ICSMSU 4th Meeting 2014-2015

23/09/2014 – 17:00

Reynolds Building CX


  1. 1.
1.2 / Introduction
Dariush Hassanzadeh-Baboli
Dina Saleh
Chippy Compton
Steve Tran
Dan Price
Anna Hurley
Jen Watson
Kanch Niruttan
Mala Mawkin
Obi Abani
Callum Brehany
Anju George
Med Harris
Usama Asif
Cyin San
Gugs Lidder
Salma Haddad
  1. 2
/ Minutes of the last meeting still to be completed:
Action point – Jen/Socials to liaise regarding best Mums & Dads prize over Summer.
Action point – Ents team to liaise with Med for ideas on implementing the theme during Sports Day.
Action Point – Kanch/Anju to provide pictures of the merchandise as previously seen on the website/freshers’ packs. If not, someone needs to model it…
Action Point – All officers need to do the SU Key Information Quiz if they have not yet done it.
Action Point – Dina to finalise clubs and socs information for online calendar/liaise with Dan/Usama/Salma regarding the
different calendars on the website (social/academic). Dan to find a way if possible to sync calendar to smart phones.
Action Point –Dan to complete Clubs and Socs photos when he has a spare moment.
Action Point – Usama to look out for notes/ask on FB groups/potentially email and see if any are worth putting up on Notebank. Get feedback from others in the year. This could be delegated to year reps?Chase up to see whether this has been done.
Action Point – Salma to liaise with Gugs regarding Sohag Saleh’s idea for 3rd year re-introduction into ECGs etc. He wants to do this via SU (more official). Chase up to see whether this has been done.
Action point – Gugs/Mala to write descriptions for all merchandise to go up on shop. If any other officer would like to help
takes less than 5 mins), please let them know.
3.4 / Matters arising:
Final Yearbook Co-Chair:
  • This was voted on and decided at the meeting.
FEO-SU Dinner/Mindle:
  • The date is set to be Wednesday 1st October – a chance for current SU and the FEO to meet over food and drinks.
Action point – Dariushto liaise with FEO regarding the Mingle and sort out the details.
ICSM Website and Calendar
  • It was decided that the current academic calendar should be merged with the social calendar on the SU website to form a general ICSMSU calendar which can be synced to phones. This is so that every event is all in one place and thus the calendar will be used more often.
Action point – Dina, Dan, Usama, Salma (and potentially socials) to set up a meeting to get this done, preferably by Freshers.
Amendment’s to Bop Deciding Committee
  • After the successful meeting this year, it was felt that the new Bop Deciding committee was a good idea and should be implemented for future years.
  • The only amendment to make is to include a member from the Bar to join the meeting and vote (after discussion with Carl), as it is their responsibility as well.

4 / Officers’ reports
4.1 / President: Dariush Hassanzadeh-Baboli
Freshers' Fortnight Sales over all FoM courses:
  • Record Number of Tickets sold. 208 initially and opened another 23.
  • Scope to open more/passports minus dinner depending on number limitations for the Welcome Dinner.
  • At time of writing over 24 BMS have bought Passports and 20 GE have bought ball tickets
  • Will invite all DE and external iBSc students to the boat party and ball via email and when I speak to them later this week
- Callum and potentially Jen to attend iBSc day in South Kensington on Friday.
Reynolds Bar
  • New bar manager (Carl) has officially started.
  • Have spoken to him about ICSMSU traditional role within the bar and stewarding.
  • Hoping to have a clearer understanding of what the distinct roles between voluntary stewards and paid bar staff.
  • Also discussing other nights that will utilise the bar during quiet nights, both for IC and ICSM students. Some ideas include a cocktail night and a battle of the bands.
  • Email sent to the medical school, staff and alumni. Many thanks for those who helped proof-read the email.
  • Positive response and support from various people, including Consultants who are very unhappy with the fact that the students' voice does not matter to certain members of college.
  • ICU and ACC are very concerned about this as well. We shall be working closely with both to ensure big changes, such as Teddington and Acton, do not happen without proper consultation.
  • Remind friends that they need to sign the online form to receive complimentary food at the Alumni Day
Issues with Exams 2013/14
  • Sat down with key members of staff to discuss what happened, why it happened and how to prevent it from happening again
  • Very productive meeting
  • Students will be informed soon with all details

4.2 / Deputy President: Anju George(apologies)
  • Mine is pretty brief - still on vacay! Forwarded urgent emails to Dariush/Chippy who have been so helpful during my time away so many thanks to them! Set to return on the 29th September.

4.3 / Treasurer: Alex Compton
  • Payments going through IC still very very slow.
  • STFYD and HWD on track.
  • I am one step closer to tracking down SB money.
  • Big SU finance spreadsheet still ongoing.
  • Released 23 more passports!

