HOF Members:

Ron Beard

Andy Boland

Matt Carpenter

Rick Carpenter

Will Carpenter

Brad Detmore

Kelly Eddlemon

Kevin Eddlemon

Jason Gray

Ivan Heredia

Chad Huffman

Royce Huffman

Scott Huffman

Spencer Jackson

Myron Johnson

Jason Kirchner

Kevin Lawson

David Leatherwood

James Loney

Tony Mardirosian

Eric Nelson

Jason Patterson

Patrick Penry

Mike Peterson

Josh Plumaj

Stephen Porlier

Mike Scarborough

Kelly Shearer

Jason Slanina

Wardell Starling

Mike Susaneck

Grant Taylor

Shawn Thompson

Luis Venitucci

Kip Wells


Tyler Porter

Jason Slanina

Knights Baseball Club

6140 Hwy 6, #160

Missouri City, TX77459

Dear Elkins Baseball Supporter,

January 17, 2014 marks the date for the Elkins Knights Hall of Fame Banquet. The funds raised by this year’s event will be used to make capital improvements to the baseball fields and to purchase new equipment and supplies for the baseball program. We are soliciting your donation to help that dream become a reality.

The Elkins Knights Baseball program is a high school baseball program dedicated to developing individual skills within the team concept and preparing players to advance to the highest level. Through proper guidance and exemplary leadership, the Elkins baseball program assists players in developing qualities of citizenship, discipline, teamwork, and physical well-being. By exposing the virtues of character, courage and loyalty, the Elkins baseball program is designed to develop superior citizens and superior athletes.

The enormous expense of conducting this kind of program continues to grow each year. We are soliciting auction items for our upcoming Hall of Fame Banquet on January 17, 2014. This fundraiser allows the baseball program to purchase equipment and to make improvements to the baseball complex.

Your donation of an auction item would be greatly appreciated. The Hall of Fame auction is conducted in conjunction with the Knights Baseball Club so your donation is tax deductible. The Baseball Club is organized and operating as a 501(c)(3) and can provide you with a tax deductible receipt if needed.

Thanks again for supporting the Elkins Baseball Program. Your participation in the Hall of Fame Banquet is greatly appreciated. Please contact Auction Chair, Cassie Schmitt at or at 281-814-0826 regarding your donation.

Thank you for your consideration,

Knights Baseball Club

Knights Baseball Club is organized and operating as a 501-C Non-Profit Organization. Taxpayer I.D. #26-2729530