Thai Studies Center,

Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University,

Bangkok 10330, Thailand

Tel: (662) 218-4862

Fax: (662) 218-4889




For………..Semester, Academic Year…………

Required qualifications

  1. Applicants must possess Bachelor’s Degree in any disciplines
  2. Applicants must have a good command of English

Required documents

Applicants are required to submit following documents

  1. A completed application form with a photograph (3cm x 4 cm) attached
  2. A photocopy of Bachelor’s Degree certificate
  3. A photocopy of academic transcripts (in English)
  4. A Curriculum Vitae
  5. 2 recommendation letters from dean, head of department or advisor of the applicants’ institution
  6. Any of following English Proficiency test result which meets the scholarship’s requirement: CU-TEP (≥45), TOEFL (Paper-based ≥450, Computer-based≥133, Internet-based ≥45-46) or IELTS (≥4.0)
  7. A brief research proposal
  8. A photocopy of ID card passport (Thai students)
  9. A photocopy of passport (Foreign students)

Please type or print

1. Name (Mr., Mrs., Miss) ______

Last First Middle

2. Mailing Address: (In case of changes, please notify immediately)





3. Birthdate______Age______Place of Birth______


Native Language______Citizenship_ __

Marital Status______Passport Number______

4. You are applying for an admission as:

[ ] a degree student [ ] a non-degree student

5. Do you plan to live on campus? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Please state how you will meet the full expenses at your course.

If from scholarship, give name, duration, value and state if award has been made:


6. If you are now a candidate for a degree, please state the following:


Expected date of completion ______


7. Current employment and status:

[ ] government employee [ ] non-government employee

Name of institution/office/company




Position and responsibility


8. Knowledge of English and Thai (good/fair/poor)

Speaking WritingReading

English ______

Thai ______

Other language apart from

your native language (if any)______

9. Education and training:

Type / Name of Institution, City / Years of Study / Degree or
High School / to
Graduate / to
Graduate / to
Training / to

10. Field of specialization : Major______

Minor ______

11. State/explain/describe. Please indicate in brief your research proposal or your plan of study. (Use separate paper if necessary)



12. I hereby certify that the information I have given in this application is complete and accurate. I agree that upon admission I will subject to the rules and regulations of ChulalongkornUniversity.

Signature of applicant______Date______

Signature of sponsor______Date______

Additional Information

1. Have you attended any training programs on the Thai language?


2. How did you learn of the Thai Studies Centre at ChulalongkornUniversity?

[ ] alumnus [ ] advisor or instructor [ ] others______

Have you ever applied for admission to ChulalongkornUniversity?

[ ] No [ ] Yes, Year______

3. Have you had previous personal contact with a University representative?

[ ] No [ ] Yes, With whom?______When?______

4. Have you ever been to Thailand? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, please specify the dates and purpose of visit(s).

During the period of______for (purpose)______

During the period of______for (purpose) ______

Details of Spouse or Dependants: Do you have a husband/wife or any dependants?

(a) Already in Thailand[ ] Yes [ ] No

(b) Intending to accompanyor join you in Thailand? [ ] Yes [ ] No

5. If yes to either (a) or (b) please complete details below:

Last Name / First Name / Relationship / Date of
Birth / Will dependent study in Thailand? / Institution
Yes / No