Sample Eagle CeremonyDecember 2012
MC Good afternoon my name is ______
and I am honored to serve as the master of ceremonies as we honor ______for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.
MC Before we begin the program, I’d like tointroduce a few special guests:
MC “Will the troop please prepare for the presentation of colors.”
(MC proceeds to the center and turns to facethe audience)
MC : "Would everyone please stand for the presentation ofour Colors and the Pledge of Allegiance."
MC : (calls the troop Color Guard- to present the colors. Four(4) Boy Scouts march in and take their places.)
MC : “Color guard, advance!”
Color guard stops at the front of MC and waits for thecommand to prepare to post the flags.
MC : “Color Guard, prepare to post the colors”!
Once the Color Guard reaches the front of the room the Color
Guard goes over to flag stands but does not put flags in
stands until after the pledge. (American flag on speaker’s
right... Troop flag on left) The MC will call "Hand Salute" and
leads the Pledge of Allegiance. The flags are then posted,
American first then Troop; MC will ask the audience to "Please
be seated". He then dismisses the Color Guard "Color Guard,
dismissed", and follows them to the back of the Room where
they then quietly proceed to their seats.
MC :"Hand Salute" (and leads the Pledge of Allegiance, Scout
Oath and Law)
MC: “Guests Please be seated, Color Guard, dismissed"
MC: Scouts, Scouters, and friends, I would like to welcome you to this Eagle Court of Honor. This is an occasion forpride and joy, as well as a time for serious reflection. The Eagle
Rank is the highest recognition that Scouting offers to Scouts. It isearned through the advancement program, and only 4 percent ofboys who begin in Scouting receive this honor. The Eagle award is the epitome of Scouting's best efforts and beliefs. Today, we have the pleasure of seeing Justin climax his Scouting efforts when he joins the company of Eagle Scouts. Before we begin, ______, will deliver the Invocation.
INVOCATION by ______
“Heavenly Father, we thank you for the interest in the Scoutingmovement that has brought this group together. We thank you forthe success of the Scouting program in the United States sinceFebruary 8, 1910. We are grateful for the influence that Troop 97
has had on the lives of boys since it held its first charter in 1997. We pray for continued blessings on this troop, its leaders, its troop committee, and its sponsor through the years ahead. We pray that Troop 97 may continue to turn out leaders for tomorrow prepared
as good citizens.”
At podium-COMMITTEECHAIR-Convening of the NationalCourt of Honor:
"By the authority vested in me as arepresentative of the Abraham Lincoln Council Board of Reviewand the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America, I declare
this Court of Honor to be convened."
I will describe to you what the Boy Scouts of America expectsof a young man who wants to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout.”
“The first consideration is the examination of the candidate’sproficiency in the various crafts and skills prescribed in therequirements for the Eagle Award. A Scout must earn 21 meritbadges and of these there are 13 required for all Scouts to earn.”
“This Eagle candidate presented a record of the merit badgeshe earned and the advancement he has accomplished. Theserecords were carefully checked.”
“The candidate has been certified by the Council and approved bythe National Office. The Abraham Lincoln Council’s Board ofReview found that the candidate has completed all required meritbadges.”
“The second consideration for the Eagle Award isleadership. The Abraham Lincoln Council carefully reviewed therecord of the candidate's performance in his leadership positions.”
“They found all positions held in the troop and his Eagle serviceproject to meet the requirements of the Eagle Award. They foundthat the candidate displayed his capacity and his willingness toexert leadership in activities that are constructive and worthwhile to
this community.”
“They believe that he is qualified to receive the Eagle ScoutAward.”
“Last, but certainly not least, is the Scout's character.Abraham Lincoln Council has reviewed letters of recommendationfrom leaders, teachers, his church, and many others regarding thecandidate.”
“It is the finding of the Board of Review that this candidate has putinto practice, in his daily life, the principles of the Scout Oath andLaw.” “They believe he will continue these habits after receivingthe Eagle Award.”
MC:Let us bring the candidate forward.
Eagle Scout Honor Guard, please escortEAGLECANDIDATEbefore this Court of Honor where he will be preparedto receive the Eagle Scout Award.
[After the Honor Guard return to their seats, the MC continues
and the troop’s Scouts come forward and prepare for the
description of the Eagle badge]
MC: Presentation of the Eagle Award is animportant and serious matter. For the Eagle Candidate before ustoday, the award is a climax of many years of Scouting efforts.
Attainment of this award is made possible through the assistance ofthose with the candidate today: his Scoutmaster, troop leaders,fellow Scouts, parents, family, friends, and members of our localcommunity. This is an occasion of pride and joy as well as a time
for reflection. has distinguished himself through hiscontinued, active service in Scouting. He is trained and practiced inhis leadership abilities, and he is marked by the character gained
through an understanding of his citizenship and religious beliefs. Itis important that we understand the meaning of the Eagle badge.
Eagle Light Box Presentation
MC: “ Will the Scouts in the troop please explain to all attending the meaning of the Eagle Scout Badge.”
