturus struck first in Carpathia, slaying the Chimera (with the help of several town’s people), then promising to come to Clanthia to take on the Life Unicorn in the Healer’s Guild.
As promised he arrived with various chaos tainted shock troops and several powerful minions. The battle was pitched, and nearly lost several times, but the town was in rare form and eventually took down Arcturus in the Healer’s Guild. Here is where things get weird.
Eight town’s people bullied the rest of the adventurers out of the way, and surrounded the body of Arcturus. These Eight include Baron Harold, Lord Pharr, Antar Duval, Guild Master Cupric , Nobody the Champion, Bob the High Druid, Guild Master Kaynas Stormhaven and Gavin Dupree. Newly named Baron Harold of the Isles then commanded the creature to surrender “the gem.” The seven others joined in, and soon were chanting *something*. After a moment, a gem literally emerged from the flesh of Arcturus, and was quickly taken by Harold.
What was this Gem? What about the extraordinary powers being exhibited by some of the Eight? What exactly is going on? Inquiring minds want to know!!
Sahde Troops missing: last reported crossing Sudbyr border
A large compliment of Sahde ground troops and at least one elven Mystic was reported last seen near the Sudbyr border on “routine exercises”.
A minor skirmish with an Illmorian advance party might have resulted in confusion that caused the Sahde troops to cross the border of their southern neighbor .
No word has been heard from the troops since their last report describing the incident with Illmoria.
A Night on the Town
This is a submission from a reader. Enjoy! ~Crier Staff
Well, at long last Friday is here. The Nobles and others in the entourage from the Baronial Capital are arriving late as usual! For me, this is still my first season in accompanying the Baron and his court to Clanthia. I have seen so much in this bustling city, so many strangers. Who would know that so many people could come together in one town. Let me tell you a bit about my adventures here.
First of all, I am part of a Barony. We follow the orders of our Baron, and the Nobles, and even other Barony Nobles from time to time. Our job is to protect the Barony while here in town. Friday night when the gathering, as the locals call it, has begun, we muster up and wait to hear words of wisdom from our Baron. He mostly tells us to be careful, and watch our backs and each other’s backs. He also talks about taxes and how we have to give him some of our money, so he can provide what is needed for the Barony. Just last gather two citizens were given magic weapons. I cant wait until I have proven myself and get my very own. They tell me it wont be long, and I am doing great. After this talk, we head into town.
First stop is usually the Armor Smiths. There is a grumpy dwarf there called Cupric and his pretty wife Oria, or sometimes a fairy called Iris, who haggle and nag you about the cost of armor. They can quickly repair what you have or even sometimes sell a new suit. My armor is mainly cow hide and such, but it works pretty good. I haven’t died yet anyway!
(cont. from page 1)
Speaking of death… It is most unpleasant I am told. The Healer’s Guild is a bright and shiny building that has a Circle of Life inside. Master Dwyden and Mistress Calliope run the guild, helping everyone. They are very popular in the town and can perform amazing feats of healing and magic. We sometimes sit in their Ward and chat the night away. I once saw a beautiful Unicorn in there, and people who fall in battle usually emerge from there a bit confused and weaker in spirit, so they say. Occasionally, someone dies in battle, and their body simply lays there. I am told that their spirit was too weak to reform at the “Guild”, and they are gone forever. Very sad.
Hmm, what else? There is the Celestial Guild where Mages gather and cast a lot of powerful magic. Kaynas is Master there. They say he is among the most powerful people in Clanthia, and won the Mages tournament. I wouldn’t want to tangle with him! There are walking statues and glowing men in there. I don’t really like going, and we don’t have to enter too often. I just stay outside if I can.
Scattered around town are the Embassies of the Barons. I have been warned not to stray too close to these buildings, as the Barons make the laws there and I could be found guilty of something I didn’t know was illegal. Very scary! I am told that those who are not in a Barony have very few rights of their own. They can be arrested and taken to trial by a single Baron or Noble even. I am so glad to have my Baron on my side. They say that the Isles are a bunch of pirates who charge any who enter their lands a fee of passage. Sahde is known to kill all non-elves, Sudbyr is supposedly haunted by Undead at night, and Rossanoe is a proud Barony whose Baron recently did something wrong and was removed. It doesn’t all really make sense to me though. No, I wont tell you what Barony I am in!
