This instruction applies to:- / Reference:-
Prisons / PSI 15/2013 (RE-ISSUE)
Issue Date / Effective Date
Implementation Date / Expiry Date
07 May2014 / 31May 2013 / 30 May 2017
Issued on the authority of / NOMS Agency Board
For action by (Who is this Instruction for) / All staff responsible for the development and publication of policy and instructions
Public Sector Prisons
Contracted Prisons*
Heads of Groups
*If this box is marked, then in this document the term Governor also applies to Directors of Contracted Prisons
Instruction type / service improvement
For information / Prison/IRC Head of Finance/Head of Corporate Services; prison Waste Management Supervisors
Provide a summary of the policy aim and the reason for its development/revision / The Waste Management Monitoring System (WMMS) is the management information system provided to prisons and HMP Immigration Removal Centres (IRCs)for recordingwaste, reuse, recycling, waste disposal and its associated costs and revenues. In addition to recording waste management data required under current legislation, the WMMS also reports on performance against targets, identifying costs and benefitsand providing data for decision making and reporting. The mandatory reporting against Government-set targets and alsothe HM Treasury Financial Reporting Manual (FReM) requirementsnecessitate in the mandatory completion of the WMMS by all prisons to ensure 100% compliance across the prisons estate.
The aims of this PSI are:
•to inform on the mandatory requirement to report waste management data and costs;
•to mandate the use of the WMMS as the reporting tool to be used to assure standardised reporting;
•to provide a definitive data set for waste management at prisons; and
to outline the further guidance and support available.
Contact / Derek Hannan; tel 02035458526; email:
Associated documents / Waste Management Monitoring System (WMMS):
User Guide: Data Entry
Replaces the following documents which are hereby cancelled: N/A
Audit/monitoring:Compliance will be monitored by the MoJ Sustainable Development Team. Non-compliance with this instruction will be notified to the applicable prison Governor/Director, Regional Deputy Director of Custody and, where applicable, the Controller (NOMS).
Introduces amendments to the following documents: N/A
(Copies held on the NOMS Intranet/EPIC will be amended; hard copies must be amended or cross referenced locally.)
Updates: 07 May 2014 – Contact details in this instruction have been updated.



Section / Subject / For reference by:
1 / Executive summary / Governor, Head of Finance, Waste Management supervisor
2 / Operational Instructions / Prison data and WM staff
3 / Guidance / Prison data and WM staff
4 / Equality Impact Assessment

1.Executive Summary

1.1Prisons/IRCs have been, on a voluntary basis, reporting waste management data and costs to the MoJ Sustainable Development Team on a quarterly basis, using the Waste Management Monitoring System (WMMS), the reporting tool designed specifically for the purposes. The data has been used to:

•identify the full range of benefits realised through effective waste management;

•identify under-performing sites with the view to developing improvement action plans;

•identify opportunities to reduce costs and develop revenue streams.

•provide robust and comprehensive information for environmental performance reporting, reporting performance against Government set targets and for official correspondence (PQs, FOIs, Treat Official etc).

1.2To conform to current legislative requirements, the data required for reportingon waste types, quantities, disposal specifications and contractors used should be available at each site. Financial data, such as waste disposal costs and revenues received for waste materials should be available from the prison’s finance section.

1.3With the introduction of revised Government-set targets (the Greening Government Commitments) and also the requirement that all public sector bodies reporting in accordance with the HM Treasury Financial Reporting Manual (FReM) must include a sustainability section in their Annual Report and Accounts covering their performance during the year, it is necessary for the mandatory completion of the WMMS by all prisons and HMP IRCs to ensure 100% compliance across the prisons estate.

Desired outcomes

1.4This instruction aims to ensure that:

•All prisons and HMP IRCs will complete the Waste Management Monitoring System (WMMS) as required;

•data will be complete, accurate and stand up to scrutiny;

•fully completed data returns are emailed on a quarterly basis to the functional mailbox: ;

•a definitive data set for waste management at prisonsand IRCs is recorded.


1.5Governors (Prisons and IRC), Directors,Heads of Corporate Services/Heads of Finance and waste management supervisors need to be conversant with the contents of this PSI.

Mandatory actions

1.6Governors mustensure that the WMMS issued to their prison is completed in accordance with this PSI and the guidance on procedure provided within the data entry user guide.

Resource Impact

1.7There will be a minimal direct resource impact on staff at prisons. It is estimated that the data entry process will take approximately 0.5 hour per week.

(Approved for publication)

Andrew Emmett

Director of Finance & Analysis

2.Operational instructions

2.1The WMMS and WMMS Data Entry User Guide will be issued via email to each prison Governor at the start of each financial year.

2.2Staff willinputthe required data following the guidance set out within the ‘Waste Management Monitoring System (WMMS): Data EntryUser Guide.

2.3There are two versions of the WMMS and the Data Entry User Guide; version 1is designed forprisons that issue clothing and equipment (C&E) to prisoners sourced from the National Distribution Centre (NDC)store, Branston, and version 2is designed for prisons that do not issue C&E from this source. Fundamentally, both versions of the WMMS record the same under-pinning data with version 1 having the additional facility to record the value of issued C&E salvaged from the waste for reuse within the prison.

2.4The completed WMMS is to be emailed as directed at para 2.6and within 15 days of the end of each quarter of the financial year. The WMMS is to be kept at the prison for continued use up to the end of the financial year. A new version of the WMMS will be issued each financial year.

2.5The WMMS returns are to contain full and accurate data which may be subject to internal audit and audited by the Environment Agency.

2.6Completed WMMS returns and other enquiries are to be emailed to:


3.1A Data Entry User Guide will be issued with the WMMS.

3.2Further advice and assistance can be requested via the functional mailbox:

3.3A 1-day training course on the WMMS can be delivered on a Regional basis should an explicit training need be identified and there is sufficient demand within the Region to ensure the training is cost effective.