III. How to Writean Outline

* An outline is a general sketch of a sermon. Details added to an outline affect the main topic’s development, as well as the content’s accuracy and richness.

A. Principles of OutlineWriting

1. Accuracy: Use a theme as the central idea of an outline, do not add irrelevant materials to the outline

2. Unity: relates to a theme, in a clear, hierarchical manner, contains clearly defined relationship between main sections and subdivisions

3. Parallelism: Parallel structures, sentences, format, and symbols

4. Balance: Balanced sections, appropriate transitional words and phrases

5. Logic: The main points have to be clear, concise and logical, to help people understand and remember the message better.

B. Types of Outlines

1. Chronological arrangement: Arrange an outline in the chronology of events and messages

a. From the beginning to the ending

b. From the ending to the beginning

c. From the middle: this method is more suitable for "history" sermons. Begin an outline with the climactic moment of an event or a person's life, trace to the beginning, and then move to the ending

E.g. 1 "A Discussion on Personal Faith fromthe Incidence of Peter Falling Asleep Three Times"

a. The "first time", he falls asleep on a mountain (inexperienced) - Luke 9:32

b. "The second time", he falls asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane (Not watchful) - Mark 14:37

c. The "third time" he falls asleep in the prison (undoubting faith) - Acts 12:6

E.g. 2 " The Three Periods of Moses' Life"

a. The first "forty years" as a prince of Egypt (Acts 7:22-23)

b. The second "forty years" as a shepherd in the land of Madian (Acts 7:29-30)

c. The third "forty years" as a leader in the wilderness (Acts 7:36)

2. Spatial arrangement:Arrange an outline in the spatial order of events

E.g. "Follow Jesus"

a. Follow Jesus to the manger - learning humility

b. Follow Jesus to the wilderness - learning how to prayer

c. Follow Jesus to the world – learning how to love your neighbor

d. Follow Jesus to the garden - learning submission

e. Follow Jesus to Golgotha - learning how to sacrifice

3. Cause-and-effect arrangement: arrange an outline in the order of cause and effect, or reverse the order and arrange effect before cause

E.g. "Gihazi's Greedfor Money" (2 Kings 5:15-27)

a. Causes of Gehazi's greed for money (15-20)

b. Motivations behind Gehazi's greed for money (26)

c. Gehazi's acts of greed for money (21-26)

d. Consequences of Gehahi's greed for money (26-27)

4. Problem-solution arrangement: Identify a problem then provide a solution step by step

E.g. "Honor Your Parents"

a. What – Definition (What is piety?)

b. Why - Why is it necessary (Why should we honor our parents?)

c. How - How can we put it to practice? (How should we honor our parents?)

5. Level of complexity: Arrange an outline by level of complexity, from simple to complex, from inside to outside, from easy to hard

E.g. 1 "Power of the Gospel"

a. The gospel can change a person - gives a new life, a new heart, and a new direction

b. The gospel can change a family - individuals are basic building blocks of family

c. The gospel can change a society – families are basic building blocks of society

E.g. 2 "The Criminal on the Cross" (Luke 23:43)

a. You will be in Paradise

b. You will be with me in Paradise

c. Today you will be with me in Paradise

6. Categorical arrangements: arrange an outline by categories of peoples, events, and/or things

E.g. "Three Types of Danger that We Should Avoid" (Jude 11)

a.The way of Cain

b. The error of Balaam

c. The rebellion of Korah

7. Bible text: arrange an outline in the same order as presented in the text

E.g. "Who is Jesus?" (Luke 14:6)

a. Jesus is the Way

b. Jesus is the Truth

c. Jesus is the Life

C. Secrets ofWriting Outlines

1. Thesis statement:

a. Be specific and concise: it is better to use few words and few many adjectives

b. Parallelism: If possible, major headings should be expressed in parallel form, use same basis of division at each rank

E.g. "You Are the Salt of the World" –

Maintain Salt's Characteristics

Exemplify Salt's Functions

Imitate Salt's Spirit

c. transitional words and phrases: "First", "next", "furthermore", "besides", "lastly, "one additional point", "not only so", "in conclusion"

2. Craft subdivisions into beautiful sentences.

a. Check if subdivisions have equal weight

b. Check if subdivisions are related to the thesis
