SAC Meeting


I.  Call to Order: (3:00PM)

II.  Roll Call: All present

III. Prayer: Given by Colleen, Ryan to give prayer at next meeting.

IV.  Approval of minutes: 11/16/2011 minutes were approved without change

V.  Public Forum

Kevin Tighe: Paper Airplane day supports Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

VI.  Review of the Budget

Crystal Guffey

(Budget passed around)

VII.  Report of the SGA Executive

Report of the President, Ryan Alleman

I hope that all of you had a great Thanksgiving break and that you’re excited to be back at Xavier!

Last week I mentioned the WeCar proposal. That proposal is not up on the T:/ drive. I’m going to be sending my thoughts over to Auxiliary Services later this week, so if you have some time, please take a look at it and send me any feedback that you can.

I wanted to let all of you know that the Senate Vacancy Applications are now available in the front of the office. Please feel free to distribute these as you see fit. The applications are due on Monday December 5th.

Finally, next Wednesday, December 7th – a week from today – SGA and the Provost will be hosting another session to gain student input on the new academic building. On Wednesday at 8pm, Scott Chadwick and representatives from Shepley-Bulfinch will be available. Please consider attending this event if you are able to!

New complex – what promo are they doing to advertise? We will start advertising with flyers/Facebook event etc.

I recommend everyone go. I went last time; I felt like I my voice was heard.

Report of the Legislative Vice President, Brock McMorran

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and got a chance to unwind and spend time with your families and friends.

1.)  Over break I had chance to get myself organized for the few items that need to be completed before the holiday recess. I am working on getting completing the financial form tutorials, setting project/initiative end term goals, and finishing up work with the Provost Committee.

2.)  The Provost Committee took last Monday but will be reconvening this week to continue their work. We will be taking a look at what you all wrote on the green and orange sheets from workshop and making sure we have all of our phrasing and content right.

3.)  Lastly, I wanted to remind you all that next week’s meeting is the annual SGA/ Fr. Graham meeting. Father will be joining us at 4:15pm, so we need to make sure our meeting is efficient. Essentially we will skip report of the administration, conduct our meeting as scheduled, stop the meeting at 4:15 and let Father Graham deliver his report. After his report we will adjourn, take pictures, and eat! A few important notes:

a.  Meeting will be held at 3:00pm on December 5 in the Conaton Board Room in Schmidt Hall (2nd Floor)

b.  SACers are welcome to attend the entire meeting, but are required to be at in the board room by 4:00pm.

c.  Come dressed to impress as pictures with the President will be taken.

d.  I will send you all a reminder over the weekend.

That’s all I have, but please if you have any questions, at any time, let me know.

Report of the Administrative Vice President, Lydia Gerlach

Please thank Jacquelyn for the snacks! Next week snacks are from Whitney! I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgivings.

For projects:

1. LGBTQ Position: LGBTQ Training and Support Intern (LTSI)

Senate approved the LTSI appointment to be Luke Beischel. Luke and I will be updating you throughout next semester. Also, be sure to check out the article in the Newswire. It paints a pretty good picture of the position, but please note that there is an error. The article states that Luke will be working directly with Cheryl Nunez, but this is incorrect. Luke will be working directly with Nia (SDoD) who then has the more regular working relationship with Cheryl Nunez. I let Nia know what happened to let Cheryl know, and I contacted the Newswire; they should by printing a correction statement in the next issue. Just FYI.

2. Holiday Funtime!

Hey everyone, you all got an email about our holiday fun gift exchange snacktime. It will be on Saturday, December 3rd at 5:30PM in the Clocktower lounge. Afterward we will be going ice skating. What kind of snacks do you guys want?

Do let me know me know if you have any questions.

LGBTQ: How many interviewed? 5 applied, all were interviewed.

VIII.  Report of the SAC Chair, Morgan Zuziak

·  Meeting with UC: On Sunday November 20th, LeeAnn, Blake, Travis, Sarah, Ariana and I ate lunch with students from UC’s PAC. We all talked to different board members but I can tell you a few things I learned from my experience and at the end of my report I’d like them to add things that they learned. I talked a lot with Diana, their treasurer, and Ashley, their Movies director.

i.  Smaller Budget – Student Fee

ii. All events are free – even large concert.

iii.  Beat out UC for B.O.B. last year!

iv.  Put up their own stage for concerts.

v. Events must be on-campus.

vi.  Promoting Restrictions: only play music from 11-4 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

vii.  They use Swank for movies too!

viii.  Board Structure: (independent of SGA – don’t work with them)

1.  Executive Board: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Human Resources, Advertising, Promotions, Internal Relations, IT, and Historian

2.  Program Directors: Comedy, Concerts, Movies, Novelty, Speakers

3.  General Membership

They were a fun group of students and I would love to meet with them again next semester! It was really cool to learn how their campus is so close to ours but so different.

·  Workshop: First I’d like to thank Seth for planning workshop with me, and for meeting with me twice every week for the past few weeks so we could get all our planning done! I’d also like to thank the Executives for presenting at workshop and Dustin for helping Seth and I with our planning. Lastly, I want to thank you all for coming to workshop and actively participating in all the conversations and presentations that happened. Although we had a great time at workshop and I think that we all learned a lot – I want us to bring back what we discussed and learned.

