Minutes of Annual General Meeting

Glasgow Science Centre

20th November 2015

1. Welcome

Mr David Wilson, Chairperson, IBMS in Scotland, welcomed everyone to this year’s meeting and thanked them for coming to theAGM, he particularly thanked those who had come some distance. David also thanked the companies that had sponsored the event –Becton Dickinson, Roche,Greiner Bio-One, Technidataand Menarini Diagnostics

2. Apologies

Apologies were received from Jackie Wales, Ken Rae, Drew Caldwell

3. Approval of minutes from AGM 2014

The minutes were approved by Jennifer Tait and seconded by Ewan McGregor

4. Matters Arising from previous minutes

No items for discussion

5. Chairperson’s Report presented by David Wilson , IBMS in Scotland chairperson

Council Elections - Two members from Scotland stood for election but were unfortunately unsuccessful. I would like to thank both individuals for standing. Without good people who are willing to volunteer we would not be able to run this organisation

Derek Bishop was elected to the position of Vice President of the Institute of Biomedical Science at the Institute’s 2015 Annual General Meeting. Congratulations to Derek.

Branch Activities

These remain strong.

  1. Lothian Branch – Training school running successfully, Modern apprenticeships ongoing,HNC programme in progress hoped to develop HND programme ,Branch subsiding 2 X BMS 1 X Support worker to congress (fees only).
  2. Tayside –Laboratories undergoing UKA inspections,3 Golf outings arranged,It is hoped to revitalise the branch with some Scientific meetings
  3. Glasgow and West of Scotland – Discussion groups going well and occur every 2 months. The exception being the cellular pathology group, which is no longer functional but it is hoped to restart . AGM proposed this year to be held at QEUH with update on Ebola as theme.A successful quiz night was held 8th May at Hampden Social Club
  4. Aberdeen- Branch held a careers event and there was some interest due to Robert Gordon starting an access to science course. A scientific meeting was held where IanColdicott discussed his recent experiences with VHF in Africa. The branch was supporting Health care support workers in attending congress.

2017 IBMS AGM the 2017 IBMS AGM will be held in Aberdeen.

ThanksThe chair thanked the Scottish Quality Managers Discussion Group and the Training Forum for their hard work over the past year.

6. Council Report 2015- presented by Betty Kyle

New President

Ian Sturgess a Pathology Manager and current President Elect will have an inauguration ceremony on Thursday 4th December and will take over from Nick Kirk who will become Past President for one year.

Vice President

Derek Bishop was appointed as Vice President of IBMS at the annual general meeting in June 2015, I am also very pleased to announce that at the 2016 AGM Derek will also be awarded the Sims Woodhead Medal, which is given in memory of Professor Sir German Sims Woodhead, who was instrumental in providing support for the formation of the Pathological and Bacteriological Laboratory Assistants' Association, the medal was first awarded to Albert Norman in 1924. Derek may only be the 26th person to receive the Institute’s highest accolade


The President and Chief Executive have held talks with the UKAS chief executive and business development director to discuss a range of matters, the talks included concerns raised by Biomedical Scientists around difficulties during implementation of ISO 15189 and, costs associated with doing so. Robert Simpson and Debra Padgett from Council are pulling together examples of common issues that UKAS will need to consider going forward. Scottish hospitals have responded to a request for examples where they have experienced difficulties.

Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) Council of Professional Bodies

The big focus for the Academy this year is the one voice project, they have asked all professional bodies to contribute to supporting this project, whoever IBMS are seeking assurances around several concerns including ensuring that the contributions would not cross subsidise ‘one voice’ and other areas of the AHCS, the need for a clear business plan for the project and the potential added value to the IBMS.

The Academy are also considering subscription and voluntary registration arrangements for a higher specialist scientist registers, and IBMS have published advice for members.

Subscriptions 2016

A 3% subscription increase for 2016 was approved by Council, this will go towards improvements in planned service delivery and further developing the IBMS website e.g. upgrading the CPD and educational areas to meet the expectations of the members.

New Region

A new Welsh Region was created at the last AGM previously Welsh members were associated with to English Regions.

New Certificates

IBMS Certificate of Competence by Equivalence was formally approved by (HCPC) which, subject to the resolution of a small number of conditions, would allow the availability of this route from January 2016.

The Institute’s equivalence route to registration as a clinical scientist was also approved by HCPC subject to some conditions and availability of this route is expected in early 2016.