My favorite building though is the Gypsy Café. I won’t lie, the Gypsies are perhaps the most beautiful and exotic women I have ever seen! Sure there are pretty girls in the Court and the group, but these gypsies are just different. Their accents are strange, they have so much wine and drink, they sing and dance. It is amazing! Lamia is their leader, bandosomethingoranother. I wonder if her name means more then one thing? They say no man alive has ever captured her heart. A simple glance from Madrina causes the stoutest warriors to stumble for words and blush like a farm boy after his first kiss.Aaminah has a seductive charm that few can resist and can also see the future, so they say. She is calm despite all the excitement around her, and her eyes seem to take in everything with a look of wonderment. Catalina is pretty and bit shy comparatively speaking…but will probably break more hearts than any in the near future. Nikolai might be the luckiest man in the world, singing, dancing and drinking with them all the time, but he would die to protect his family. I know that sometimes they might overcharge for a drink or two when someone loses their wits, but hey, that person should be more careful right?
During the night we all march around and do the Baron’s business, which usually means defend the town. All kinds of creatures and men come to town they seem drawn here for some reason. Most have one thing in common, they want to knock my head off! Magics fly everywhere, people scream in rage and pain, battle cries are called. It is simply insane. We see various towns people, Sessith the Fendari Elf who smells of sulfur; Daimron, Kaplan, Argus the Insane, and their band emerge from the shadows at the most unlikely times; Wyndblade and his Sarr companion, always stepping to the front; Nayvarn and Yana saving many, and asking for little. All in all, I have managed to come out ok and even claim some gold coin from opponents I have slain. My group and I are all saving for different magics. My good friend wants something called a “Protection Aura” which is like magic armor that fixes itself. Amazing! I want a good magic blade, and maybe even a mace too. Another of our group wants things called Formal Scrolls, to be able to make items, cure people, or even make someone a different race.
During the day we have a bit more freedom, as the Baron likes to sleep away the morning and afternoon. My crew and I run around trying to make a few coins and generally stay alive. Its quite a challenge believe me. It is smart to always to go in a group as the town can be somewhat lawless. Not all town’s people are what they seem, nor are they friendly. Some will murder you in broad daylight for the weapon you carry, or the boots you wear. Be careful my friends. We see the Baronies out in force at times, plus mercenary groups like The Black Dragons, Company of the Sword, Darkholme, and even a few others without names, but with definite reputations.
I wouldn’t trade this adventuring life for anything.
Sudbyr buying what most consider junk
The Barony of Sudbyr is interested in buying the following resources in the listed lots. We will buy more if you have it, but the amount listed is the minimum we will purchase at a time in order to reduce book keeping costs. See Baron Losar or any Lord of Sudbyr.
10 Iron ore – 7 Silver10 Mihtril Ore – 15 gold1 Scarlet Rose Ink – 5 silver
10 Silver ore – 3 gold10 Adamantite Ore – 25 Gold1 Dwaren Repair Kit – 7 silver
10 Food Portions – 1 gold1 Blacked Blood – 2 gold
10 Hides – 3 Gold1 Dragons Blood Ink – 5 silver
From a Reliable Source: *cough cough* Clanthia’s Latest gossip
Baron Losar is being tested already by the murder of one of his citizens. How will he handle it?
Baron Keres has attempted to make amends with the Sarr he offended when he declared them illegal in Sahde. Is this in response to the Pantharghast attacks?
Baron Harold had fierce resistance in his Barony to his new title, due to someone not being “pure”. What does this mean?
Former Lords Kraken and Aaron have emerged as possible candidates for the Regency of Rossanoe. Other reports have Kraken returning to Sudbyr with old friends.
There are continual rumblings that Darkholme is attempting to rejoin the Sutherlands, but none have stepped forward who can meet the ever volatile Lord Morgrim’s tough standards. Is there a title in the future for the drae Daschus?
The Baronial Council is to meet Saturday night at 8 pm in the Tavern. All Nobles are expected to be present.
The Eight are all working for an unknown greater power, and what they are really doing is not what they are saying. Some are even super charmed.
Riakk will become Celestial Guildmaster in January adding to an already broad power base.
The Necromancer’s Guild is “alive” and well, and has made at least one greater undead out of a towns person per gather for the last 6 gathers.
Someone will face Obliteration this gather for speaking of things better left unsaid.
Kasha the Everhate Fendari recently returned from Carpathia as a black skinned Fendari like creature. He exhibited amazing powers and abilities.
An ancient, fragile scroll of enormous power and Areen heritage has surfaced, and is being auctioned to the highest bidder. This scroll is attracting the attention of various powers, who will do most anything to keep it from mortal hands.
