Re: Closed Meeting – 6:00 p.m.
Upon motion of Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Conner, and unanimously carried,
the Board of Supervisors convened in Closed Meeting to discuss the following matters:
Discussion of a personnel matter.
Consultation with legal counsel regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by such counsel, to-wit:
§ Contract Negotiation
Upon motion of Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Conner, and unanimously carried,
the Board of Supervisors of Brunswick County, Virginia, reconvened in Open Meeting.
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Brunswick County, Virginia (“Board”), convened a Closed Meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and,
WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, requires a certification by the Board that such Closed Meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board hereby certifies that, to the best of each member’s knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the Closed Meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the Closed Meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board.
Ayes: Conner, Drummond, Jones, Tyler, Finney; Nays: None.
Re: Regular Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Chairman Finney called the regular meeting to order and welcomed all
citizens in attendance.
Re: Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Supervisor Conner gave the Invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Re: Approval of Agenda
Upon motion of Ms. Drummond, seconded by Mr. Jones, and unanimously
carried, the Board approved the agenda with the following additions:
Department/Agency Presentations
§ Add FY11 Appropriations Request - Letters of Support
County Administrator’s Report
§ Add Salary Adjustment
§ Add Holiday Pay
Ayes: Conner, Drummond, Jones, Tyler, Finney; Nays: None.
Re: Public Hearing
Conditional Use Permit Case #09-018, County of Brunswick , Triplet Solid Waste
Convenience Center
Mrs. Sullivan, Director of Planning, stated that the subject property is located on
the northwest side of Western Mill Road (State Route 670), approximately 0.5 of a mile
south of the intersection of Western Mill Road and Penn Drive (State Route 672) in the
Powellton Magisterial and Election Districts.
The applicant requests approval of a conditional use permit for, as per Section 4-
1-35 of the Brunswick County Zoning Ordinance, “facilities, activities and operations
which are provided by a duly constituted unit of government” in the Agricultural (A-1)
Zoning District.
The purpose of the request is to permit the applicant to construct, operate and
maintain a manned solid waste convenience center for the collection of public solid
waste. The applicant requests approval of this site as part of a county-wide plan to
convert the County from “dumpster” sites to collection centers for waste.
The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on Conditional Use Permit
#09-018 at their January 12, 2010, meeting. At the conclusion of the public hearing the
Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of Conditional Use
Permit #09-018 to the Board of Supervisors subject to the following conditions:
1. Permittee shall construct, operate and maintain the facility in accordance with all rules and regulations of the Brunswick County Zoning Ordinance, with any and all terms and conditions of this conditional use permit, and in compliance with all federal, state and other local laws and regulations for this use. Failure of the permitee to operate in compliance with all federal, state and local laws will result in enforcement action by the County which may include revocation of this permit by the Board of Supervisors.
2. Prior to the issuance of a zoning permit for the proposed facility or any accessory structures and/or equipment, the applicant shall submit a site development plan to the County for review and approval in accordance with the provisions of Article 27 of the Brunswick County Zoning Ordinance.
3. Prior to commencing land disturbing activities on the subject property, the applicant shall submit to the County for review and approval an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan in accordance with the provisions of the Brunswick County Erosion Control Ordinance and the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Regulations. This approval includes the permittee obtaining a Land Disturbance Permit from the County.
4. A copy of any and all permits and/or licenses from any federal, state, local or other governmental agency regulating this use must be on file with the County prior to the issuance of site plan approval.
5. Permittee shall secure and maintain all federal, state and local licenses and certificates required to do business in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the County of Brunswick.
6. Permittee shall submit to the County all proposed design, construction and operational plans, permit applications and other documents that are submitted to local, state or federal agencies in connection with the facility.
7. All documents received by the County from permittee shall be public records.
8. Storm water runoff from the facility shall be managed and discharged in accordance with applicable federal and state regulations.
9. No use other than a manned solid waste convenience center is authorized unless described in this permit.
10. Access to the site shall be limited to a single access point. No trucks or materials shall enter the facility except through this point. Prior to the issuance of zoning and building permits for the proposed facility, the permittee shall submit to the County a copy of an approved commercial entrance permit from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT).
