Information Systems
Operating Plan
Information Systems FY08 Operating Plan
This document outlines the BIDMC Information Systems FY08 Operating Plan. In FY08, we will again align our goals with the operating goals of our customers. Highlights include:
1. Support for rollout of 500 active RFID equipment tags
2. Design and development of enhancements for CPOE gap areas such as ED, NICU, and procedure areas.
3. Implement Inpatient Medication reconciliation as part of electronic history and physical documentation
4. Continued OR enhancements, including "big boards", PAT documentation (medication reconciliation, nursing assessment form) and web-based versions of the CCC PACU logs, that all are integrated with OR Scheduling
5. Continued work on automating clinical documentation and scanning
6. Continued enhancement of e-Prescribing including pharmacy initiated renewals
7. Bar coding of all medications by pharmacy leading to electronic medication administration records in 2009
8. Supporting the effort to standardize use of clinical applications such as webOMR across BIDMC
9. Begin Theradoc planning
10. Rewrite Patientsite and implement the Google pilot
We have developed this Operating Plan based on discussions with our customers within BIDMC. We will use this plan throughout the year as a yardstick to evaluate our performance in meeting our goals. All levels of Information Systems staff have contributed to the Operating Plan and are committed to seeing that these promises to the BIDMC community are fulfilled.
It is very important to us that the customers of Information Systems are fully aware of our activities and plans. We will be keep all stakeholders informed about our progress on the Operating Plan throughout the year. We value your feedback and welcome any comments or questions on the initiatives described in this plan.
John D. Halamka MDAcademic and Research Computing
Leader: Steve Berry
Strategy: To select, design, implement, and support research administrative applications, including grants management, human subjects monitoring, and compliance education.
Goals for FY08:
l Participate in CTSA planning and technology development processes
l Support the Grants.Gov requirement for electronic grant submissions (S2S build)
l Implement IRB and Human Subjects tracking tools (Human Subject Enrollment rollout)
l Implement new Animal Protocol and Animal Ordering Management Tracking System (Topaz solution)
l Provide space, grant activity, and animal management reports to research administration
4 Analysts/Programmers
2 Desktop and application support specialists
Clinical Development
Leader: Larry Markson
Strategy: To design, build and maintain clinical systems.
Goals for FY08:
l Enhance e-Prescribing to include pharmacy initiated renewals
l Implement Inpatient Medication reconciliation as part of electronic history and physical documentation
l Implement new POE order sets to support Clinical Pathways and other clinical processes as prioritized by the new COEC subcommittee
l Develop a plan and begin the implementation of POE in the NICU, ED, and Procedure areas.
l Implement enhancements to webOMR as prioritized by the webOMR Users Group
l Design electronic progress note documentation
l Collaborate with MA-Share to implement automated electronic hospital discharge summary and ED summary transmission to community clinicians
l Continued OR enhancements, including "big boards", PAT documentation (medication reconciliation, nursing assessment form) and web-based versions of the CCC PACU logs, that all are integrated with OR Scheduling
l Support scanning of outpatient documents as needed to support standardization of webOMR utilitization at BIDMC
l Implement the Oncology Management System for the inpatient setting.
l Enhance and continue to roll out results notification in webOMR.
l Migrate the remaining CCC applications used by clinicians to the web by FY08
l Design and build interfaces to SoftLab as needed to support the LIS implementation
l Support existing CCC applications
4 Managers
20 Programmers
Clinical Systems
Leader: Karen Rapuano
Strategy: To select, implement, and support clinical applications
Goals for FY08:
Critical Care
l Continue implementation of IMDSoft in the MICU and NICU. Investigate the possibility of viewing summary flowsheets on the web.
l Complete implementation of OBTV in the Emergency Department
l Plan and begin implementation of upgrade to OBTV in OB
l Provide IS support for the new Transplant Institute
l Support existing systems including, CareVue, CompuRecord, Trauma Registry, OTTR (Transplant), and OBTraceVue
l Positive Patient ID
l Patient Wristbands: Begin evaluating bar-coded wristbands for outpatients
l Employee Badges: Continue pilot and rollout of employee bar-coded badges
l Electronic Medication Administration: Collaborate with IS Development, Pharmacy and Nursing to begin planning the eMAR implementation
l Provide staff support to the new COEC POE Committee
l Begin workflow analysis and project planning for Theradoc Infection Control Monitoring
l Support existing systems including: Incident Reporting, Call Center, POE and eTicket.