IBMS Qualifications

There had been an increase in candidates taking IBMS higher specialist diploma qualifications. And Scotland once again hosted exams in Glasgow, there were also 4 delegates from Northern Ireland with us as it is cheaper and easier to travel to Glasgow than London.

Personal Proficiency in Pathology

A joint statement document on personal proficiency assessment was released by the IBMS, The Royal College of Pathologists and The Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine. Personal Proficiency schemes are for staff reporting and interpreting for examples cervical cytology, BMS pathological slide reporting, it may extend to BMS Blood film and marrow reporting.

A task and finish group, chaired by Allan Wilson is being pulled together to consider the implications for members and the IBMS, including further guidance that might be required and will also include biomedical scientists in other disciplines as well as Histo.


IBMS have a new data base which will make things easier for staff in the office to handle membership issues and as you have heard we also developing a new system for replacing the CPD systems including the e-Portfolio.

Congress 2015

Congress was a great success once again with delegate numbers matching that of previous years. Exhibition space had sold out and sponsorship uptake exceeded the last Congress. There were new parallel sessions for Students and Support Workers.

Shared Services

In an effort to reduce costs in the health service and release more money for direct patient care a Shared Services proposal was announced in August 2015. Pharmacy, Radiology, Laboratory Services and Medical Physics are all included for consideration.

The Chief Executives of our Health boards have initiated this process and Brian Montgomery an ex Chief Executive has been given the task. All managed diagnostic networks have been asked to consider the proposal and submit suggestions around how a shared service could enhance their clinical service. The initial thoughts are that there is money to be saved in reducing levels of management staff, centralising some services and taking national contracts rather than each health board doing so. The managed diagnostic networks have to respond by November of 2015. We will circulate relevant information as and when we find out.

7. Treasurers Report

Mr Ewan Macgregor presented the Treasurers report for 2015

INCOME / £ / p / EXPENDITURE / £ / p
Balance in hand 01 Oct 2014 / 3001 / 37 /  / AGM 2014 Expenses / 2514 / 45

Half Year Allocation 1 / 875 / 25 / 
 / February Meeting Expenses / 297 / 70
 / June Meeting Expenses / 287 / 50
AGM 2014 Delegate Fees / 455 / 00 /  / September Meeting Expenses / 454 / 00

AGM 2014 Company Sponsorship / 1700 / 00 /  / Glasgow Science Centre AGM 2015 Deposit / 600 / 00
AGM 2014 Supported Places 49 / 850 / 00 / 
(Branches) /  / 2014 Meeting Expenses outstanding / 184 / 00

2015 Meeting Expenses outstanding / 238 / 50 / 
01 Oct 2015 / 2932 / 47
TOTAL / 7270 / 12 /  / TOTAL / 7270 / 12

The cash in the bank as of 1stOctober 2015 is £2932.47– Approved by Jennifer Tait

8. Training Forum Report – Presented by Diane Anderson, Chairperson of IBMS in Scotland training forum.

Specialist diploma portfolios

Experts from the forum commented and fedback to IBMS following a pilot of the IBMS Specialist Diploma for Blood Science (BS)

Training for Trainers workshops

Following the review reported in 2014 of HCS TtT completed in collaboration with HEI representatives from GCU, WOS, Abertay – RGU in agreement.

HEI across the Scottish region have reverted back to the original 2 day format of “Training for Trainers” workshop. Participant trainers are equipped with information and knowledge contextualised over the 2 day workshop through the use of relevant examples and resources. Evaluation of the 2014/15 programme was excellent.

IBMS Forum members participate in delivering of the refreshed Training for Trainers workshop. As stated last year; we are conscious of the needs of other HCS groups and welcome anyone who wishes to participate in the refreshed training for trainers.

Professional representation

March 20th 2015. Certificate for the World Hand hygiene Record breaking attempt was presented to DMA, as representative of IBMS GSC by the Health Minister.

Once again thank you for all the knitted bugs – we smashed the record. Please take time to look at the Record Breakers certificate on display.

September 2015 – Higher Specialist Exams

DMA – arranged and facilitated the IBMS HSD exams in Glasgow at GCU – successful.

Participant feedback was positive - despite the drilling.


Retirement : Jean Bell –Tayside Biochemistry / Blood Science represetnative:On behalf of the IBMS in Scotland Training forum DMA would like to thank Jean for her valued contribution to Training forum activities from inception through to her retirement. Jean was instrumental in the design and setting up of Training for Trainer workshops and has guided many Students and Trainee BMS Staff through IBMS and SQA qualifications. She is an inspiration and will be missed at our forum meetings.