4.4 / Secretary: Dina Saleh
  • Sent my first newsletter yesterday after a lot of tester emails going wrong.. and it worked.
  • Action point for myself – send C&S email about rules re. newsletter
  • Met with Dan to discuss calendar
  • Finally set up mailing lists for the up to date years/clubs and socs
  • Going through emails/sending things out to relevant years/forwarding to Dariush and Dan and the relevant society etc
Action Point – Dina to send C&S email about rules re. newsletter.
Action Point – Dina/Mala to sort out sports night rota bop and send email to ICSMSU Exec regarding times.
Action Point – Dariush to send mailing lists to Dina for the unfinished year groups e.g. Year 4
4.5 / Communications: Dan Price
  • Received information from 9 societies for e-leaflets. Now online, just tidying stuff up before making it more obvious. Should be sorted by meeting.
  • Working on Contact Us form and buy/sell section. Should be done by Freshers'.
    Thoughts for name to be Phoenix Bay?
  • Organising website calendar system with Dina. Will be sorted for Freshers’. Syncing not a problem. Need to discuss academic calendars but that can wait until after Freshers stuff is sorted.
  • Lots of pages on my list of things to update. Prioritising Freshers stuff for the next few weeks. Pretty much every page has to be restructured to play nice with the new layout.
  • Did shop bundle photos. At some point in the future we need to redo the shop photos. I got my brother to model the Phoenix hoody but I didn’t have any of the other stuff at home.
  • Other stuff I can’t remember.
  • Progress somewhat slowed since summer now that I actually have to spend some time learning medicine.

4.6 / Welfare Officer: Jen Watson
  • Had a meeting with Sky Yarlett at ICU to discuss the Medic branch of the Affordable Imperial campaign. Working up plans to address the decrease in funding for years 5/6 as well as ways to pre-empt financial problems for students on the new 5 year graduate entry course.
  • Working up some surveys to gauge student opinion and the extent of the problem.
    - Thoughts to get other med schools and BMA involved?
  • No longer accepting Mums & Dads sign ups and started matching people up – if a fresher emails/FBs you asking where to sign up, tell them to show up on the night for adoption.
  • Several discussions regarding year 1 resit results and appeals against withdrawal from college with Mike Emerson and some of the students students involved.
  • Also discussed freshers’ welfare talk with Mike Emerson – ready to present a united front
- Thoughts are to scrap Mums & Dads with regards to the BSc students but instead to do a meet and greet etc.
4.7 / Clubs and Societies: Med Harris (apologies)
  • Med has been busy sorting all things C&S out in the office the past few weeks… (Southampton tour etc.)

4.8 / Sites and Services: Kanch Niruttan
  • Lockers
  • Check on vending machines
  • Pass on quotes on water filters
  • Get quote on sign painting
  • Get quote for putting up signs
  • Buy lock for upstairs cabinet

4.9 / Academic Officer (Early Years): Usama Asif (apologies)
  • Greetings from Marbella!
  • Fulfilled most of my action points
  • Apart from liaising with Dariush about the fresher’s talk, will do when I get back
  • Steve, the meeting you wanted to come to is on the 8th Oct. I’ve told Salma as well, and we both know. We’ll get a venue and let you know soon
  • I think, for the calendar, we just need to meet in person (Dina, can we make the meeting between you, me, Salma and Dan an action point for next time?)
  • I still need to do the spreadsheet thing for Jo and Mary but I told them I’d have it done before my term starts (29th Sept)
  • Sorry about the MedSoc clash with HWD! Hopefully someone will step up
Action Point –Usama to do the spreadsheet for Jo and Mary before 29th Sept.
4.10 / Academic Officer (Science Years): Cyin San (apologies)
  • Received list of Y4 BSc names from Nicole Barnes; need to work with Jennie to quickly set up mums & dads for about ~60 iBSc/DE students
  • Will be sending out welcome emails to Y1 BMS and Y4 BSc students via Dariush over the next 2 days or so
  • Communicating with BMS admins on arrangements for their first day
  • Currently talking with Pascal on early elections for Resp Science as requested by their course leader; ICU is investigating whether this is possible (and if not, what to do)
  • Will be communicating with Nicole tomorrow on whether it’s worthwhile to train year reps on delivering the Student Consultation Framework, and indeed whether there’s a need for it within the BSc courses
Action Point – Dariush to send out the year 1 BMS welcome email as soon as possible.
4.11 / Academic Officer (Clinical Years): Salma Haddad (apologies)
•Happy Birthday Dariush!!!
•Attended DCS forum
•Did introductory talk for 3rd years and Q&A panel with Dariush and Usama
•Room booked for academic societies meeting on the 8th (thanks Dina!)
•I'm really tanned now
4.12 / Alumni & Careers Officer: Steve Tran
  • Setting up careers network