Clinical Laboratory/Cardiology
l Provide application support for the CVI
l Continue implementation of the SCC Laboratory System
l Implement MAC Lab/Cardio Lab software and hardware upgrade
l Implement registries as prioritized by the Registry Committee
l Relocate Cardiology hardware to an IS managed data center
l Support existing systems including: Apollo, Atrium, cardiology registries and Gemnet
Radiology/Radiation Oncology
l Complete the development of a long term strategy for the radiology information system
l Complete the development of a multi-year Global PACS strategy in conjunction with IS Infrastructure Team
l Implement enhanced functionality for IMPAC including an automated ADT interface and remote access
l Support existing systems including: Impac, Cyberknife and associated clinical systems
l Support efforts to standardize use of webOMR in all clinical areas. Implement view/order entry version for appropriate clinicians.
l Develop a plan for providing eClinicalWorks application and infrastructure support to non-owned BIDPO clinicians
l Support existing systems including: PatientSite, g-Care, WebOMR, Logician and CareTracker
1 Director
4 Managers
24 Analysts
Decision Support Systems
Leader: Carolyn Conti
Strategy: To implement decision support systems, including data warehousing, master physician directory, web-based reporting, and workflow applications.
Goals For FY08:
l Implement reports and workflow dashboards in Performance Manager as needed to support organizational needs.
l Implement clinical data marts as needed to enable quality measurement and decision support activities
l Develop interfaces to support the 3M HRM coding/workflow application and the LIS implementation
l Continue to enhance the diabetes outcome registry to support quality measurement and pay for performance requirements
l Develop reports to support patient and employee vaccination programs
l Support Cactus and NEHEN Express users
1 Programmer
2 Analysts
2 SQL Developers
Database Services
Leader: Don Wood
Strategy: To deploy, maintain and optimize databases.
Goals for FY08
l Complete SQL2005 and clustering implementations
l Implement performance monitoring and auditing tools
l Support all existing SQL, Oracle and MySQL databases
8 DBAs
Finance and Administration
Leader: Jeanette Blackler
Strategy: To create, manage and track operating and capital budgets.
Goals for FY08:
l Support the core IS Budgeting function
l Support capital project expenditure tracking and reporting
l Support asset management reporting
2 Analysts
Fiscal Systems
Leader: Steve Herzog
Strategy: Provide support and assistance in the selection and implementation of critical financial based software applications that will improve the hospitals overall Revenue Cycle, Human Resources, Payroll, Research and Supply Chain operations.
Goals for FY08
l Implement additional non NEHEN processing capabilities to payers that are not currently NEHEN members in support of PFS Revenue Cycle improvement opportunities.
l Design and implement improved Rate Setting data quality standards to DHCFP
l Implement enhanced BIDMC Case Mix capabilities to reflect all of the data submitted to DHCFP
l Implement additional automated Patient Claims Status Inquiry (HIPAA 276/277) capabilities as a process improvement opportunity for PFS
l Complete the implementation of the new PeopleSoft IS support staffing model
l Further deploy beyond the initial pilot sites the NuvoSoft "Who-To" application
l Commence with the PeopleSoft V8.9 Financial applications upgrade project
l Commence with the upgrade of the PeopleSoft HRMS and Payroll applications to version 8.9
l Implement new HIM data feeds from the 3M HRM product to IBAX and Case Mix
l Support the existing BIDMC Fiscal and Decision Support based applications
l Implement CCC/IBAX revenue cycle enhancements as prioritized by Patient Access Services and Patient Financial Services
l Provide eGate and HIPAA transaction support to all BIDMC customers
l Support all SoftLab and 3M HRM Data Integration requirements
Vice President Fiscal Information systems
4 Managers
16 Programmer Analysts
4 Integration Specialists
Health Information Management
Leader: Gerry Abrahamian
Strategy: To support the transition from paper documentation to electronic while ensuring the integrity, functionality and legal aspects of electronic solutions.
Goals for FY08:
l Contiue to implement the five year clinical documentation plan. Assuring that processes for systems developed allow entries that will be complete, accurate, timely, and authenticated.
l Improve the quality and timeliness of completion of clinical documentation through the HIM Committee structure
l Work through the Forms Committee to approve new e-forms and develop procedures related to implementation
l Complete the inpatient and outpatient scanning implementations
l Provide support and manage change requests for the existing Case Management Documentation system with integration to McKesson electronic level of care system and the DRG.
l Deploy new eScription implementations in Rad/Onc, BID-Needham, other Departmental requests and handheld deployments.
l Support efforts to standardize use of webOMR in all clinical areas
2 Managers
IS Support Services
Leader: Margaret Hyland
Strategy: To provide support, service and maintenance of all equipment. To develop policies and processes based on best practices to optimize and enhance the use of technology resources and improve the overall support provided to users. To optimize budget and financial management through evaluation and implementation of technologies, standardization and management of the environment.
