The Everything Guide to Elections
1. Officer Responsibilities:
· N'siah: President of the chapter, and oversees all the positions and members. Must have had 2 previous positions.
· S'ganit: Vice president in programming, puts everything on dashboard at least 2 weeks prior to program, and makes sure programs run smoothly. Must have had 1 previous position.
· Aym Ha-Chavairot (Mit Mom): Vice president in membership, in charge of recruiting new girls, making sure they know about programs, and making Mit sessions so members can be educated in BBG/BBYO/B'not. Must have had 1 previous position.
· Sh'licha: In charge of Judaism programs including different kinds of services, community service projects for our chapter, and social action programs.
· Gizborit: In charge of making fundraisers for our chapter, and keeping track of the money that we currently have.
· Mazkirah: In charge of communication; making calls, flyers, and e-mails.
· Katvanit: Makes minutes at all meetings, and makes them creative so they can be entered for awards.
· Orechet: In charge of making The Yenta B'not Shaloms newspaper.
* In addition to officer responsibilities, all board members must:
o Attend all meetings and events (programs)
2. Speeches:
· Time:
o N’siah: 5 minutes
o S’ganit & Aym Ha-Chavairot: 4 minutes
o Sh’licha & Gizborit: 3 minutes
o Mazkirah, Katvanit, & Orechet: 2 minutes
3. Helpful information for elections:
· Declarations (caucused candidates), nominations, & slide-over’s
o Declarations: declared candidates who go though a declaration process. This often includes talking to the N’siah by a certain date to let them know you’re running and filling out a dossier (attached).
§ By declaring for a position ahead of time, candidates get:
· Longer speeches
· Unrestricted speech topic (appropriate)
o Nominations: during the election, after all of the declared candidates have declared, the N’siah will ask for nominations, any member of the chapter may raise there hand and nominate someone for the position at hand. Nominees do not go through the declarations process.
§ Rules for nominations:
· Shorter speech (about qualifications only)
· May decline nomination
o Slide-Over’s: when a person is not elected for the position they are running for, they have the opportunity to slide over to another position. After all declared candidates have declared themselves, the N’siah will ask anyone who ran and lost if they wanted to slide for the position.
§ Rules for slide-over’s:
· Shorter speech
· May decline to slide-over but can accept a nomination
4. Election Reminders/Considerations:
· Reminders:
o All BBG’s must be seated and remain seated throughout the meeting
o If you need to leave the meeting for any reason while it is in session, go to the back of the room, place your right hand over your heart, and say “ami” and wait to be recognized by the chair
§ If you miss any part of an election, you will not be able to vote for that elections
o Everyone must be wearing a BBG pin
o No talking, games, or eating during speeches and voting
o No cell phones
o When recognized to speak, please begin by saying, “My sister N’siah, my sisters B’nai B’rith Girls.”
· Considerations:
o You are electing the executive board fo the chapter for the next 6 months, this is a very important decision and the following areas should be taken into consideration when selecting next term’s officers:
§ Has the candidate attended an International Leadership program?
§ Is the candidate ready to take the next step for the chapter?
§ Does the candidate wholly exemplify the high ideals that the B’nai B’rith Girls were founded upon?
§ Had the candidate exemplified the type of leadership we want B’not Shalom to be known for?
§ Is the candidate running for office to serve the chapter or to serve herself?
§ How well will the candidate communicate with the members of the chapter?
§ Does the candidate have too many obligations that would hinder their ability to perform?
§ Do you trust the candidate to work whole-heartedly and with endless passion for the entire term?
§ Will the candidate have the ability to have fun and motivate the chapter throughout the term?
§ Do you respect the candidate as a B’nai B’rith Girl?
§ Are her ideas innovative and realistic to implement?
§ Is the candidate a visionary and open to change?
