3 June 2014
MD and chair office, 15 MBR /
Name / Role/ organisation / InitialsLouise Proctor (Chair) / Managing Director, NHS West London CCG / LP
Dr Fiona Butler / Chair, NHS West London CCG / FB
Simon Hope / Deputy Managing Director / SH
Dr Iain Blake / GP Member, NHS West London CCG / IB
Dr Rachael Garner / Vice Chair, NHS West London CCG / RG
Dr Naomi Katz / Vice Chair, NHS West London CCG / NK
In attendance
Name / Role/ organisation / InitialsJayne Liddle (items2.3b and 3.4) / Assistant Director of Strategy / JL
Katie Beach (item 3.4) / Senior Locality Manager, WLCCG / KB
Lizz Syme / Business Support (notes) / LS
Name / Role/ organisation / InitialsSarah Wheeler / Head of Finance (West) / SW
1 / Introduction
LP welcomed the team to her first meeting.
1.1 / Declarations of Interest
Declarations of interest were received from NK,RG, IB and FB.
1.2 / Apologies
Apologies were noted from Sarah Wheeler.
2.1 / Minutes of previous meetings
The minutes of theOperational Group meeting held on 20 May2014 wereagreed as a correct record.
2.2 / Action Log
The action log was reviewed and an updated version would go to the next meeting.
Care plans 13/14: NHSE has been told that unforeseen difficulties have led to unreliable ICP data. Because of this, year end returns from practices could not be tied to our original target. This issue must be clarified and resolved for 14/15.
St Charles: The St Charles event 5 Junewas discussed in terms of the plan for the event and messages/nuancing. It was agreed that LP would ask Alison Kemp and Kate Brady for an event briefing, and a meeting about St Charles in general might be appropriate in due course.
2.3 / Matters Arising
a. / QPP income for 14/15
There was a funding difference between LES and DES. Clare Parker did not see a problem in principle to review, but further work was needed.
b. / DES and PPF
JL attended for this item.
JL outlined the context that all over 75s were required to have a named GP and multidisciplinary care package. In addition, WL had a target of 50% of over 75s having a care plan and the top 2% high risk patients also needed a care plan. F&P had agreed to additional funding to meet our operating target of 6000 care plans.
It was agreed to communicate to practices that we were implementing DES, carrying on PPF and focusing on over 75s, but to ensure there was clarity between new information and reinforcement of previous messaging.
This issue would also be taken to June CLS meetings. JL was asked to provide a slide by 9 June.
DES included a word document which needed to be added to SystmOne.
The requirement for a named accountable GP is a contractual requirement but there was lack of clarity around funding. JL would chase Strategy & Transformation for a response based on our steer.
c. / Future attendance
Clare Parker was proposing to attend CCG operational group meetings in her new role as deputy. The meeting welcomedher future attendance at WL meetings as a means of improving the interface between the collaborative and the CCG, and the proposal was agreed.
ACTION: LP - closed
d. / OOH services update
SH reported that the minimum income guarantee part was being worked up.
3.1 / Two-year education and training need
SH and RG would discuss outside the meeting the possibility of management support for new education and training activities.
or tgorupal on the basis that iGt CFare tract meetingTRING(depends on aqgenda)n programme board meetings between FB, NK, IB and
3.2 / CQC inspection of Chelwest – draft WLCCG input
The meeting noted the draft feedback previously circulated. Comments should be sent to Mary Mullix by close of play.
ACTION: ALL - closed
3.3 / GP commitment letters to new premises
The meeting noted Carolyn Regan’s summary of recent correspondence. It was agreed that a collaborative response would be appropriate, and that FB should communicate WL’s view that asking GPs to make an expression of interest was reasonable but that a requirement to make a stronger commitment at this stage was not appropriate.
A meeting with Councillor Rachael Robathan had been arranged for 10 June about the Half Penny Steps practice. FB would discuss primary care in the area with Katrina Mindel, and with colleagues would determine the appropriate attendees.
3.4 / LAS and general practice pilot proposal
JL and KB attended for this item.
The meeting discussed a proposal for a dedicated post in the LAS call centre to identify non-emergency calls and contact the GP as well as sending an ambulance. The GP could agree to the hospital admission and send the patient records, agree to visit the patient later, or agree to an urgent visit to the patient by GP or rapid response team. It was also suggested that the savings stated in the paper might be overstated or that the number of relevant calls was understated.
It was agreed to commit to the concept and to aim to progress this for the winter. It would be necessary to work up certain areas and to map all areas in detail.
There was recognition that a local trial might support a future CWHHE approach.
4.1 / NWL Collaboration Board
Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund and Whole Systems were on the agenda, as usual. The upcoming expert panel sessions were expected to take the approach of support from a ‘critical friend’ rather than a challenge to our plans.
4.2 / Chairs and MDs – OD session
LP and NK attended this 2-day session. LP reported that one main strand of the session was personality types and how to work best with each type in order to increase personal influence. One tool which might be useful at some WL meetings was a system of cards to indicate your reaction to colleagues’ input to a meeting: propose/support/challenge/observe.
Another session might be organised in the future and colleagues were encouraged to attend.
ACTION: to check with DE - closed
4.3 / Imperial clinical strategy 30/5
KB had covered this meeting but clinical input would be more appropriate in future. A new set of Imperial meetings had been added to Thursday mornings at 8am. IB is attending many Imperial forums, with significant time impact, but will attend these meetings when possible.
4.4 / Whole Systems
The over 75s bid was making positive progress. West London and Hounslow were working together on the mental health bid, which was a progress report rather than a business case. The proposals would be finalised and submitted this week in the format of 5 standard slides, a longer proposal and further slides customised for each bid.
5.1 / General cover needed
- IB would attend Imperial meeting at 8am on 5 June
- NK would cover chairs till 10.30am on 12 June, and RG from 10.30am (to be discussed further if extra OD session scheduled for 12/6)
- Ops Group would be cancelled 17/6 due to AL, though it was noted that the governing body development session would be going ahead. In light of the expected absences, LP and FB would discuss draft agenda to ensure Ops Group input to discussions via NK (chairing.)
5.2 / SaHF meetings
It is not necessary to attend or cover all these meetings. Andrew Steeden would be asked to indicate his availability and the ops group would be asked to provide cover for some remaining meetings.
6 / AOB
6.1 / Imperial COPD project
IB would send comments to FB before Thursday 5/6.RG raised concern at the request for the CCG to support.
7 / Dates of Next Meetings
- Tuesday 10 June, 11am-12.30pm (MBR)
- Cancelled: Tuesday 17 June
- Tuesday 24 June, 11am-12.30pm (after F&P - venue tbc)
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