IADSA Annual meeting
June 24, 2013
Northfield Inn, Springfield, IL
Meeting called to order at 10:00 am by Kathy Wyatt, President
- Mary Killough, Deputy Director, IDOA
a.Encouraged all members to attend the CPAC meetings;
b.Discussed success of the department this year; two supplemental and one appropriation passed legislation for IDOA. These funding sources will secure FY 2014 budget.
c.Currently working on two legislation issues for Aging.
- Adult Protection for community persons over 18 years of age including disabled and mental health persons. The DHA and IDOA will merge for one Adult Projection Agency. Projected date; July 1, 2013
- Expansion of the Ombudsmen Program. This will expand their authority to assist those enrolled in managed care programs. This expansion will meet the new requirements required by CMS for all MMAI. It requires an independent advocate not connected to the MCO or providers.
d.IDOA was criticized and scrutinized regarding the community care program and fraud & abuse. A subcommittee was formed to look into possible causes. The Dept. had to put some corrective measures in place to secure the supplemental and appropriation funding. From this came;
- EVV– electronic visit verification tool for home care providers
- Changing the current way of billing by rounding to the near 7 minute
- Service Authorization Guidelines for the CCU. In April 2013 training and education was facilitated for the CCU, assessment tools are completed across the state consistently.
- BEAM – Benefit Eligibility Assistance Monitoring dept. to help work out issues for the MCO’s. Website:
e.It was learned during the ICP that some individuals were left off the transfer list from HSF and CCP. These individuals were not terminated because the Dept. wants to confirm that no one is losing services.
f.IDOA is currently holding payment until it is verified that individuals who were billed through MCO’s were not double billed through CCP.
g.All invoices for FY 13 need to be turned in by the second week in August. The Supplemental cannot help with FY 13 budget. Clear up all rejections and make sure all participants are in the system to be paid. Stay communicating with the CCU. Any late billing will have to go through Claims Court.
h. MCO – the CCU will continue to complete and submit the service authorization. The care plan will come from the MCO.
i. Mary Gillman’s Dept., OCCS, has a website. List all the clients you are having issues with their billing. Must resolve earlier than later.
2. Joseph Mason and Mary , IDOA presented a PowerPoint from the Dept. on Managed Care Organization
- Highlights; All the roll out dates and Managed Care Companies for the states were listed
- Encouraged all providers to contract with all MCO in their region.
- MMAI will have the largest impact throughout the state
- IDOA knows that the number of participants enrolled in the CCP will grow
e. IDOA will inform providers will the initial letters are sent out to participants
3. Dennis Miner, CFO for IDOA
a.321 million received between the two supplemental and the one appropriation.
b.If bills are in reject or pending, it will not be considered a bill. He emphasized that all billing must be in by the second week in August.
c.90% of payments have been sent through to the Comptroller. Hardship cases go first. There are very few bills remaining over 90 days.
d.The current payment trend will continue for FY 14. Most payments will be 90 days out.
e.He encouraged all ADS providers to change our business practices: Must bill within 90 days of services. Problems cases must be resolved ASAP with the CCU’s. Contact the Dept. if problems arrived and aren’t settled with CCU’s that affects your billing.
f.No rate increase for FY 2014. The HB2275 – Smart Act spells this out. Providers need to contact their legislators regarding rate increases.
4.Vendors in attendance introduced their company and product/s
5.Kerri Pendley and Jackie Bowers presented the PowerPoint developed by the MCO Subcommittee. The PowerPoint is to highlight ADS services provided across the state. This has been presented to 4 of the 8 awarded MCO. The PowerPoint will be emailed to those in attendance.
Business Meeting called to order by Kathy Wyatt at 12:50 pm
1.Kathy explained that membership invoices were going out July 1, 2013 to all current non paid members. Those that paid in FY 13 will have a rolling membership date. Invoices will be sent out 60 -90 days in advance. New members are always welcome.
2.2010 In-service training manual was developed and distributed through the state. IADSA has 25 remaining, if you did not receive a manual you may sign one out at the registration desk.
3.Minutes from Annual meeting 2012 accepted with one correction of a misspelled name. Vinkler in place of Winkler. Jane Stansell made a motion to accept; Ralph Ditchie seconded.
4.Treasure report presented by Jane Stansell
a.Profit and Loss statement now in QuickBooks
b.Profit and Loss Statement reviewed
c.Proposed Budget reviewed; correction made
d.Jane Stansell submitted proposal for acceptance; Elizabeth Cagan made a motion; Mary Bivens seconded; all approved
5.Amendment to Bylaws –The Regional Coordinator will be a member of the Executive Committee. Elizabeth Cagan made a motion to accept this Amendment; Jill Nelson seconded; all approved
6.Nominating Committee Chair, Carolyn Hicks presented the slate of Officers for election
a.Vice President – Carol Mauck
b.Secretary – Jacqueline Bowers
c.Finance – Young Ha
d.Education/Training and Events – Jacqueline Bowers with assistance from Winnie Lam
e.Vicki Schlomann made a motion to accept ; Nic Scheibel seconded; all approved
7.Regional Coordinator Chair, Kerri Pendley
a.Regional Map will be updated
b.Introduced Regional Coordinator
i.Elizabeth Cagan – Yellow region; Meet quarterly 8-15 attendees; has become a support system for each other
ii.Kathy Rhodes – Brown Region; 5-6 attendees; have brought in CCU representatives
iiiVicki Schlomann – North NW Orange region; 8 attendees; concerns of low census in centers and staffing issues
iv.Carolyn Hicks – South & Southside; Membership down have attended Yellow regional mtgs; Uses email to communicate; CCU and transportation issues are of concern
v.Jackie Bowers – Purple region; have met twice last year due to distances; 4 members; Jennifer Triplett is going to take over the role of Regional Coord
vi.Nancy Berry – spoke on behalf of Stacey Rhodes.
vii.Need a Blue regional Chair or will see about splitting the region
viii.South side and Kankakee need a regional Coord.
8.Advocacy Chair – Cindy Cunningham
a.The members of IADSA and Home Care Association are the reason the supplemental passed. Their advocacy was effective
b.There are consequence built in to HB 2275; No rate increase; doesn’t look good for FY 15 & 16.
c.If IDOA does not meet the deadlines in HB2275; CCP could be Medicaid only and cost share could return
d. ADS need to make ourselves uncuttable . We have to advocate; get to the legislators; educate on our cost, invite to our centers, have them to lunch
e. We could not do all our advocating without the guidance from AARP; they are the largest ADS supporters
9.IADSA Website – there is a Member Only section that Sandy Price, Administrative Assistant, will monitor. Also her thanks for setting up the Annual meeting and communicating with the members.
10.Education and trainings – Jackie Bowers; In May, Jane S, Kathy W and Jackie met with Jody Martin and Andrea from the IDOA regarding our relationship. IDOA awarded IADSA a two year grant for nearly $32,000. Jackie reviewed the highlights of the grants. Members are encouraged to get involved in the Education and training committee. They were invited to submit a resume, bio etc. to Jackie.
Meeting Adjourned 2:00 pm