Savary Island Committee MeetingACTION

10:00 a.m. March 20, 2010, Savary Island Fire Hall


Area A: Janine Reimer, Rick Thaddeus, (Susan Poulos - Absent with regrets)

Area B: Sharon Feduniak, Carolyn Jackson, (Mary-Ellen Dewsnap – Absent with regrets)

Area C: Bud Graham (Chair), Phil Zweep, Jack Arnet

Visitors: Glenn Waring, Richard Waring, Brendan Allen, Sandy Challenor, Ansel Aho, Fred Feduniak, Jack McGuire.

  1. MINUTES: Adoption of February minutes with no amendments, Jack moves, Carolyn seconds, passed.

2.1 Reimbursed to Sharon: BC Registry ASIC bill $31.58, Minute binder $41.42 & faxing $6.68. Janine moved to reimburse Carolyn $60.18 for the metal drive beer. PRRD phone bill $111.66 from last year. CurrentBank balance: $4802.90 (+$570.49 waste management)and petty cash $83.62.

2.2 Fund raising ideas: Phil noted that fundraising should be for specific purposes. Janine noted that money in the bank is transferrable to the new Association, as per consultation with a lawyer. Calendar income serves day to day needs, a DVD of all previously submitted calendar pictures proposed, etc.


3.1 Carolyn Jackson was able to obtain free advice on the society’s Constitution and Bylaws. There were a few suggestions, which have been implemented: Put back into the Bylaws the expulsion text as written in the Bylaws template version, do not allow verbal cancellations of membership, redefine Directors’ meeting, rework quorum details, add provision for subcommittee minutes. The final Bylawsare available on the SIC website, in the adopted Bylaws.

3.2 Review and Adoption of Constitution & Bylaws. For the record, Bud would have preferred to have a paid lawyer do a review.

MOTION: “to approve the amended final draft of the Constitution and Bylaws for the Association of the Savary Island Committee (ASIC)”Sharon moved, Janine 2nd, passed.

Sharon thanked everyone for their patience with the Subcommittee during the last year.

3.3 Review of society’s name change from SIRRA to ASIC.


4.1 Expansion of the upper parking should be complete soon.

4.2 RCMP ticketing uninsured vehicles around dock not implemented so far. This is not just for abandoned vehicles. Bud will write a letter requesting ticketing. BUD


5.1 Bud tried to call Tyler Lambert of MoT, who is away, Carolyn emailed Tyler to discuss Townley and he should be on island with contractors soon. MoT fiscal year end is March 30 and work has not begun on Townley. In future, email follow up of phone calls to MoTwill provide paper trail. Townley Walk must be repaired prior to summer. If the work is not to be done, Phil suggests islanders do it themselves. This one project was identified by MOT & SIC as urgent and jointly agreed upon, but no work has followed through.

5.2 Bud spoke to Patrick Brabazon and was assured that development permits were only for Trillium lands.


6.1 10 tons of scrap and cars were collected, not quite enough for the salvager to cover costs. He may not be able to remove the barge. Carolyn called Bob Cunnyworth of Integrated Land Management, who told her any money to remove the pontoon barge is gone. He had recently spoken to PRRD about three projects in the area. Another salvager (Gordon Lisky) wants to quote on the barge removal. When discussing beach cleanup, terms such as “metal removal” must be used. Cooperation to load the scrap metal and clean up the barge site was fantastic, Sharon requests a list of participants in the minutes. A list of names will be provided at the next meeting.


7.1 SIC Open House to be held in August to discuss the new status as a society and hold a membership drive. Phil reminded the Committee that it is also the time for the AGM and nomination of officers for the upcoming Fall election. Posters announcing this meeting should be produced. There will be a SIN article in April. SIC Table at Frolic for membership and at the meeting in August. Dates to be confirmed. Rick suggests midweek when people are settled, to avoid cottage change over.

7.2 SIDAC dredging, pumping the sand from the wharf to elsewhere along the beach early June, prior to July 1. Original study is no longer valid. PRRD is in charge. Contractors are in place. Parcel tax for wharf maintenance from $35 to $85 per lot to go ahead.

7.3 DL 1375 partitioning, no news. Rick heard that the 13, 1-acre lots at the end of Malaspina Blvd. will return to prior owners. They are currently Crown Land. Nature Trust manages Block 224, (roughly 15 acres behind the church) for MOE. There are no specifics. Bud will contact Parks and will talk to Patrick, re: Sliammon interests &development permits for DL 1375, to be backed up with email.

7.4 Fuel management meeting Feb 13 clarified what clearing will take place, firewood and chips available, etc. Most people were satisfied. Sharon notes that the cleaning up is looking very satisfactory and has been underway for two weeks.

7.5 PRRD Parks and Green space planning: Janine spoke to the co-ordinator Andrea Towers, about what areas are being looked at. They will probably recommend areas that serve multiple benefits for areas of protection. SILT has no official position as yet, Liz Webster submitted a letter with suggestions of areas on Savary to consider. Rick suggests that our Crown lands must be protected. Janine & Phil suggested that South Beach be designated as Park land.

7.6 GOVERNANCE conclusion: Signing of the document by 6 SIC members (to be signed by remaining members at a later date), witnessed by visitors present.

As there was no further business, the meeting was terminated at 12p.m.

Next meeting April 5 @ 12:00 Noon

Savary Island Fire Hall