Who’s Who in Clanthia
This week – a conversation with the Guildmaster of the Celestial Guild, Kaynas
"Guildmaster, how long have you been active in Clanthia? How long have you had an active professional interest in the Celestial Guild?"
I have been active in Clanthia for 5 or 6 years...I have had a professional interest in the Guild for about a little over 3 years. I was associated with it the entire time I've been coming to Clanthia of course.
“Celestial Magic is clean, it doesn’t have the moral baggage of Earth Magic, with Healing and Necromancy at odds, and Druidism in the middle. Is this a correct statement, or does a similar rivalry exist between say Elementalism and Confining? ? Are teachers for both types available at the Guild, should a Kingdom citizen become interested?"
Been saying just that for years, Celestial is pure and not nearly as convoluted to infighting and jealousy. There have been some disagreements of course, but nothing on the scale of Earth magics. The worst we have are our extremists, Ice Sorceresses and Fire Mages or Acid Witches and Lightning Wizards. But I've never seen any Confinists/Elementalists/Generalists fighting. Just some egocentric view that one speciality is the best and the others are "fair magics." In fact I find most Celestial mages to be pretty open minded about Earth Magics, with as many finding appreciation for one as the other. Yes, we have teachers for all four branches of Celestial Magic: Generalist, Confinist, Elementalist and Formal.
“The Healers Guild keeps quite busy caring for the wounded and dying, the Druids in caring for nature, and who knows what the other segment do you divide your time, as the essential leader of celestial mages in Clanthia? Is there training in the best use of Celestial magics, do you spend time teaching and sponsoring the enchantment of items? What is a typical day like, in the Celestial Guild?”
I am an odd creature, I do not do things like most people. I believe the best way to promote Celestial magic is to be an example of what it can accomplish, and to facilitate its learning; NOT by preaching. A day at the Guild would see me answering questions and summons, seeing visitors or assisting with Kingdom related issues. Of course speaking with any of the Celestial Knights or members of the Guild that are in town takes up much of the rest of my time. The remainder of the day is studying my magics and practicing them. Yes, I still Practice, very much. Then I hit the books and research what I can about whatever latest plague or invading army is attacking Clanthia so I may pass along any helpful information to those with the power to act on it. Now during a Gather, days are much different. I get up later, attend to any visitors. Head in to town, grab a bite, talk to a half dozen people about a dozen topics. Fend of some monsters and hang out with those whose company I prefer. About 2-4 o'clock rolls around and some invading army always seems to show up. I rally with town and do my part of repelling the invader..Spend the night defending Clanthia in one way or another. Often time in battles one thing or another will pop up and Formal magic will be needed. Usually its disrupting some ward or the such, But sometimes things need to be identified or destroyed. I often either perform these rituals myself. But if not I will make sure town has access to the scrolls and casters they need.
“Many strange and wondrous magical items can be found in Clanthia, some pried from the hands of invading assassins, and some that are unfortunately separated from their rightful Kingdom citizen owners. Of course, most people are very concerned with their privacy – telling everyone of your wealth is a quick way to have it stripped. Does the Guild have a set policy regarding the Identification of items, and of individuals? What if it is determined after the fact that an item is actually stolen property? Where would your decision fall in such a case - the privacy of a client vs. the rights of the original owner?”
My policy on identifying is simple. If you bring it in, I'll identify it. If I believe its stolen property, I will just offer to return the item to its owner for them. Or I will counsel them to return it. Most of the time, only most, dealing in stolen items in Clanthia is not worth the risk long term. Too many people have too many ways of finding out stuff, but if a person wishes to keep the item…that is their business. The exceptions will be if it belongs to the King etc, or the town itself will suffer without its return. For instance if we need (a specific item) and someone runs off with it, brings it in to the Guild. I would tell the person, okay we are all doooooooomed if we don't get that sword back out to the lines this very night. We can work on getting you a reward or keep your anonymity, but that item has to get back out before we all die. Never had it be an issue yet. I very very seldom lie, and I have always counseled people to their best interest. I guess it works, I've never had someone take my counsel and then later say they wish they had not. So in short I view the right of town survival and kingdom rights paramount, then I favor the rights of privacy of the client. And I have had two items "disappear" from town myself, so I know both sides. The Guild will not knowingly buy any item with a shady past, Its just not worth the trouble. I do not know any fencers, just never been my thing. I am sure I could find a few easily enough, but I do well enough for myself without dealing below the table.