Year 7 Industry Day
Getting Started
- Split into 7 groups (number each pupil 1 to 7 outside the class)
- Make sure even mix of ability and sex in each group
- Discuss the objectives of the day
Score the most points by…
- Sensible, quiet behaviour
- Working well as a team
- Working hard to find the answers to the problems set
Do well on the Maths Trail by…
- Not disturbing other classes on your way round (points will be lost otherwise)
- Spending a reasonable amount of time at each stopping point trying to answer the questions. How much time will it be if you have to make sure they are back by 10:25am?
- Keeping a look out for bonus marks on the way round (Make sure you know what to look for before you set off!)
- Not calling out answers so that other teams can hear you
- Organising your selves so that one person only carries the Trail and Quiz sheet and one person writes down the answers.
- Points will automatically be lost if someone from a team does not behave sensibly or is too loud. Anything from 5 to 50 points – My decision is final: any argument will lose more points!
- 5 points will be lost for each minute after 10:25am that a team gets back to the classroom.
The Maths Trail
- Teams will leave in a staggered order about a minute apart
- Work on the quiz sheet while you are waiting
- Teams to spend a few minutes looking at the map and how to get bonus marks before leaving the classroom
Maths Trail Plenary
- Swap answer sheets
- Go through answers
- Discuss bonus marks
- Tally up total marks for each team and put on the board.
- During break-time teams are to come up with a team name.
- All teams to be in their seats by the time the bell rings. 5 points will be lost for each minute late.
Record all bonus points on the board!
Meet The “Ominoes” (1 period)
- Understand that an “omino” is a 2-D shape made up of edge-connected squares
- Be able to draw your own different “ominoes” to score points for your team
- Answer questions to gain 5 points for each correct answer. If you call out you will disqualify your team from answering! Hands up!
The 1-omino. Not very interesting!
The 2-omino. This is called a …?Domino
The 3-omino. This is called a …?Triomino
There is another triomino. Can anyone draw it?
and are not allowed!
What comes next? (Record all bonus points on the board!)
The 4-omino: it is called a tetromino. Allow quadromino as a sensible suggestion.
Team members to come out and draw a “different” tetromino.
For 10 points: Write down the computer game that you would see these shapes in (Tetris).
- Squared paper. One rough sheet per pupil. One answer sheet per team.
- Wallet of coloured pencils.
- Pentomino score sheet (Hand out at the end of the session)
- Quiet, sensible behaviour. The best team will get 15 points this session.
- Find as many different pentominoes as possible. 5 points for each correct pentomino
- A pentomino will only be counted if it is drawn neatly on you answer sheet and shaded in with the coloured pencils provided.
- 15 minutes, maximum, will be allowed to find all the pentominoes.
- The first team to show all the different pentominoes (without any that are the same) will get a bonus of 15 points.
Hand out the pentomino score sheet and get each team to write on their score and team name.
Pentomino Rectangles (1 period)
- Scissors and a cut out pentomino rectangle
- Squared paper to draw out neat and rough rectangles
- Rulers
- Quickly and carefully cut out your pentominoes
- Use your pentominoes to make each of the rectangles on your score sheet. All pentominoes must be used – each can only be used once!
- Go shopping for clues if you are stuck (5 points deducted for each clue). It is better to shop for clues than get no points at all.
- Draw out your rectangle in neat on squared paper and shade in the pentominoes in different colours to show how you did it. You will only score points for your team if it is drawn out neatly and shaded in.
Record all bonus points on the board!Notes For Pupils
- Only one person from a group is allowed to shop for a clue. They must ask permission to leave the classroom. 5 points will be lost for anyone who forgets
- A bonus of 15 points for getting all rectangles.
- A clue for all. Remember your cut out card? That was a 6 by 10 rectangle (A quick flash of a spare card might be useful here)
- You have 30(?) minutes to find all the rectangles
Teacher Note
It may be useful to target each rectangle in separately. 10 minutes for each, say, depending on how focussed the group is.
Pentomino Rectangle Plenary
Teams should have recorded their scores on their sheets
(Points could be awarded for correct answers)
What is special about the numbers 6 by 10, 5 by 12, 4 by 15 and 3 by 20?
- They multiply to give 60.
- They are factors of 60.
What does this tell you about the area of each of the rectangles? The same – 60 squares!
What are the other factors of 60? 1, 2, 30 and 60
What size rectangles would these factors give? 1 by 60 and 2 by 30.
Why is it impossible to make these rectangles? Some of the pentominoes are too wide!
Record all bonus points on the board!
Pentomino Enlargements (1 period)
- Enlargement Sheets 3 per group
- Pentomino shapes cut out previously
- Squared paper
- Quiet, sensible behaviour.
- To make each enlarged pentomino shape with your cut out pentominoes. Each cut out pentomino can only be used once
- To score (30 points for each) you must neatly draw out how you made the shape and shade the pentominoes a different colour. This should be done on your answer sheet. You should check these as you complete them.
- To find all the enlargements in 30(?) minutes to get a bonus of 15 points
Pentomino Enlargements Plenary
Teams should have recorded their scores on their sheets
Record all bonus points on the board! (5 points for each answer?)
What is the area of a pentomino (How many squares)? 5
What is the area of the enlarged pentominoes? 20
Is this true for all pentominoes enlarged by a scale factor of 2?
If the lengths of the pentominoes have doubled what has happened to their areas? Quadrupled or 4 times bigger
What would the area of a pentomino be if were enlarge by a scale factor of 3? 9 5 = 45
What would the area of a pentomino be if were enlarge by a scale factor of 4? 16 5 = 80
What kind of numbers are 4, 9 and 16? Square Numbers
What do we do to the scale factor to find the area then? Square it!
- Squared paper
- Pentazoo Penguin sheet
- Pentazoo animal sheet
- Quiet, sensible behaviour. Remember you could still win by getting a bonus for excellent behaviour and good team work
- Use your pentominoes to make each of the animals on your score sheet. All pentominoes must be used – each can only be used once!
- Go shopping for clues if you are stuck (5 points deducted for each clue). It is better to shop for clues than get no points at all.
- Draw out your animal in neat on squared paper and shade in the pentominoes in different colours to show how you did it. You will only score points for your team if it is drawn out neatly and shaded in. Check each as you complete it.
- A bonus of 50 points for all 5 animals will be awarded to the first team to do it.
Pentazoo Plenary
Teams should have recorded their scores on their sheets. Record all bonus points on the board!
What is the area of each animal? 60 squares
How do you know without counting? Because, from the rectangle work, we know all the 12 pentominoes (each of area 5 squares) have an area of 12 5 = 60 squares.
Tidy up before the winners are announced. Bonus points could still be won! Quickly and sensibly!
Team totals should be added up. These should be added to bonus points already on the board.
Then award a team the sensible behaviour bonus points (discretionary).
A team work bonus could be awarded etc…
Congratulations (and prizes?) to be awarded to the winning team
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