(Light the Eagle on the light box.)
Scout 1: The appealofthe majestic Eagle has been felt byindividuals from prehistoric times to the present day. To theEgyptians, the eagle was the messenger to the gods and the sun, asymbol of eternal life. To the Romans, he was the carrier ofJupiter's thunderbolts and a sign of power. To the America Indians,he stood as the incentive to valor and the pledge of victory. For ustoday, the eagle is a living symbol of courageous and freedomaspiring Americans. When the badge of rank for Eagle Scouts wasdesigned in 1912, a small silver eagle wassuspended from a tricolor ribbon of red, white, and blue. Itremained so today.”
(Light the white portion of the ribbon on the light box.)
Scout 2: “The foremost responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to live withhonor, To an Eagle Scout, honor is the foundation of character. Heknows that "A Scout is Trustworthy" is the first point of the ScoutLaw for a good reason. An Eagle Scout lives honorably, not onlybecause of the infinite importance of doing so to himself, butbecause of the vital significance of the example he sets for otherScouts. Living honorably reflects credit upon his home, his troop,his church, and his community. May the white of the Eagle badge
remind you always to live with honor.”
(Light the blue portion of the ribbon on the light box.)
Scout 3:“The second responsibility of the Eagle Scout is loyalty. ASCOUT is true to his family, leaders, friends, school and nation. Hisloyalty to his troop and brother Scouts makes him pitch in and carryhis share of the load. All of these help build the loyalty which means
devotion to community, to country, to one's ideals, and to God. Maythe blue of the Eagle badge always inspire your loyalty.”
(Light the red portion of the ribbon on the light box.)
Scout 4“The third responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to becourageous. Courage is a quality by which men measure inthemselves and others. To a Scout, bravery means not only the
courage to face physical danger, but the determination to stand upfor his rights. Trusting in God with faith in his fellow citizen, he looksforward to each day, seeking his share of the world's work. May thered of the Eagle badge always remind you of courage.”
(Light the scroll on the light box.)
Scout 5“The fourth responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to be cheerful.To remind the Eagle Scout to always wear a smile, the red, white,and blue ribbon is attached to the scroll of the Second Class ScoutAward, which has its ends turned up in a smile.”
Scout 6 “ The final responsibility of an Eagle Scout is service. TheEagle extends a helping hand to those who still toil up Scouting'strail, just as others helped him in his climb to Eagle. Theperformance of the daily Good Turn takes on a new meaning, whenhe enters an adult life of continuing service to others. The Eaglestands as the protector of the weak and helpless. He aids andcomforts the unfortunate and the oppressed. He upholds the rights
of others while defending his own. He is always prepared to putforth his best. You are deserving of much credit in having achievedScouting's highest award. However, wear your award with humility,ever mindful that the Eagle Scout is looked up to.”
Scoutmaster’s Presentation
MC: T h e Scouting movement constitutes one ofthe most wholesome and significant influences in the world today.Many successful, well-known persons are Eagle Scouts- a formerPresident of the United States, a film director whose films have wonworld-wide acclaim, most of the original astronauts, and severaloutstanding sports personalities. The Eagle candidate whoseefforts culminate today in the presentation of the Eagle badge, has
labored long to enter this brotherhood. He will assume even greaterresponsibilities to the ideals of honor and service. When he pledgeshimself on his sacred honor, he will be sealing his loyalty to thecode of the Eagle Scout with the words which closed theDeclaration of Independence.
Scoutmaster Introduction
MC: “ Would Scoutmaster Scoutmaster pleasecome forward to perform his duties in this Court of Honor.”
Scoutmaster:"Scouts of all nations make up oneof the most wholesome and significant movements in the world'shistory. You have been judged by the Boy Scouts of America as
being worthy of this honor. All who know you rejoice in yourachievement. This award, as you will know, is one of honor andresponsibility. You are a marked man. As an Eagle Scout, you haveassumed a solemn obligation to do your duty to God, to Country, toyour fellow Scouts, and to mankind in general. This is a greatundertaking. As you live up to your obligations you bring honor toyourself and to your brother Scouts."
"America has many good things to give you and your children afteryou; but these good things depend for the most part on the qualityof her citizens. Our country has had a great past. You can helpmake the future even greater."
"I charge you to undertake your citizenship with a solemndedication. Be a leader, but lead only toward the best. Lift up everytask you do and every office you hold to the highest level of serviceto God and to your fellow man."
"So live and serve, that those who know you will be inspired tofiner living. I charge you to be among those who dedicate theirhearts, hands, skills, and abilities to the common good. Help tobuild America’s future by continuing to set an example of cleanliving, honest work, unselfish citizenship and reverence for God,whatever others may do. You will leave behind you a record ofwhich you may be justly proud."
"Eagle Candidate I charge you to enter this EagleScout brotherhood holding without reservation and ever before youthe ideals of honor and service. By the repetition of the Eagle Scoutpromise before your fellow members, you will become an EagleScout. When you pledge yourself on your sacred honor, you will besealing your eternal loyalty to the code of the Eagle Scout with thesame words which closed the Declaration ofIndependence."