11. Operations of the facility shall not involve the use of any external speakers.
12. This conditional use permit shall expire if the use of the site for a solid waste convenience center ceases for two (2) years or more.
13. Permittee shall not accept hazardous wastes at the collection site.
14. Permittee shall keep the site and adjacent public rights-of-way clean of debris/trash.
15. Permittee’s site operational plan shall include measures to control odor, dust and vectors which may be associated with solid waste collection.
16. Should it be determined by the Director of Planning that the minimum visual buffer does not provide an adequate screen, the permittee shall submit a landscaping plan for supplementation to these buffers for review and approval by the Director of Planning. If additional landscaping is required, permittee shall install this supplemental landscaping in accordance with this approved landscaping plan prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
17. The site shall not be used for the storing or parking of vehicles used for the collection of solid waste (trash trucks).
18. The conditions hereof are not severable. Should one or more be deemed unenforceable, this permit shall be void.
Chairman Finney opened the public hearing. The following citizens spoke:
· David High, 2777 Triplet Road, Lawrenceville, Virginia spoke in opposition to the conditional use permit application.
· Quinten Irby 5235 Benton Road, Triplet, Virginia spoke in opposition to the conditional use permit application.
After providing all citizens an opportunity to express their views, the Chairman
closed the public hearing.
Upon motion of Mr. Tyler, seconded by Mr. Jones, and unanimously
carried, the Board approved Conditional Use Permit Case #09-018 subject to the
conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission.
Ayes: Conner, Drummond, Jones, Tyler, Finney; Nays: None.
Re: Approval of Minutes
Upon motion of Ms. Drummond, seconded by Mr. Tyler, and carried, the Board
approved the minutes of the January 20, 2010, Regular Meeting, February 9, 2010,
Joint Meeting with Brunswick County Industrial Development Authority as
Ayes: Conner, Drummond, Jones, Tyler, Finney; Nays: None.
Re: Virginia Department of Transportation
Mr. Dale Goodman, Resident Engineer, presented the monthly report
as follows:
Construction Report
· Rural Rustic Program 2009-10
o Route 722 – Wrightwood Drive from Route 611 to end state maintenance
(working on environmental documents)
Spot Stabilization
· 2009-10 Program
o Route 611 – Dry Bread Road from Route 644 to Route 46
Maintenance Forces
· Snow removal due to weekly storms. Placing stone on various secondary routes around mailboxes and low shoulders and on non-hard surfaced secondary roads; machining non-hard surfaced secondary roads; replacing pipe; and patching and cleaning intersections.
Revenue Sharing Program
· Revenue Sharing Program FY09-10, Route 785 Park Place. Application and Resolution approved.
Turnkey Asset Management for Interstate Maintenance
· Effective July 1, 2007
· 24/7 Telephone Number – 1-866-378-7743 (Smart Traffic)
VDOT Stage 3 Implementation
· Residency reorganization effective April 24, 2010
Route 46 North Bridge
· The contractor began work February 17, 2010. It is anticipated that demolition of the old structure will occur March 1st. The project is scheduled to be completed August 2010.
Re: Department/Agency Presentations
Congressman Tom Perriello – Congressional Update
Congressman Tom Perriello provided a congressional update to the Board of
The Board thanked Congressman Perriello for providing the update.
FY11 Appropriations Request – Historic Courthouse Rehabilitation Project
Ms. Woolridge, County Administrator, stated that Congressman Perriello is accepting FY11 Appropriation Requests at this time. She recommends that the Board consider submitting a request for partial funding in the amount of $1M for the Brunswick County Historic Courthouse Rehabilitiation Project. Additionally, Ms. Woolridge stated that a similar request will be submitted to Congressman Forbes.
Upon motion of Mr. Conner, seconded by Mr. Jones, and unanimously carried, the Board approved a letter of support to request partial funding for the Historic Courthouse Rehabilitation Project through Congressmen Tom Perriello and Randy Forbes FY11 Appropriations Request.