A few take-aways from our break-out session included:

i.  For every proposal SAC must present a minimum of 2 positive comments and 2 negative comments.

ii. Volunteer Sheets:

1.  3 weeks: include on proposal # of volunteers needed

2.  2 weeks: put sign-ups on powerpoint and have board members sign up as a part of here and now

3.  1 week: bring up sign-up sheet again to double-check all volunteers can make it

iii.  White Board usage – use it to write volunteer sheets on the board? Or possibly printing out volunteer sheet and putting it on board.

·  Holiday Project: Only 7 SGA members have given me money for the adopt-a-family! Please get me money by Friday so I can go shopping on Saturday! If any of you are free to help me shop I will be going in the early afternoo3n so just let me know!

·  Planning Day: Planning day is next Wednesday! You will be given 35 minutes to discuss your events for next semester as a committee and then we will all come back together and we will put the events on the calendar.

·  Festival of Lights: Life and Culture will be asking to propose today for more money for the festival of lights event. I’m leaving it up to you all to decide if they can propose or not. I have my rules and we have the rules of order – but this is your money to spend. What is best for the students?

If it’s what the students want and if we can get more students to go to event, it’s worth it.

I think they should, we saw a waiting list and others asked for more tickets.

In order to break/suspend rules, each proposal should be evaluated separately. There are guaranteed people to attend.

How many on waiting list? 15 on list, RA wants to take hall – 15. More have asked.

Don’t want to waste money if there are no people.

Would it be more beneficial to just have the bus loop? We’ve already told people the times to show up, would have to look into how it would work.

IX.  Report of Advisor, Dustin Lewis

Not Emailed

X.  Report of the SGA Resource Assistant, Crystal Guffey

I’ll be ordering office supplies weekly, you can send me an email or let me know if you need anything. I will only order once each week and I will put in the order after the SAC meeting. Let me know if you need anything by then.

XI.  Opinion Entries

XII.  Proposals (must be emailed prior to meeting)

FAC, Jim Reitenbach



Festival of lights




Event Description:

Budget Requested From:

Cost Breakdown:

Total Amount Proposed:

(Initial Questions)

Are you going to look into idea of loop? Yes.

How long is the event? 6:30-9pm

Are you going to give the tickets to people on wait list? Yes, and then table 3-5pm on Thursday.

Looping bus might get confusing, would only loop 2-3 times. If everyone waits until it closes, may not have enough buses to get those people.

Are you automatically giving tickets to RA who requested? We don’t know.

The RA who asked for tickets did so before the 40 were sold, so she would be first on waiting list.

(Debate and Discussion)

If we don’t sell tomorrow there could be a big backlash, because we advertised it.

If you do a looping bus, you are cutting their time.

RA – we should sell to students, not her. If she wanted to go she should spend $10 to by her own tickets for events instead of using our discount.

Debate Ended


XIII.  Blast from the Past

Twilight Breaking Dawn: 19 tickets sold, thanks for those who helped. Everything went smoothly.

Thank you for working on that event. Ticket sales aren’t easy.

Stress Relief Day: Day was great. Bounce house never showed up. Do not work with them. Over 800 people showed up throughout the day. Thanks for excusing us from the meeting. Collaborations went well, thanks to Active Minds.

Ever hear back from Bounce House guys? Nope.

XIV.  Here and Now

Late night Snack: Pancakes & Hot chocolate. Xavier Catering donating large thermoses.

Mr. Muskie: Tuesday, 40 contestants!

Who are MC’s? Tayrn Buckley & Nate Fisher.

Who are Judges? Winner from last year, Amy Reed – trio, RA from Buenger, Father Kent.

Festival of Lights: Thanks for passing proposal. Going to see if we can get discount ticket price at box office for any Xavier students.

Paper airplane Day: 83 airplanes sold so far. Coming up on Thursday.

XV.  Committee Reports

Campus Traditions, Sarah Richardson

So Mr Muskie is right around the corner!! Please make sure to mark it on your calendars and try to come out for the show next Tuesday at 7, it is going to be awesome!! There are just a few loose ends that our committee will be working to tie up in the next few days. T-shirts for our committee, all 14 contestants, the judges, and MCs will be in tomorrow to wear on Monday and Tuesday next week. This Friday, we will be filming the introductory video with the contestants and MCs at 4pm at the XUTV Studio. Monday night we will be rehearsing in the theater from 5-9pm. Does anyone has any good ideas for professors that would make a funny judge?? Our professor judge, Jack Butz, has recently backed out and we need a good replacement. Thanks for your feedback!

Concerts, Matt Morefield


Financial Affairs Committee, Jim Reitenbach

Not Emailed

Late Night Programming, LeeAnn Scherbauer

Here is my report: hey! We are winding down the year with our last event tomorrow. LNS! There will be pancakes and hot chocolate as said before. We have been discussing planning day and are preparing some proposals for next week including: LNM and MAD. Thanks!

Life & Culture, Analisa Condon

Hey everyone! I hope everyone had a great break! Life and Culture had a meeting on Monday and we are looking forward to planning day. Stress Relief was great, thanks Kevin and Katie. Thank you for the discussion on Lights and passing more money for us to get some more tickets! Home for the Holidays is under planning and please try to come on December 8th from 6-8pm. Thanks everyone!

Publicity, Annette Frac

Hey guys, sales for paper airplane day have been going really well. Besides that we have been looking into other options for promoting our events next semester. We are also looking into a way to promote our new logo once that is all finalized. We considered ordering magnets or something like that so if you guys have any input let us know. Also we are finalizing our email template which will be going our next semester.

Thats about all.

XVI.  Closing Sentiments

Cynthia Bear was given to Colleen, What was your favorite Holiday Movie?

XX.  Adjourned: (5:15PM)