Eagle Scout Pledge
“The Eagle Scout candidate will now take theEagle Scout pledge, which will be administered by Eagle Scout EagleScout.”
Eagle Scout "Will all Eagle Scouts here today
please stand and renew your Eagle Scout promise as Justin joins
our brotherhood?
Eagle Scout: (Pause) EagleCandidate and all Eagle Scouts present,will you please give the Scout Sign and repeat after me?
Eagle Scout: On my honor, I will do my best,
response: On my honor, I will do my best,
Eagle Scout: to do my duty to God
response: to do my duty to God
Eagle Scout: On my honor, I will do my best
response: On my honor, I will do my best
Eagle Scout: to do my duty to my country.
Response: to do my duty to my country
Eagle Scout : I reaffirm my allegiance
response:I reaffirm my allegiance
Eagle Scout : to the three promises of the Scout Oath.
response: to the three promises of the Scout Oath.
Eagle Scout: I thoughtfully recognize
response: I thoughtfully recognize
Eagle Scout: and take upon myself
response: and take upon myself
Eagle Scout Adam: the obligations and responsibilities
response: the obligations and responsibilities
Eagle Scout: of the rank of Eagle Scout.
response: of the rank of Eagle Scout.
Eagle Scout: On my honor,
response: On my honor,
Eagle Scout: I will do my best
response: I will do my best
Eagle Scout: to make my training an example,
response: to make my training an example,
Eagle Scout: and make my rank
response: and make my rank
Eagle Scout: and influence strongly count
response: and influence strongly count
Eagle Scout: for better scouting
response: for better scouting
Eagle Scout: and for better citizenship,
response: and for better citizenship
Eagle Scout: in my troop, in my community,
response: in my troop, in my community,
Eagle Scout: and in my contact with other people,
response: and in my contact with other people,
Eagle Scout: to this, I pledge my sacred honor.
response: to this, I pledge my sacred honor.
Eagle Scout: “Two. Eagle Scouts Please be seated"
(Eagle Candidate stays where he is at.)
(Eagle Scout sits back down.
Eagle Scout Awards
Scoutmaster steps up to the podium. CommitteeChair stands next to Scoutmaster to assist handing out Eagle Scoutawards.)
Scoutmaster "EagleCandidate, your conduct along thetrail has been excellent. You have rededicated yourself to theprinciples of Scouting. But one more thing is important ... yourfuture."
"As an Eagle Scout, you become a guide to other Scouts. Youbecome an example in your community. Remember that youractions are now a little more conspicuous and people will expectmore of you.”
“To falter in your responsibility would reflect not only on you, but onyour fellow Eagles and all of Scouting. The torch you carry is notonly yours, but it is also ours."
Scoutmaster "EagleCandidate, we arefinally at that point you have been waiting for. Having confirmed allreadiness for the reception of this award, it is now time to formally
present this high badge of accomplishment."
Scoutmaster “EagleCandidate, we wish to congratulate youupon this achievement on behalf of the boys and adults of Troop97. We are all extremely proud of your achievement and equallyproud of your progress along the Scouting trail.”
“As a small token of our pride in you, it is my honor to present thisspecial neckerchief and slide, an emblem of all Eagle Scoutseverywhere, to you. Please wear this with pride in our program andwith pride in your personal achievement.”
There will be table by the podium that has the neckerchief,Eagle Award kit, and certificate.
[Scoutmaster and ASM places the neckerchief and neckerchief slide on EagleCandidate]
Scoutmaster “Just like your past progress alongthe trail, you did not go it alone. Your fellow Troop membersassisted you greatly. Your friends and those in your communitysupported you while you completed the service projects.”
Your parents supported you throughout and it is at this time we askthem to please join us here.
Scoutmaster: Will the Eagle Scout escorts pleasebring parents forward to join their son.
[Eagle escorts bring the parents of the Eagle Scout forward.]
ASM1: “As a member of the Lincoln Home Eagle Board of Review forthis Scout, I have the honor of presenting this Eagle Awardpresentation kit and certificate on behalf of the National Court ofHonor of the Boy Scouts of America to your Scoutmaster for
presentation to you.”
[ASM1 and Scoutmaster steps up to EagleCandidateand Mother. Scoutmaster
moves to mother to hand her the Eagle Scout badgefrom kit.]
ASM1: “Scoutmaster will you please assist me inpresenting the Eagle Scout Badge to Mother who will pin herson with this high honor.”
[ASM1 opens the kit, Scoutmaster gets the medal out and givesit to Mother, who then pins EagleCandidates badge on the uniform on theleft side above the pocket centered.]
ASM1: “EagleCandidate, because your mother comforted you and assisted inyour development, I ask you to please present to her the smallEagle Scout pin, an outward symbol of your achievement which shemay wear with pride.”
[ASM1 opens the kit, Scoutmaster gets the mother’s pin andgives it to EagleCandidate, who then present the pin to his mother.]