5. Election Credo:
· “I AM A B’NAI B’RITH GIRL…I am a B’nai B’rith Girl, and I will make a decision today according to the ideals I believe in and what I believe will best represent those of B’not Shalom BBG. I am a B’nai B’rith Girl, and I will vote for the girl who inspires, motivates, and encourages others to be leaders. I am a B’nai B’rith Girl, and I will vote for someone who loves what she will be doing and will work hard on behalf of the region to achieve success. I am a B’nai B’rith Girl, and I will vote for the girl who offers to help before it is asked. I am a B’nai B’rith Girl, and I vote for the girl who attends programs and supports her chapter and her region. I am a B’nai B’rith Girl, and I will vote for the candidate based on her experience, qualifications, goals, and dreams, not on our friendship. FOR I AM A B’NAI B’RTIH GIRL.”
6. Election Procedure:
· Presiding officer says: “Do I have a motion to dispense with all chapter business and move directly into chapter officer elections?”
· A member makes a motion. Another member seconds.
· Presiding officer says: “We are now moving into the election of ________. All those declaring for the high and honorable position of ________, please rise (hit gavel once). All those declaring for the high and honorable position of ________, please rise (hit gavel once). All those declaring for the high and honorable position of ________, please rise (hit gavel once).
· After all the candidates have risen, presiding officers says: “I now recognize in alphabetical order…”
· Presiding officer then says: “Are there any nominations/ slide-over’s from the floor?” Presiding officer says: “I recognize…”
· After nominations are given, presiding officer says: “Seeing no other nominations, do I have a motion to close nominations?”
· A member makes a motion. Another member seconds.
· After nominations are closed, the president asks each person nominated, “If elected will you serve? (hit gavel once) “If elected will you serve? (hit gavel once) “If elected will you serve? (hit gavel once)”
· All candidates/ nominees leave the room
· In alphabetical order, the candidates read speeches and the nominees state their qualifications for one minute
· After all the candidates/ nominees are through, the vote is taken by the president who specified which ballot should be used. Ballots are then collected by the president and counted by both the president and the advisor
· The winner is determined by the majority (half plus one)
o If there’s a tie: the chapter members are asked by the president to come up with a question for the candidate that is applicable to all candidates and should be asked to all candidates.
o In alphabetical order the candidates are questioned
o After all candidates are questioned, the vote is retaken
7. Dossier (filled out):
Dossier for Spring/Summer 2008 Term
Name: Toby Friedman
Position Running For: Mazkirah
Years in BBG: 1 awesome year in BBYO!
Conventions Attended: Fall Kickoff, JC, Beau, & CLTC 1 (pending)
Honors/Awards Received: n/a
Past Positions: sunshine girl food chairwomen
Additional Qualifications: I am very organized and I was one of the editors for the Ottawa Hills Junior High newspaper and the yearbook so I had to talk to people about coming to meetings and getting in there information in on time.
Ideas for the Spring/Summer Term:
· Sending out email reminders every Monday (or 1 day before each program) with information about the upcoming program
· Sending out a postcard at the beginning of each month with the upcoming programs for the month
· Calling everyone every Sunday (or 2 days before each program) to inform each person of the upcoming program and give them the information
· Sending out postcards with convention information such as the clothes we’re wearing, the bus times, what special things to bring, etc.
Pick ONE and answer:
1. Who is your favorite BSN Boy and why?
2. Who is the best Federman and why?
3. Most embarrassing BBYO moment:
4. Most memorable BBG moment: When Kelly and I planed the exercise program and it was successful and everyone liked it!
5. Who is your BBG flame, and why?
I ___Audrey Friedman___ permit Toby Ruth Friedman to run for the position of Mazkirah.
8. Dossier (blank):
Dossier for Fall/Winter 2008-2009 Term
Position Running For:
Years in BBG:
Conventions Attended:
Honors/Awards Received:
Past Positions:
Additional Qualifications:
Ideas for the Fall/Winter Term:
Pick ONE and answer:
6. Who is your favorite BSN Boy and why?
7. Most embarrassing BBYO moment:
8. Most memorable BBG moment:
9. Who is your BBG flame, and why?
I _________________ permit __________________ to run for the position of _______________.