Goals for FY08:
Server/Messaging and Desktop Engineering:
l Continue development of a thin client solution for clinical areas.
l Evaluate Exchange 2008 and plan an upgrade project.
l Extend High Availability of Services: Create a new SQL Cluster, Extend MetaFrame services.
l Enhance Desktop Management utilizing GPO management.
l Expand DFS namespace for ePHI stored in Shared Directories and explore possibilities for creating a Patient Data Cluster.
l Continue efforts to consolidate Wintel servers.
l Explore possibilities and potential opportunities for centralizing and consolidating Infrastructure operational monitoring and reporting systems
IS Help Desk
l Account Management Improvements:
l Improve and enhance all processes for implementing moves/adds/changes in LDAP/AD related to BIDMC and affiliated entities employees and staffs.
l Exploring the use of a self service “Secret Question” approach to ITS Password Resets.
l File Services:
l Reclaim file services storage through enforcement of technology use policies.
l Identify ePHI stored in File Services Shared Directories and apply stronger access controls to shares and move into DFS namespace.
l Upgrade McAfee’s ePolicy Orchestrator to 4.0 and Viruscan to 8.5i
l Maintain the application registry with updated SLA, downtime requirements and impact classifications on all applications currently residing on and supported by the Windows Server/Workstation environment.
On-Site and Off-Site Technical Support:
l Implement DHCP services for BIDMC off-site locations and BIH-Needham.
l Work with Network Services to implement a network upgrade at BID-Needham.
l Continue the work to finish the implementation of SMS services to the BIDMC off-site locations and BIH-Needham.
l Eliminate the NT4 Operating System from all BIDMC workstations.
Asset Management/Inventory Control:
l Continue to renew and update the IS Support Portal and work on new IS webparts.
l Hardware Life-Cycle Management: Continuing to maintain the established Hardware Life Cycle on all Data Center Servers (5-years), Workstations (5 years) and Printers (7 years).
l Power Consumption Monitoring and Conservation: Decrease overall power consumption through power management activities and working with hardware vendors/manufacturers to purchase and deploy equipment that saves on electrical consumption; e.g., replacing CRTs with FP’s.
l Continued participation in RASMAS (Risk and Safety Management Alert System) in order to respond in a timely manner to IT product alerts.
Technology Project Management and Application Support:
l Manage and support BIDMC non-clinical projects through all phases of the project; e.g., PanGo, HIM Inpatient Scanning, InfoGenesis Revelation; as well as provide technical management and support for various application/solution upgrades and maintenance.
l Provide Application Support various applications such as: Captiva InputAccel v5.2, NetManage OnWeb, PanGo Locator 4.1 (pilot phase).
l Establish a single point of contact for customers (internal and external to the IS Department) who are seeking assistance with new infrastructure projects
l Improve visibility to centralized/standardized project tasks, status and performance through the use of common, web-based, project management tools (e.g., Microsoft Enterprise Project Management solution).
4 Managers
1 Supervisor
8 Engineers
2 Project Coordinators
1 Move Coordinator
28.75 Support Specialists
Media Services
Leader: Peter Macaulay
Strategy: To provide photography, graphics and video services
Goals for FY08:
l Support video over IP as needed for CareLink, Stroke consultation and other telemedicine projects
l Implement electronic conference rooms
l Collaborate with facilities to refurbish the Kirstein space
l Complete a 5 year media services strategic plan
l Continue to support the photography, graphics, and video needs of BIDMC
6 Media Specialists
6 Media Associates
Medical Library Services
Leader: Margo Coletti
Strategy: The Medical Library Services provides knowledge based information resources to Medical Center staff and students. Working in collaboration with other branches of IS, work to develop standards, expand electronic resource collections, and improve access to knowledge bases.
Goals for FY08:
l Continue print-to-online migration and establish the medical library as an information commons
l Continue to support the prohibited abbreviations initiative
l Continue to support knowledge resources on the BIDMC portal
3.1 Medical Librarians
Network Services
Leader: Hal MacGregor
Strategy: To provide a secure, life cycle managed, state of the art network core, distribution and access layer.
Goals for FY08:
l Support widespread deployment of RFID asset tracking tags
l Support the lifecycle management of the entire CareGroup network
l Support activation of CLS building and east campus backfill
5 Network engineers
2 Network technicians
Technical Systems Support
Leader: Rocky Grasso
Strategy: To support the server and storage infrastructure of BIDMC.
Goals for FY08:
l Implement disk-to-disk backup technology as replacement for disk-to-tape to support faster recoveries and less data loss in the event of a disaster
l Migrate Cache production environments to Linux
1 Manager
4 MVS and Unix Systems Engineers
2 Storage Systems Engineers
2 Caché Systems Engineer
Production Operations
Leader: Bob Doherty
Strategy: Support data center and production operations at BIDMC.
Goals for FY08:
l Add redundant interruptible power support to Ren data center
l Replace Ren data center power distribution units to improve electrical efficiency and monitoring capability
1 Manager
1 Supervisor
4 Production Control Analysts
8 Computer Operators
Leader: Mark Olson
Strategy: To provide a safe and secure computing environment via detection and proactive measures. Coordinate IS disaster recovery planning activities.
Goals for FY08:
l Create policies and documentation as needed to support a secure environment
l Track the HIPAA compliance of our major applications in collaboration with application owners and data stewards
l Provide intrusion detection and prevention services
l Implement Phase II of Palmer / Baker / Span Data Center disaster recovery plan
l Install and activate web content filtering and monitoring system.
l Enhance Operational Systems Monitoring