Atlantic Union Management Consultation Committee (AUMCC) Meeting

Dartmouth, NS

December 4-5, 2012

Record of Decisions (ROD)

In attendance:
Theresa MacInnis – NVP (NS) CEIU
Donna MacDonald – NVP (PEI) CEIU
Tony White – NVP (NL) CEIU
Deborah Gray – NVP (NB) CEIU
Linda Wilcox – Women’s Issues Eastern Canada, CEIU
Glenn McMullen – CAPE (NS)
Mike Dixon – PIPSC
Denise Richey – National Union
Representative (NL), CEIU
Michel Doiron – EHSM
Woody Francis – ED, CSPDB, NL
Doug Wentzell – WMS Lead
Arlene VanDiepen – ED, CSPDB, PEI/NS
Jeff Tapley –A/SED, CSPDB
Jacques Laprise – ED SSB
Christine McDowell –ED, INS
Jim Woods –A/SED PPS
Patrick Loyer – HRSB (for Michael Hines)
Kathryn Price – Director CFOB
David Kaulback– EHSMO / Regrets:
Samuel LeBreton (CAPE NB)
Mona Daigle – National Union Representative (NB), CEIU
Sharon Barbour – National Union Representative (NS/PEI), CEIU
Denise Feaver– PIPSC (Medical Adjudicator)
1. / Opening remarks, review of agenda / The Union Co-Chair welcomed the group and provided brief introductory remarks, including a welcome to Denise Feaver. A round table was undertaken to introduce the members. The agenda was reviewed with no changes. The Union reiterated the need to receive documents well in advance of the meeting to accommodate travel schedules, and that it is acceptable to send English materials as they are available and note translation to follow.
The RODs from the last two meetings were reviewed. Slight changes were made to the May 29 document (unclear action item removed from first section). The administrative investigation protocol was discussed briefly, with agreement to discuss more fully at the next meeting. The Union indicated difficulty in locating organizational charts by province and business line. The status of item 6 on EAP usage information is unclear. HR will follow up. The Union indicated a preference for business line updates to remain a standing item on the agenda.
  • Administrative investigation protocol to be added to next agenda
  • EHSMOwill forward links on what org charts are available
  • HR to enquire as to available EAP information
  • Business line updates to be agenda standing item

2. / Business line leave policies / The Union outlined issues and concerns with leave, the use of seniority and cancellation approaches. PPS reviewed the document submitted for leave during the 2-week December holiday period only. Management conceded that cancellation of leave requests is not an issue. However, changes in previously submitted leave dates will only be entertained on an exception basis, due to difficulties with scheduling in production or call centre environments.
  • PPS ED will ensure staff awareness of the approach

3. / Work hours and overtime / The policy regarding change of hours was discussed, which involves a formal approach to change shift. The Union indicated flexibility is required. The PPS position is to maintain current approach. The Union requested a copy of the note providing the approach.
  • PPS ED will provide the written document, if it exists.

5. / Spring Union/Management Presidents’ Conference / The EHSM indicated his support for another joint meeting but indicated that it now must be supported at the NHQ level, given the new meeting approval policy. A spring meeting has been included in the Regional annual roll-up submission for NHQ approval. It will be a meeting with a learning component, as was the previous session.
  • A briefing note on the joint meeting will be done to support the submission for approval

6. / Alternate Work Arrangements (AWA) / It was clarified that AWA was rescinded only in the NIDS call centres, as production was down. The change has resulted in a positive impact on productivity, as staff is available on a continuous basis for workload management. The Union reiterated the need to be advised in advance of any policy changes. INS ED advised that local Union presidents were aware but that NVPs should have been advised.
6. / Regional Budget / The CFOB director provided a high-level overview of the budgetary situation. Significant progress has been made in the current year deficit situation, such that P8 is seeing a return to the centre of unrequired funds. Existing Term employees are forecasted to the end of the fiscal year. The structural deficit is still an issue but is being addressed over time.
7. / Virtual and telework / The EHSM advised that national decisions are still pending. Telework is on the next CMC agenda. It was reiterated that DTA is separate and the Region has 47 current DTA cases. Once a decision is made, the Union representatives will be advised.
8. / Employment equity / The PPS ED, Chair of the EE Committee, gave an update since the last meeting. One video-conference meeting was held, the web page was launched, a message was issued on International Day for Persons with Disabilities and is working on a joint message with the CEIU NVP for Women’s Issues on a message for the national day of remembrance for victims of violence against women. Committee members have been assigned with events on the committee plan. Awareness is increasing and people are coming forward to become involved. The Union raised the need for joint learning on legislative roles and responsibilities.
  • PPS ED will look into Joint Learning Program support for the learning issue
  • EE statistics will be presented at the next AUMCC meeting

9. / Business Line Updates / Points were raised for INS and CSPBD. The Union raised concern for the requirements associated with CCAJ information session. The INS ED advised the current sessions are ending December 11 and will resume January 17. Concerns were raised with NHQ but there will be no change in approach. The Union asked about the increase in instances of irate clients, anecdotally. The A/SED advised that security protocols are in place and will be expanded to all locations where staff interacts with clients (e.g. meeting rooms).
13. / Closing remarks and round table / The co-chairs thanked the group and wished everyone a good holiday season. It was recognized that it was Glenn McMullen’s last meeting as a CAPE representative. His efforts were noted and he was thanked for his contribution. Glenn thanked the members for their support. There were no round-table comments.