Strongsville High School PTA
General Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2015
1. Call to Order – Robin Micko @ 9:40 am; 17 members in attendance
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Secretary’s Report – Laura Wolford
a. Approval of Minutes
b. Thank you notes received from Mr. Bruening and Mrs. Zacharyasz regarding grant award.
c. Thank you note received from many teachers regarding food before conferences.
d. Thank you note received from Kristi Trussa regarding food before conferences.
4. Treasurer’s Report – Angie Branigan
a. Ending Balance: $7,527.90
b. Deposits: $135.00 (since January)
c. Expenses: $2689.58 (since January)
d. After Prom Balance: $11,285.63
5. Teacher’s Report – Mrs. Potter
a. Friends of Rachel Chili Cook-Off will be held on Monday, March 30th.
b. Student Council collected 280 pairs of jeans for homeless teens.
c. Year Book Blood drive will be on Tuesday, March 31st.
d. Mrs. Harbart’s advanced art and drawing and design students have been invited Friday to the Cleveland Institute of Arts, Auto Design Symposium a the Cleveland Auto Show at the IX Center. Two SHS students will get a class from auto designers, tour the show with designers, view concept cars, and meet the professionals as they work.
e. Mr. Scott has agreed to help with the After Prom.
f. Exploring Computer Class being introduced by Mrs. Scott next year.
g. Mrs. Klein’s class is working on Egg drop projects. They have to design and build a device to safely transport (via a drop) raw eggs from the top of Catan Stadium to the pavement below.
h. Recently a group of AP students completed their work on their submission for the national Rube Goldberg competition.
i. Recently a group of AP students completed their competition with their mousetrap cars. These vehicles had to go a (previously unannounced) distance and stop!
j. Science and Business had hundreds of students finalized their submissions for the Believe in Ohio Competition. 52 student plans are moving to the regional competition.
k. A flyer for memory quilts was passed on and will be distributed electronically.
6. 1st Vice President’s Report – Cindy Vaccariello
7. Principal’s Report – Mr. Smithberger
a. Show Choir is having a great year. They have earned many awards at their recent competitions.
b. Orchestras received 2 superior and 1 excellent rating at contest.
c. Swimming and Diving had girls placing 6th and boys placing 9th in state.
d. The girls Gymnastics team placed 3rd in the state.
e. The Boys Wrestling is competing in state competition tonight.
f. SHS had the highest participation in Ohio. Business plans and models are a real life experience where they have to create business plans and model with research. Business Advisors of Cleveland mentored the students. $10,000 will be available for student awards, and $25,000 grants were awarded to SHS to promote science and technology. 52 students went on to the regional level.
g. The first wave of performance based testing is complete. After discussing testing with teachers and staff, SHS has decided to condense the second wave of testing by having more than one test per day. They are also working to eliminate the need for a late arrival. More information to come.
h. OGT testing for current sophomores is next week. This is the last class required to take OGTs for graduation requirements. Students arriving late during testing will begin at 9:30a.m.
i. Construction is on pace. The 2nd phase of construction will involve 45 classrooms in the 700s and 800s hallways. Construction for phase two will begin on June 5th and be completed by late November. The 3rd phase of construction will be on the Auditorium. The current space will be extended to include additional stage prep area. The auditorium will be open for end of the year concerts and awards ceremonies. The 4th phase of constructions will be on the office area and 100s area. It will begin in July and continue through the Fall of 2015.
j. The internet breech that occurred a few months ago was due to a student hacking into a 3rd party site called Lizard Stressor. The student was caught and will face school and legal consequences.
k. SHS and the District comments Police, Staff, and Students on their handling of the recent bomb threat. Students exited in an appropriate and speedy manner. If a bomb threat occurs at a future time, classes will resume after the school has been cleared. School was closed due to the late threat and time needed to clear the building.
l. The person suspected of the previous bomb threat last September was taken to trial with a verdict of Not Guilty.
m. All threats against the school are taken seriously. SCS will press charges and take all legal actions against offenders. Mr. Smithberger hopes that families trust that he will do what is necessary to ensure the safety of all students at SHS. He understands parents had concerns that some students exited the building without items from their lockers (i.e. coats), but with only 10 minutes to evacuate the building, the students and staff safety was a much greater concern. Students were removed to a warm location for dismissal.
n. When asked if the number of classes offered to students will be increased, he stated that adding an additional section of an existing class is easy, but adding a brand new class is more challenging. Students must attend school for 7 periods a day, but lunch and study hall are counted in that total. If a student is in need of an additional class, he suggested that they consult extra electives in the course guide book.
o. Please call or write to your local legislators as SCS is set to lose $4 million over the next two years. This is a reallocation of tax money to districts throughout Ohio,
p. Traditional Health and Physical Education classes will be offered this summer. Classes will take place at an alternate location due to Construction. Only credit recovery classes will be taught on-line, not Health or P.E.