Treasurer : Nadine Wilkinson.

Nadine is moving to a new position of Quality Manager in NHS Lothian. In the meantime Nadine is willing to maintain the books until such times as a new treasurer is appointed. Thanks to Nadine for her continued support of the Forum.

Secretary : Vacancy. DMA is undertaking role of Chair and Secretary at present. Training forum are looking to address membership and to appoint to the vacant posts.

DMA reiterated that IBMS in Scotland training Forum members understand the importance of knowledge sharing as a fundamental ingredient to success. We are readily prepared to work towards fostering concentration of expertise and encouraging others to share their knowledge in moving forward with the development and improvements to Training and Development across the diverse disciplines within the geographical representation from across Scotland. We will assist and support new and existing Training officers / Managers and promote networking wherever possible.

In review of our membership we will aim to include, as far as practicable, a member from each of the recognised disciplines/ groups.

Minutes of the Forum meetings will be sent to the IBMS in Scotland group for onward circulation to the wider IBMS community.

IBMS forum members must have approval and support from their local Mangers and be willing to represent other disciplines within their region as appropriate.

Funding support –Branches across Scotland have supported the training forum during 2015. Many thanks for your support.

Meetings 2015

Gael Quality hosted a Q pulse knowledge sharing event – this event held in April 2015 was very well received. Training forum members (JW, MMCL, AF) shared their experiences of using Q pulse, including the training module, to demonstrate how to provide evidence for ISO 15189 as well as monitoring staff sign off for various documents and SOPs within the document control system. Following the success of this knowledge sharing event, it is the intention of the Training forum to host a meeting in spring 2016.

Next Training forum meeting in Glasgow – Wednesday 20th January 2016, John Moore building Glasgow Caledonian University.

Future dates:

Spring meeting and knowledge sharing date, Time and Venue TBC

9. Scottish Quality Managers Discussion Group Report – Presented byChairpersonLynne Doverty , Chairperson SQMDG

MeetingsThe group had another successful year with two well attended meetings, one in May, the second yesterday in the Teacher Building.

May meeting in Perth proved successful, albeit cramped at lunchtime, with 67 delegates in attendance. Ian Sharp’s keynote speech entitled ‘Competency of the Audit Program and Transition to 15189’ was very well received and resulted in some very interesting conversations in the discipline specific break out groups. Representatives from UKAS were again in attendance, this time joining in with the individual discussion groups answering the delegates often challenging queries. Ian Sharp’s presentation is available on the SQMD section of the IBMS website. We had in excess of 70 attendees at the meeting yesterday. November The format of the November meeting differs from the May meeting. We had five speakers whose talks were varied made for an excellent meeting. David Stirling started the day off asking ‘Why manageQuality?’ presenters also discussed the quality issues around P.O.C.T. and the cost of quality. Carol Moore briefly discussed extending the laboratory’s scope of practice and flexible scope. This will become mere relevant in future when labs have gained their initial ISO 15189 accreditation. Karon Cormack’s talk entitled ‘ Human Factors of Quality Improvement’ was very entertaining and looked at error and some of the reasons people make mistakes, or breach protocol.

The ever popular Quality Quiz rounded off the meeting, this year’s questions were related to regulation of drug testing in athletics. As well as being topical is was interesting to learn about and the requirement of their laboratory accreditation body. The presentations from the meeting should be on the IBMS website in the near future. We changed the date of our winter meeting this year to coincide with the IBMS in Scotland AGM hoping that delegated travelling long distances had only one journey to make in November to attend these

Events. Hopefully this will attract a greater attendance at both events. Finally, a reminder about the SQMDG Quality award. Details are on the SQMDG page of the IBMS website.

10. Presentation of Awards

50 Year Medals were presented to –

Mrs C E Hivey FIBMS, Mr J Ito FIBMS, Mr P Kay BA CSci FIBMS, Dr F M M Scott CMLM FIBMS, Dr H M Waters PhD MSc FIBMS, Mr I Howe FIBMS

HSD awards

Kim Cooper- Medical Microbiology & Laura Scott – Virology

11. Election of Office Bearers for 2015-2016

The following office bearers were elected for one year in office

David Wilson was re-elected as chairperson – Proposed by Charlie Houston, Seconded by Paula McDonald

Ewan McGregor was re-elected as treasurer – Proposed by Charlie Houston, seconded by David Wilson

Charlie Houston was re-elected as secretary – Proposed by Dianne Anderson, seconded by David Wilson

12. AOCB

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