March 2015
Dear Parents
Welcome to the Boddington Academy Newsletter.
Parent Survey
Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill in the recent Parent Survey about how you chose our school. We have had lots of really useful information that will help us with our next marketing campaigns. The Winner of the Champagne selected at random from the replies was Nicole Skinner, Nicole if you would like to come to the school office to collect your prize.
We will be in touch about setting up a focus group meeting for willing respondents soon.
Parents Evenings
The times available for Parents Evenings have just been put up on the classroom doors. The dates are either Wednesday 11th March, times 5-7pm and Wednesday 18th March, times 4-6pm.
Willow Planting
The willow planting went very well on Tuesday of half term with the majority of the school there. Thank you to all the parents and visitors that got involved as it is the children that will benefit from the willow construction that was created. (Photos attached)
World Book Day
On Thursday it is world book day, whilst the school is not doing anything for this event (due to us doing Red Nose Day) each child will coming home with a Book Voucher, details will be attached as to where and what this can be spent on.
Red Nose day
The children are welcome to wear red to school on 13th March which is Red Nose Day, for an donation.
Future Sporting Events
Wednesday 18th March Woodford Halse Cross Country (Y3-6)
Wednesday 29th April Archery Festival 4-6 @ Campion (Y4/5)
Thursday 30th April Tennis & Cricket Training (Y3-6)
Thursday 7th May Tennis & Cricket Training (Y3-6)
Thursday 14th May Tennis Festival (Y3-6)
Thursday 21st May Cricket Festival 1-6 @ Banbury CC (Y3-6)
Thursday 4th June Quad Kids Athletics 1-3 (Y5/6)
Monday 8th June Swimming Gala (Y6)
Thursday 11th June Quad Kids Athletics 1-3 (Y3/4)
Wednesday 17th June Partnership final for Basketball (we won back in Nov) – I have a list of the children that won
Thursday 18th June Rounders’ Festival (Y3-6)
Thursday 2nd July Multiskills festival (Y1/2)
Dates for your Diary
Wednesday 4th March Year 4/5/6 to Lion King
Thursday 5th March World Book Day (vouchers to be send with children)
Friday 6th March Year 2/3 to Whipsnade
Wednesday 11th MarchParents Evening-5-7pm
Wednesday 18th MarchParents Evening 4-6pm
Wednesday 25th MarchChoir, Year 1 and 2 will perform Animal Rumble Grumble for parents at 2.30pm
Friday 27th MarchSchool closes for Easter at 3.30
Monday 13th AprilTeacher Training Day
Tuesday 14th AprilBack to school
Monday 4th MayMay Day
25th May – 29th MayHalf Term
3rd June – 5th JuneGrendon for Year 4
8th June – 12th JuneCondover Hall for Year 6
Thursday 11th JuneNew entrants parents evening at Chenderit for Y6
16th June – 19 JuneTransfer Week Y6 Chenderit
Tuesday 21st JulyEnd of term
Thank you for your continued support.
Sue Lawrence