NAME ______


SECTION 1. Must complete these goals to receive completion awards. Check [√] as completed.

[ ] I have been an active participant in my 4-H club and attended a majority of club meetings.

[ ] I have taken part in my club’s program this 4-H year by giving a presentation or talk,

leading music, recreation, pledge, etc.

[ ] I have selected and carried out an approved 4-H project.

Projects completed: ______




[ ] I have completed a 4-H record book this year and submitted to my club leader for evaluation. Graduating High School Seniors may do an interview with their club leader in place of submitting a record book.

SECTION 2 Complete two or more of the following. Check [√] as completed.

[ ] I have participated in a special 4-H activity such as a community service project,

club trip or tour, etc.

[ ] I have participated in our club’s achievement show.

[ ] I have participated in a county-wide, area or state 4-H event.

[ ] I have participated in the communication program (Educational Presentation, Working Exhibit, Share the Fun or Extemporaneous Speaking) beyond the local club.

[ ] I have exhibited at the Black Hawk County 4-H & FFA Fair.

I agree that the above information is true and accurately reflects my work as a 4-H’er.

SIGNED ______

4-H Member


Parent or Guardian