4.13 / Entertainments Chair: Callum Brehany
  • IC finance team are being slow getting our payment through. They take the money from our account, but we're having messages from external companies asking why we haven't paid them. Forced payments through courtesy of Dariush and Alex contacting them, however we need a meeting to discuss how we will phrase complaint letter (and coordinate complaints from external companies) to ensure that this doesn't happen in future.
  • Apart from that, the fortnight is going well. Leaders chosen, and into the final stages of planning. Passports have sold out (208) we're opening another 23 in the next day or so, then looking at numbers for Boat Party to see if we should open it up to older years.
  • Bops have been assigned, and feedback sent to clubs.
-Discussions on the ‘Refreshers’ passport. The current thought is to charge £15 for Freshers’ ball, Drs and Nurses pub crawl and Beach Bop for £15. Ensured entry to Bop with passport as long as arrival is before 9pm. No drink tokens included in this offer.
-Reminder to tell students to bring IDs to external events.
AP from previous meeting -
  • I didn't get in touch with clubs with clash, as the only clash is with Muslim Medics, and judging from the posts, and the fact that we're sold out I felt it would be inappropriate as it may cause resentment/a clash with the society. However, I do wish to voice my concerns over their advertising strategy as I feel it is encouraging segregation, as is offering a male and female ticket for different events.
  • Sorry I haven't had a chance to liaise with Med nor Dariush about Alumni Day. Finance department being slow, along with Bops and Leader applications had to take priority.
  • I think I've done key information. If not, it will be done before meeting.
  • At least Jennie got Whatsapp and I didn't need to pay for it.

4.14 / Social Secretaries: Gugs Lidder (apologies) & Mala Mawkin
  • General fresher planning
  • Bops decided and clubs know results
  • Roadshow leaders decided and know results (possible AP-have we liased with Mikey smith etc about on stage stuff?)
  • Mala liasing with Obi re. RAG Alumni Bop
  • Gugs liasing with Med re. Sports Dinner
  • Went to investigate lala for post sports night- wanting minimum spend so ents decided against using this venue. Looking into another venue for first sports night after party- any ideas?
  • Mala liasing with Med re. A.N.A.L Tour (November Varsity tour called Annual November Allsports League). Will take place on 29 Nov. £25. Currently Rugby Hockey Football Netball and Lax been invited to submit a first team. Email to whole of icsm to buy a ticket (supporters bus) emailed out before fresher's. The current plan is roughly 60 players and 60 spectators, curry for people who played and then everyone goes to the club. No need for hostel as everyone will return that night. Thoughts are that tickets will be released through clubs.
  • Everyone should have the final timetable for stewarding from Mala now. No one has said any problems so that is good to go. Still waiting for CMF to tell us names of stewards (Salma?)
Action Point –Gugs to sort out the first sports night after party venue.
Action Point –Mala to liaise with Obi and Med regarding RAG’s involvement in A.N.A.L tour.
4.15 / RAG chair: Obi Abani
  • Successful RAG Alumni Bop (10 years on) event
  • Meeting with Chelwest for their potential involvement in RAG this year
  • Trying to get Roehampton for first RAG event

4.16 / Summer Ball Chair: Anna Hurley
  • So I've secured Mare Moto for the Graduation Afterparty which I'm super excited about! The capacity is 440 and we have the entire venue to ourselves. Couldn't have asked for more!
  • Spending all of today going through all the Summer Ball Applications and choosing my committee to fully get the ball rolling.
  • I've got some venues that I'm going to see in the week and some proposals drawn up. Also meeting Klum at some point in the week to discuss things!
Action Point – Dariush to find out exam dates for all years events (e.g. Summer Ball) can be organized (ideal if the day of 5th
year path/after final years have officially finished).
4.17 / Bar Managers
4.18 / ICSM Gazette
5 / Any other business
6 / Upcoming Events:
4/10 – Packing Day
5/10 – BBQ & mingle
6/10 – Pirate Boat Party
7/10 – Mums and Dads
8/10 – Drs and Nurses
9/10 – Film Night
10/10 – ROADSHOW
11/10 – Big Chill
12/10 – Sports Day
13/10 – Pong. Probs not. Mystery Thursday.
14/10 – Medics vs Engineers Quiz
15/10 – Sports Night
16/10 – Freshers’ Dinner & Ball
17/10 – Freshers’ Review & Beach Bop
7 / Next Meeting:Saturday 4th October in SK.
8 / Dates for your Diary:
Saturday 4th October: ICSMSU Exec Meeting & Packing Day
4th-17th October: Freshers
Wednesday 8th October: Academic Society Heads Meeting
Saturday 18th October: Alumni Day at Teddington/MedSoc Conference in Liverpool
Wednesday 22nd October: Start Searching for Snowball venues
Tuesday 28th October: Ents Meeting to choose venue for Snowball
Friday 31st October- Halloween Bop
Monday 3rd November: Booked Snowball by now
Friday 21st November: Bop
Monday 15th December: Snowball
Friday 19th December: Christmas Bop