The Board thanked Congressman Perriello for providing the update.
Brunswick County/Lake Gaston Tourism Association – Bobby Conner
2010 Brunswick Stew Day at the Capitol
Bobby Conner, Brunswick County/Lake Gaston Tourism Association, stated that the 9th Annual Brunswick Stew Day at the Capitol was a huge success. Eighty-five (85) gallons of stew was served. Governor McDonnell visited with the Stewmaster and the volunteers. Also, the Stewmaster and volunteers were recognized on the House floor for preparing and serving Brunswick Stew at the Capitol.
The event received great media coverage from the following outlets: The Associated Press, Washington Post, Richmond Times Dispatch, Virginian-Pilot and Brunswick Times Gazette.
2010 Valentines Virginia Day
Bobby Conner, Brunswick County/Lake Gaston Tourism Association, stated in 2008 the General Assembly passed a House Joint Resolution designating February 14th as Valentines, Virginia Day. A note card was designed and sent to 150 media outlets. As a result, Valentines, Virginia received media coverage from WRAL TV5 (Raleigh, NC) and CBS-6 News (Richmond, Virginia).
This was provided for the Board’s information.
Virginia Transportation Map – Addition of Road
Bobby Conner, Brunswick County/Lake Gaston Tourism Association, stated that Fort Christanna site was added as a “point of interest” on the Virginia Transportation map. Mr. Conner stated that Fort Hill Road, Route 686, will be added to the next printing of the Virginia Transportation Map.
This was provided for the Board’s information.
2010 National By-Way Grant Program
Bobby Conner, Brunswick County/Lake Gaston Tourism Association, stated that in December the Brunswick County/Lake Gaston Tourism Association applied for Transportation Enhancement Funds for the Fort Christanna Museum and Visitor Center. The federal government has opened their By-Way Grant Program with a deadline of April 1, 2010. He requested a letter from the Board of Supervisors in support of the grant application.
Upon motion of Mr. Tyler, seconded by Mr. Jones, and unanimously carried, the Board approved a letter of support for the National By-Way Grant Program application.
Brunswick County Visitors & Welcome Guide
Bobby Conner, Brunswick County/Lake Gaston Tourism Association, provided a copy of the South Hill Visitors & Newcomer Guide for the Board’s review. He stated that the Brunswick County/Lake Gaston Tourism Association has entered into a non-monetary agreement with Womack Publishing to draft a Brunswick County Visitors & Welcome Guide. He explained that Womack Publishing will sell ads and write the articles. There is a possibility that Brunswick County/Lake Gaston Tourism Association may have to purchase an ad. However, no additional funds will be required from the county. He stated that he will keep the Board informed as the project moves forward.
This was provided for the Board’s information.
Re: Citizen Comments
The Chairman opened the citizen comment period and advised that each citizen
will be allotted three (3) minutes to speak. No citizens spoke.
After giving all citizens an opportunity to express their views, the Chairman
closed the Citizen Comment period.
Re: Consent Calendar of Reports
Upon motion of Mr. Tyler, seconded by Ms. Drummond, and unanimously
carried, the Board approved the Consent Calendar of Reports as presented for the
following organizations:
A. Lawrenceville-Brunswick Airport Monthly Report – January 2010
B. Sheriff’s Office Monthly Report – December 2009
C. Southside Community Services Board Minutes – December 15, 2009
D. Roanoke River Service Authority Minutes – November 24, 2009
E. Industrial Development Authority Minutes and Executive Directors Report
F. Planning Commission Minutes – January 10, 2010
G. Board of Zoning Appeals Minutes – January 27, 2010
H. Building Department 2009 Annual Report
Ayes: Conner, Drummond, Jones, Tyler, Finney; Nays: None.
Re: Brunswick County Public Schools - Monthly Report
There was no report.
Re: Finance Director’s Report
Approval of Disbursements
Upon motion of Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Conner, and carried, the Board
approved the disbursements in the total amount of $745,040.79 as follows:
· system checks dated January 28, 2010, in the amount of $10,221.85