
Height and Arm Span Project!

We will begin the year by reviewing and building upon our previous data analysis knowledge by completing a variety of smaller projects. In order to do this, we will measure all of our heights and arm spans and apply it to a variety of situations. In total, we will apply our data to 7 different individual projects totaling 50 points. The point distribution is as follows:

Section / Points
Data Collection / /4
Outlier / /10 Total
Data Collection Tool: Frequency Table / /6
Data Collection Tool: Dot Plot / /6
Data Collection Tool: Stem and Leaf Plot / /6
Data Display: Box and Whisker Plot / /6
Data Display: Scatter Plot / /6
Total: / /44

Each project should be completed by the following day. Reminder: We should be able to get a lot of this completed in class! Whatever section does not get finished in class is to be done for homework that same day. Please do not hesitate to ask questions!

Monday 8/28 / Data Collection , Tendencies
Tuesday 8/29 / Frequency Table , Dot Plot
Wednesday 8/30 / Stem and Leaf Plot , Box and Whisker Plot
Thursday 8/31 / Scatter Plot , Bar Graph
Friday 9/1 / Complete Visual and Turn in!

Data Collection

Student Name / Height / Arm Span

Central Tendencies Section

In this section, you will take the numbers that we gathered above in the data collection section and apply the various data tendencies below. Refer to the “Definition” column if you can’t quite remember what each data tendency means! As always, make sure you any questions that may arise along the way. (Hint: you might need to use the space below to do calculations or put the numbers in order!)

Data Tendency / Definition / Height Column / Arm Span Column
Mean / The "mean" is the "average" you're used to, where you add up all the numbers and then divide by the total amount of numbers
Median / The "median" is the "middle" value in the list of numbers. To find the median, your numbers have to be listed in numerical order
Mode / The "mode" is the value that occurs most often. If no number is repeated, then there is no mode for the list.
Range / The "range" is just the difference between the largest and smallest values.
Outlier / Outlier. A value that "lies outside" (is much smaller or larger than) most of the other values in a set of data.

Use the space provided to show your work:

Frequency Table

Definition: A frequency table is a table that shows the total for each category or group of data.

Class Interval – Height / Tally Marks / Frequency
Class Interval – Arm Span / Tally Marks / Frequency

Dot Plot

A dotplot is a type of graphic display used to compare frequency counts within categories or groups. Once your data is plotted. answer the following questions:
Which interval is most frequent?______
Which interval is least frequent?______
Name a student that falls in the most frequent interval.______
Which interval does your height measurement fall into?______


Use the Arm Span dot plot to answer the following questions:
Which interval is most frequent?______
Which interval is least frequent?______
Name a student that falls in the most frequent interval.______
Which interval does your arm span measurement fall into?______

Arm Span

Stem and Leaf Plot

A Stem and Leaf Plot is a special table where each data value is split into a "stem" (the first digit or digits) and a "leaf" (usually the last digit).

Height Leaf Stem Arm Span Leaf

Compare the Height and Arm Span leaves above. Make one observation comparing the two sets of data and write it in the space provided below.

Box and Whisker Plot (Height)
To create a box-and-whisker plot, you start by ordering your data (putting the values in numerical order), if they aren't ordered already. Then you find the median of your data. The median divides the data into two halves. To divide the data into quarters, you then find the medians of these two halves. Once your graph is complete, answer the questions that follow!

What quartile does your height fall into? ______Name the student that’s represented by the end of the left whisker.______Name the student that is represented by the end of the right whisker.______Name a student that, when plotted, would fall into the 3rd quartile.______Box and Whisker Plot (Arm Span)

To create a box-and-whisker plot, you start by ordering your data (putting the values in numerical order), if they aren't ordered already. Then you find the median of your data. The median divides the data into two halves. To divide the data into quarters, you then find the medians of these two halves.
What quartile does your arm span fall into? ______
Name the student that’s represented by the end of the left whisker.______
Name the student that is represented by the end of the right whisker.______
Name a student that, when plotted, would fall into the 3rd quartile.______

Scatter Plot

A Scatter (X,Y) Plot has points that show the relationship between two sets of data.
First, we will label both our axis. Next, we will plot our data.

Bar Graph

Below, you will use your interval data found in the frequency table on page 4 to create a *double* bar graph that represents each intervals frequency. Make sure you’re using two different colors. One color to represent height, and one that represents arm span. Also be sure to have a key that specifies which color represents which statistic.