8. President’s Report – Robin Micko
a. Thank you to Michel Price for organizing the teachers’ lunch for conference day.
b. Thank you to everyone helping Believe in Ohio kids.
c. There is a Strongsville / St. Ignatius basketball game this evening at 7p.m. at Midview H.S.
d. After Prom sign-ups are on-line.
e. State Funding redistribution will severely impact our district! This is very serious. Please contact our local representatives, as they want to hear from the public. Mike Dovilla and Tom Patton will base voting decisions on what they hear from their constituents. A form letter is being created so you can submit your opinions easily. These tax cuts can still be changed. They will severely hurt our district. Please take a minute to call or write. Thank you!
f. The Strongsville Education Foundation will once again be raffling off a car. All proceeds will be used for the High School to purchase Chrome Books. More information to come.
g. The SEF Fundraiser Jockeys and Juleps will occur on May 2nd. Cost is $50 a ticket and will include complimentary beverages and cuisine. More info to come.
h. PTA has moved from Just Between Friends to Simply Circle. All members were notified. Simply Circle will be used for remainder of the year. We will reassess communication platforms for next year in the future.
9. Council Delegate’s Report – Sue Weninger
a. Please see attached for full Council PTA minutes. Highlights are as follows:
b. The Governor will cut $2.1 million from SCS next year followed by an additional $2 million for the 2016-2017 school year. Please look for forms to come to send in to local representatives to change this important legislation.
c. Congratulations to Michelle Kiefer, this year’s SHS Founder’s Day / Ohio PTA Achievement Award recipient!
d. There will be a Google Workshop taught by Vicki Turner on March 28th from 10:00a.m.-noon.
e. The SCS District is switching over to Google next year.
f. If you have anything you would like to present at the Board of Education meetings, please gave them to Jane Ludwig. This is another venue to showcase our SHS students.
10. Committee Reports
a. After Prom-Michel Price, Sherie Skladany
i. There will be a work session tomorrow afternoon. Going as planned.
b. Bylaws and Standing Rules - Moira Cohen
i. Updates to the Bylaws were read at the January 15, 2015 meeting. No additional modifications were made since that time.
A motion was made by Karen Rebolz to “Accept the updated Strongsville High School PTA Bylaws as presented.” The motion was seconded by Sue Weninger. There was no discussion. All were unanimously in favor. None against or abstaining. Motion carried.
c. Fundraising – Laura Housum
i. The Chipotle Fundraiser earned over $1000. Money is expected to arrive within 2 weeks.
ii. The Sports Banquet will occur on March 25th. Letterman jacket forms are expected to be present at the banquet.
d. Grants – Michelle Soltis
e. Health and Safety – Nanette Palacko
f. Membership –Karen Rebholz
i. Scholarship money is available to graduating seniors of PTA members. There is also PBIS scholarship money available. All senior PTA members will receive a reminder e-mail regarding applications for these scholarships. The application deadline is April 3rd.
g. School Board Representative – Jane Ludwig
h. Staff Appreciation – Michel Price
i. Michel will work with Mr. Smithberger and Mrs. Potter to determine a good day for the Staff Appreciation Luncheon
i. Webmaster – Beth Venter
11. Unfinished Business
a. Nominating Committee – Karen Rebholz, Michel Price and Laura Housum
i. The presented slate of officers for the 2015-2016 school year are as follows:
1. President – Robin Micko
2. Vice President – Karen Rebholz
3. Treasurer – Angie Branigan
4. Secretary – Laura Wolford
5. Council Delegate – Laura Housum
6. Council Delegate – Michel Price
7. Alternate Council Delegate – Joyce Weber
ii. Voting will take place at the next meeting (April 16, 2015) of the SHS PTA.
12. New Business
13. Announcements
a. SIMB is holding their second annual Breakfast Fundraiser on Saturday, March 28, 2015.
b. The All City Orchestra Festival has two parts occurring on March 31st and April 1st.
c. Northeast Ohio Science and Engineering Fair awards will be given out tonight. The science fair projects of 12 students from SHS have been forwarded to this regional level.
14. Adjournment - 10:50 a.m.